Where do they come from?
What are there origins?
White people
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty much
Native americans said we are gods, therefore...
Define white.
Which ones?
They come from Japheth (pbuh), specifically Gog and Magog, the enemies of the Hebrews, God's People (as we saw with the Holocaust and many other pogroms)
>every group hates the Jews
>the one group to semi like them (Persians) are japheths
>crimes against Jews are proportion to geographic proxmity to Jews
>singled out White People
Really makes you think.
From Yakub's creations
They originate from central/south european tribes that mixed with neanderthals.
There you go.
Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
>Where do they come from?
>What are there origins?
Cro-Magnon + Neanderthal women = master race
If you believe in and Then yes
Central Asia
Homo Sapiens from africa travelled north, and shagged some neanderthals. Few million years later the Neanderthals are dead but about 5% (I think) of their DNA is still preserved in European humans through the magic of interbreeding so we get fuckin cool eyes with like blue and green and hazel irises and blonde, brown, and ginger hair and other some other gucci neanderthal features
>from africa hypothesis
Into the trash it goes
not you
Northern climate and harsh winter conditions naturally select for a race of humans with light features (skin, eyes, hair) and high IQ's
Descendants of Japeth, Noah's son, from 4600 years ago.
>hypothesis backed by most biological evidence
okay pal
guess the pharaohs were black aswell
okay pal
Low quality b8 chief
Fuck white people
>and shagged some neanderthals. Few million years later the Neanderthals are dead but about 5% (I think) of their DNA is still preserved in European humans through the magic of interbreeding so we get fuckin cool eyes with like blue and green and hazel irises and blonde, brown, and ginger hair and other some other gucci neanderthal features
gucci features like shorter height and more body hair, in some ppl
most of the thal dna is not in coding parts of the genome
Asian research institutions aren't well established. Most Asian intellectual capital goes into industry. Japan alone makes more patents than all of Europe combined yearly, and the average Korean is something like 6-10x more innovative per capita than the average Euro.
52% of American patents are by non residents
Have you taken a look at who writes those "American" and "Canadian" citations?
Not to mention, look at the TOP citations, almost all Asians in the hard sciences.
I'll use your little 'fuck white ppl' strawman post and some of your race science to post some interesting things.
Fuck Asian people.
Thank god I am redpilled by knowing race science and know which races are smart and which aren't.
I also learnt about natural selection, which plays a role in who immigrates.
But no
Why exactly do white children have smaller brains than Asian kids?
Where does that come from? Maybe Japan is right to discriminate against us and call us pink niggers.
Silence. That's what I want to see.
fuckin moran the pharoahs were aliens dont you even know history
eskimo master race
dude nice post ha jk you're a total loser. Sad!
This theory is total bullshit.
White skin has nothing to do with Neanderthal DNA which is not by the way 5% but 1-2% on average.
White skin develops through de-pigmentation of melanin due to lack of sunlight and UV radiation. Northeast asians and north-western Europeans have light skin due to this reason.
As for the Neandertal genes theory, it most likely complete bunk, there is no proof that Homo Sapien bred with Neanderthals, or if they could make children. The Neandertal dna strand found on Homo Sapiens as been found on other hominids, such as the Homo heidelbergensis, and it could very well be an evolutionary leftover which all archaic humans carried.
Why not? A few were.
>As for the Neandertal genes theory, it most likely complete bunk, there is no proof that Homo Sapien bred with Neanderthals, or if they could make children. The Neandertal dna strand found on Homo Sapiens as been found on other hominids, such as the Homo heidelbergensis, and it could very well be an evolutionary leftover which all archaic humans carried
They're mix ancient nordic aliens and half-monkeys from few continents.
I want to have sex with white women. I want to put a brown baby in their bellies!
The theory that Neanderthals bred with Homo Sapiens, is exactly that, a theory. There is no proof behind it. Especially how the two species could have interbred when they are so far away genetically.
The greatest irony is, this theory is advanced either by white supremacists or multiculti idiot scientists.
Almost all encounters of Homo Sapiens and Neandertals were violent. Their exhumed remains reveal violent deaths.
It is quite simple, humanity's history begun with genocide. But no one wants to admit that so the figure all kinds of excuses.
never heard about them killing eachother
Gog is the ruler of Magog, and an evil one at that. Magog is located south of the Black Sea in Turkey.
Beautiful isn't it. We the great, we the magnificent, WE WUZ AYY LMAO!
The descend from pure evil itself, they are the creation of the evil scientist known as yakub who wanted to destroy civilization and plunge us into the shitty world we live in today.
Consensus seems that interbreeding took place, every once in a while an article like this pops up saying it didn't but it never gains traction, I'll continue believing interbreeding took place until the consensus says otherwise.
Based Yakub.
Mfw I have similar facial features to a Neanderthal, auburn hair too
Being civilized and not inbreeding for 1000s of years endlessly, reverting back to being apes in the jungle or desert.
You do realize that 'nigger' literally means 'black'? Besides they already have called us 'pink'. The Japanese would would frequently refer to white soldiers as "pigs", since we both have similar skin tone.
yakub created them in india as punishment against black people for creating civilization
Asians are smarter on average, but the trade-off is that they're significantly fucking uglier, as evidenced by the fact all of them would give their left nut/clit for a 6/10 white boyfriend.
Koreans in particular are some seriously hideous motherfuckers sans plastic surgery (giant rectangle faces, tiny eyes).
Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet. Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways. Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag? Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.
Was it autism?
fuck I hadn't seen this pasta in ages