Veeky Forumspill me on the Lance of Longinus
Was it real?
Did Hitler have it?
Veeky Forumspill me on the Lance of Longinus
Also Asuka is best girl
>Was it real?
probably not, just sort of a germanic symbol of power
>Did Hitler have it?
yes, he kept it in Nuremberg
That's contradictory
He who so holds the spear shall come to rule the world.
Hitler lost the war because he lost the spear.
Hitler behind SEELE confirmed.
Neo-Asuka is shit. SHIT! Old Asuka (especially in EOE) is the best.
Didn't it disappear during the French Revolution?
>Roman spear used to stick a Jew in the Near East and venerated by the state cults of Mediterranean empires
>Germanic symbol of power
Jesus wasn't a Jew
He was an Israelite
It's like saying Caesar was Italian
>jesus wasn't a jew
in what possible way can he be conceived as not being jewish
>M-muh rabbinic judaism
Because he was an Israelite
You wouldn't call Constantine XI an Turk because they now rule that niche
You're reasoning is nonsensical, at that time the idea of Israel was a distant memory and no one called themselves an "Israelite" since they occupied the southern nation of Judah.
Luke goes out of it's way to say how much f a good Jewish boy Jesus is and Mathew makes him look like turbo Jewish law autist.
and then you have Paul who in his own letters never makes anything he says or does sound like he's doing anything but what he thinks is Judaism thus he believed following Jesus was the true path of what Jews should do and that they should bring the Gentiles "into Jerusalem"
Jesus was a Christian. Just like Buddha was a Buddhist.
jesus wasn't a christian. there was no conception of "Christ" until after his death.
If that picture is supposed to be from "the original", I call fake.
Just because of the reason that 2017 years won't leave any metal in tact like this.
I'm sure you could make it last indefinitely in theory, but in reality that lance probably got treated like shit and rusted away in a human lifetime.
He obviously was the first Christian, those who came after him followed his teachings.
Jesus had no Jewish blood in him.
Mary was a surrogate for the divine form.
>Implying that spear was ever Roman
>Implying it doesn't date to the 7th century
Quit falling for Vatican hoaxes you fucking monkeys.
It is real, but it is not old enough to be the Lance of Longinus.
At one point in history there were enough lances of Longinus to arm a small country, and enough fragments of the true cross to rebuild the ark.
Jesus is God.
People who follow Jesus are Christians. Jesus taught the Law; the New Covenant, the New Testament, Jesus' Will, did not take effect until he died. Just like any will.
Jesus was the first Christian, clearly. He even confirmed he was the messiah.
christian his, worst his.
>that artwork
If Jesus is God, then Jesus cannot be a Jew.
It's from both Hellboy and Constantine
They shared the prop
there were multiple tribes at that point, the cncept of "Being jewish" as it means today didnt even exist back then