was hitler right?
Was hitler right?
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No, he was left.
about what?
He was right about almost everything.
>t. Stanley Kubrick
No, now enjoy multiculturalism, hedonism and consumerism, nhilism before you are bred out of existence
He was right on most issues, but wrong about the way he went about Barbarossa.
>german economy relied on war to not collapse
>rampant censorship
>retarded pseudoscience accepted as fact
>wasting tons of precious time and resources on genocide due to previously mentioned retarded pseudoscience
>believed the strongest always prevail and lost the only way they ever fought
>autistic neckbeard larpers will defend all of this
No, he lost, which means he was wrong.
/pol/lacks should be genocided DESU.
Really only on a handful of things but even then those weren't unique ideas while everything else was complete autism.
So you admit you're wrong then. It's the first step to recovery.
At this point i would say yes
>german economy relied on war to not collapse
Not a single proof/article is ever provided to back this up. Regardless of how much you think this is 'common sense' always provide a source, in this case, proving that the entire German economy literally relied on war not to collapse.
>rampant censorship
Irrelevant. Germans have enough culture of their own so they won't need subversive crap from the outside. The NSDAP was not obliged to see the German people being divided by political activists either. Remember that during the Weimar Republic there were more than 30 political parties in Germany, Hitler absolutely hated that.
>wasting tons of precious time and resources on genocide due to previously mentioned retarded pseudoscience
Again, provide proofs. Not testimonies or documents proving Jews were killed by Einsatzgruppen or whatever, but actual proofs that Hitler wasted time and resources (precious fuel) to genocide the Jews. Do note I'm not saying Jews weren't killed, I just happen not to believe the killings were done in a strict manner, but rather in a loose one in which the Jews were underfed and labored to death.
By the way, 95% of the pseudoscience autism present in the NSDAP comes from Himmler alone. Hitler did not mind the 'scientific' part of racism as much as you think.
>believed the strongest always prevail and lost the only way they ever fought
They won the Spanish Civil War. Not much, but enough to invalidate this particular claim retards keep making.
>autistic neckbeard larpers will defend all of this
Name-calling makes you look more childish than the 'neckbeard larpers' you're attacking.
follow your leader faggot
You sure showed me now :^)
>Not much, but enough to invalidate this particular claim retards keep making
No not really, it just makes you seem like grasping at straws.
>Irrelevant. Germans have enough culture of their own so they won't need subversive crap from the outside.
tiptoplel, that's why they were craving American kino?
>Again, provide proofs.
German government revenue in 1928 was 10 billion marks against 12 billion marks in spending. In 1939, it was 15 billion in revenue against 30 billion in spending. The Germans started World War II with a debt of 40 billion Reichsmarks - against a GDP of just over 30 billion Reichsmarks.
>Not testimonies or documents proving Jews were killed by Einsatzgruppen or whatever, but actual proofs that Hitler wasted time and resources (precious fuel) to genocide the Jews.
Look up all the concentration camps, contracts with chemical industry on Zyclon B etc. But if you were trying to point out, those resources spent there were irrelevant in the grand scale of things, you'll bee correct.
>They won the Spanish Civil War. Not much, but enough to invalidate this particular claim retards keep making.
I don't see how sending a couple dudes to bomb commies invalidates that they lost the only war Nazi Germany ever engaged in, especially against the russians who they considered Untermensch
Only about the Nero decree. The German people proved themselves weak and they, like their country, deserved annihilation.
>No not really, it just makes you seem like grasping at straws.
The claim is that Nazi Germany never won a war. In reality they took participation in the Spanish Civil War and they won it, simple as that. It's considered a war victory in Kikepedia.
Approximately 300 Germans died in Spain, as little as that is to you, Germany did engage in that war. Just accept it, the original claim is wrong.
And by deeming the Russians and other peoples as subhumans they didn't mean to state that the Germans could defeat all of them, they were just saying that, racially speaking, these peoples are inferior to Germans. But of course, even if mere bees unite they'll still manage to kill a human, even though the latter is much more evolved and smarter than the former.
>In reality they took participation in the Spanish Civil War and they won it
Yet it is hillariously incomparable to the WW2.
