Hi everyone, i'm a french student in history degree and i need help.
I have to make a presentation in class about "The mans and the death in France and Britain at the end of the middle ages" for Friday.
And i have no source for the english side.
I ask you if someone have any clue for me and if you want to discuss about that intresting subject i would argue with you.
But primarly i'm looking for some feed i have realy no idea about the british cultur at this time.
The mans and the death in France and Britain at the end of the middle ages
What is "the mans"?
A french town. But maybe he meant "Men"
As a french, i think OP badly translated 'Les hommes et la mort" by "the mans and the death" and it should be "the men and the death" or "the people and the death"
You mean the Black Death right?
You're asking how the Black Death was portrayed in the British culture?
Yes sorry for my bad english i would mean men.
The death, meaning dying, causes, diseases ,war , conception and vision about the fact of diyng
Sin and Fear by Jean Delumeau
Yes and the other causes of mortality
Make sure to put the Black Death in context within the 100 Years War.
But my subject is at the end of the midlles ages, i don't no if i must do a check up or explain the situation in moment T.
I must do a plan in three part with 2 points in.
So big I causses of death with A) wars and B) diseases.
After big II The christian vision of the Death with A) The fear of diyng B) How to prepare is death
Big III The effects on the culture
with A) clerical art and creation B) The vision of the death in the "pop culture
This plan would explain the difference and the similiraty with the french and britain vision.
It would be "the people and Death" since it's talking about the concept of death, not "the death" like "the death of somebody".
So it's a paper about how people at the end of the Middle ages viewed death ? Both in France and Britain, and what parts differed and were common ?
It's very difficult to understand your English.
What is your essay title? (En anglais)
Also which range of years are you investigating?
You're butchering the english language so much Lindybeige is having a heart attack.
Tkt poto ça ira mieux avec le temps.
I had a lecture on Death in medieval society a few months ago, the lecturer mentioned 'Wachelin's Vision' written by Orderic Vitalis in his Historia Ecclesiastica
This is the only reference to it I could find when I searched google: medievalists.net
If you're at a university you should hopefully be able to find somewhere in your library 'The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis'. The website link that's above has a bibliography at the end that you should look at. Hopefully that helps with a part of your presentation.
Also you should look for general histories of the Black Death as they might talk about the social/cultural impact of death in general.
OP said end of middle ages, Orderic is 12th century
By "pop culture" do you mean the medieval culture ?
Probably meant "popular culture" as in the culture of the people of the time.
I feel like i'm an archeologue
Oh yeah, missed that.
Just doing the end of the middle ages feels a bit restrictive though, I wouldn't want to have to do this presentation.
Now I realise that "pop" mean "popular" and isn't just the name of a style of music. Well fuck.
Nah it's fine, it's not often used like that anyway.
I'm so sorry, realy it's hard for me to talk, i can easily understand but writ it is a other things.
"Les hommes et la mort en France et en Angleterre à la fin du Moyen Âge" i translate in "The men and the death in France and Britain at the end of the Midd Ages"
Indeed but the french language is trick that would also mean the both the concept of death and strict sens like the death of somebody.
The work for me is to eighleted the fact, i must find what differed and what is on common.
That's why i come here to find it and discuss about that.
Yes, the popular culture, music, poetry, litterature.
It's force me to choose to make a cronologic plan and finish it at the end of that time, or to explain a few fact like the hundred wars or the black plague in the context of my introduction.
I wish I could help more but sadly Late Medieval is not a period I know much about. I did a quick search and found this article bl.uk
Not sure if it's much use to you but I can't think of anything else I could do. Good luck mon ami.
Thank you all, that introduce me a lot of notion i don't have.
2nd year, it's on one of my 4 lessons.
Antiquity : The Greek, 490 to 314 BC
Modern, Wars an society in Europe (XVII-XVIIIe)
Contemporary, The history of the north America (USA and Canada -XVIIIe to the begining of the WW2)
And finally the medieval, The Kingdom of France and Britain, States and Society (XIV-XV)
Delumeau is a must-read at my uni and i'm not even French, did you really never read him?
Mec, il te demandait quelle période tu étudie.
It work was not in relation with what we study during my first year. I know him know end no doubt that i would use is work for later.
>The Kingdom of France and Britain, States and Society (XIV-XV)
Tu vas comprendre les sources anglaises ? No offense but your English is shit tier
Yes, understand is more easy than speaking. I have no choice in any case.
>2nd year, it's on one of my 4 lessons.
I don't know why you started with this, if you had understood.
To explain how my degree and lessons work and explain what i'm studiyng during these.