>But of course, even if mere bees unite they'll still manage to kill a human, even though the latter is much more evolved and smarter than the former.
But could bees unite and subjugate mankind?
>But could bees unite and subjugate mankind?
fugg XD
How do we stop the buzzing menace?
like many people in history he was right about some things and wrong about others
>even though the latter is much more evolved and smarter than the former.
Irrelevant, might makes right.
Unironically, yes.
>40 billion Reichsmarks - against a GDP of just over 30 billion Reichsmarks.
>Implying that debt means you're gonna collapse if you don't go to war.
>Implying Germans couldn't pay that little debt in less than a decade, like they paid WWII reparations in a record time.
my dude...
>built on the concept of lebensraum, thus territorial expansion and war
>psueod-science, specifically about ethnicity and genetics
>severe limitation of liberties and freedom of speech
He wasn't the devil himself, especially if you choose to believe the holocaust wasn't an intentional attempt to ethnically cleanse the jews and other such undesirables. But I do think the ideology and practical application of the law under the nazi regime fundamentally goes against what we would now consider important western values. Contemporarily? I donno.
Concepts like multiculutralism, consumerism, etc weren't really around yet so you can hardly hold those up as strong arguments against or in favour of the world powers at the time.
I don't think anyone was getting executed over music.
>Not a single proof/article is ever provided to back this up
The German economy had a massive deficit and a massive debt owed to other nations. The difference between Germany and any modern day debtor nation is that Germany was not owed a significant amount of money as well, so they didn't really have a way to pay it off. The German economy was importing a lot of materials from the USSR which kept their military functioning, and they couldn't keep it functioning without these materials. By going to war with the USSR, they could extract these resources without owing the USSR anything. Germany's economy would have collapsed under debt if their economy had to function like a normal country.
>Irrelevant. Germans have enough culture of their own so they won't need subversive crap from the outside.
What subversive crap? The German government was pretty autistic in their censorship. One user posted something about the German government's music censorship which was entirely nonsensical, someone else please post it because I don't have it.
>Again, provide proofs.
All the evidence you need can be found online, at your local university, at a local museum, or literally anywhere else where historical scholarship is present.
>By the way, 95% of the pseudoscience autism present in the NSDAP comes from Himmler alone.
"It wasn't Hitler himself so it was not his fault even though he was supposed to be overseeing everything whoops he accidentally overlooked a genocide of 6 million people"
>They won the Spanish Civil War.
"muh semantics!"
Nevermind, this user posted it
>Germany's economy would have collapsed under debt if their economy had to function like a normal country.
>they didn't really have a way to pay it off.
Up to 1937, they had. If Hitler had chosen to stick with Hjalmar Schacht's economic policies instead of Göring's (the idiot responsible for the economy that came later on and which indeed relied on war), the Third Reich would've developed its industry without expansionism like everyone else did. Hitler chose to make his economy reliant on war because all of a sudden he wanted Autarky, like the impatient hothead he was. My point is that this is not something inherent to National Socialism. NS-ideology is not entitled to any form of economic policies. It's not even entitled to violent expansionism like y'all think it is. The thing it seeks, fundamentally, is to create a non-democratic ethnostate that embraces all the people who share both language and blood. Talk about everything else and you won't be discussing National Socialism's core anymore, but its ideals (like Autarky).
>The German government was pretty autistic in their censorship. One user posted something about the German government's music censorship
The guy on that that pic claims to know more about German art than the NSDAP did. I refuse to believe it, especially since this revolves around subjective criteria. Besides, banning a few artists doesn't matter when you still have Wagner, Mozart and tons of others who were accepted.
>All the evidence you need can be found online, at your local university, at a local museum, or literally anywhere else where historical scholarship is present.
What evidence? Something like a wall painted with Zyklon B? I don't believe there was a killing methodology. At least not as long as people fail to prove otherwise. The logistics were impossible, and if it all was done, there would be documents proving it. Sorry, but the Holocaust wasn't ordered and strictly controlled by the NSDAP.
You eeeediot.
Why the hell do you think the US is constantly at war? Why are they so desperate to start a new war now? Even the "choice" between Trump and Clinton was a choice between the "war with russia" and "war with china" factions! Get your head out yo arse you retarded /pol/ack
When will you 15 year olds fuck off back to /pol/?
When you fuck off back to the Marxist shithole you came from.
>being anti-Nazi automatically means your a Marxist
Really wish identity politics would die
Hitler was right: Germany will never, EVER be able to win a war.
>Franco-PRUSSIAN War
>not a dishonourable Prurssian Solo Adventure
>World War I: Loss
>World War II: Loss
Try again, America Von Burgerstein.
I never said I go to /pol/, I didn't even imply that. But you're calling me a /pol/tard since the thread started. Not that I care, it's just that you're in no right whatsoever to complain about name-calling here.
you need to kill identity itself before making it die, impossible by todays standards
>believed only the strongest race would prevail
>loses the only war they fought
>believed only the strongest race would prevail
Hitler didn't believe that
>Yet it is hillariously incomparable to the WW2.
Not an argument. The original point made is that Germany failed in Military doctrine fighting the one (1) single war they fought in. user pointed out they fought in two (2). One of which was a decisive victory. Matter of size and scope was inconsequential to the point being made. Don't be a faggot and move goalposts because your point was refuted. Poor tactics user...
What if I told you the German NSDAP party participated in two wars?
Is it /pol/ shitposting hours?
Is this why /qa/ is flooded with delete /pol/ threads?
>defending censorship
So you'd be totally cool with the government banning all of your favorite television shows and songs because some autist didn't like it?
>claims to know more about German art than the NSDAP did.
Are you retarded? What about the NSDAP makes them objectively correct? The user in the screencap provides arguments and evidence such as the rhythms the nazis disapproved of appearing in music the nazis approved of.
Pretty retarded.
Most people talk about the leaders of the allies too. But the NatSoc idelogy has a big focus on family and all, therefore on the individual, the Nazis also wanted to have a big gov.
Really, it's lolbertarianism : the post.
Fuck off, /pol/ even agrees NatSoc is a meme.
The only thing I saw in that pic was opinion, not evidence.
>What about the NSDAP makes them objectively correct?
About German culture? Maybe the fact their whole ideology revolved around it.
Hitler did nothing wrong. youtube.com
>I don't think anyone was getting executed over music.
They were not even a main combatant, merely sidekick. You might as well say Czechoslovak socialist republic won the Vietnam war or that USSR defeated USA at the bay of pigs.
not him but what does it say?
Top kek.
The US has a hegemony and a petrodollar to keep alive. Nothing to do with their dept.
The dept is irrelevant in their wars.
executed for hearing enemy broadcast several times
in wartime ? that must be common, among nazis, soviets and the allies.
In relation to the screencap, the Second Reich and Third Reich were a Prussian-dominated Empire. The Prussians did not want the Austrians and Bavarians in as equals. This is why Bismarck refused annexing Austria.
>the rhythms the nazis disapproved of appearing in music the nazis approved of
You're going to have to explain how "this certain sound exists" is an opinion.
doesn´t matter if you think it´s "wartime" or not. Because there´s always a war we´re involved in anywhere and since the lowlives are able to read the "fake news" (lol) there are too much commanders who knows it better.
... get laid - who cares?
It says the 17 years old Helmuth Hübener from Hamburg was on the 11th of August 1942 convicted of high treason and traitorous advantaging the enemy, permanently lost civil honour rights and was executed today.
Berlin, the 27th of October 1942.
t. chief prosecutor of the people's court
>17 years old
what? i just said it was probably normal that people were executed/emprisonned because they listened to enemies broadcasts, in all camps. nothing to do w/fake news and getting laid (?)
... and btw. Hitler wasn´t right at all. The only thing he was right: he was at the right time at the right place to a old fashioned society which was sorry for loosing ww1
radio in camps?
>was hitler right?
Thanks, they're pretty great.
you could be sentenced to death by hearing enemy broadcast at home which normally was betrayed by your neighbor
No one of you would have a peaceful nite in Nazi Germany times if you are at Veeky Forums (just reading)
with us or against us ... who needs freedom of speech?
So, Hitler was wrong, against the natural of man!