fresh from the facebooks
the normies are flooding in
fresh from the facebooks
the normies are flooding in
the fuck does that even mean? Am I so out of touch that it's not even the same language at this point? Or are they talking about AMD?
its not english man
Social media starves the brain and drops IQ by a shitton. You can't understand it because they are speaking neanderthal basically at this point.
no, this person doesn't know a fucking thing about crypto but has a lot of money
Yes that's true. I dread to think what long term Veeky Forums use does to the brain.
The fuck is that gibberish? It was on the frontpage of the wall street journal.
it fixes the attention opiate release and you can measure the high based on comments and likes.
too bad the high doesnt last long. then again if someone where to make a coin to push it further, we would be rich as fuck. all the normies getting thier fix of short span attention and were here fucking hookers, doing drugs and watching gundam and charts.
Gundam? Shit son im doing Dragon ball super right now.
You start fapping to traps
>Uses the word "bitcoin"
You meme a president into the whitehouse and make $150,000 USD in 3 months from Crypto.
Without Veeky Forums, I would be contemplating suicide.
This just makes me wonder has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
that's all I need in life
>I dread to think what long term Veeky Forums use does to the brain.
The fluoride reached his brain
Turns you into a pessimistic critical thinking misanthrope with a strong aversion to people and nostalgia for memes that grew stale, but you were probably already one if you stayed here that long.
>this is actually the reality we live in
use fudding to keep them off for another year or two.
This is 100% true and I wouldn't want it any other way. I am a better person because I've been on Veeky Forums since '07. Without Veeky Forums I would be an entirely different person- potentially a normie.
(you)'s are the same thing. Your welcome.
Only to the weak minded faggots
I confirm that, 2006 oldfag here
I don't like the use of the word f*ggot. It's offensive, please don't use it.
Thanks for the added attention you stupid /pol/fag. Thanks to your /pol/ posting you've drawn attention to Veeky Forums and by extension to bitcoins. This will cause the bubble to burst because you've accelerated the rate the normies are going to discover this. Hope you're happy bastard.
if only a chain of blocks could prove your faggotry.
This is Veeky Forums you fucking faggot. Go back to tumblr or whatever shithole you came from if you don't like it.
you fucking nigger fucking jew aborted fetus fucking nigger faggot cuck blood fetus drinking nigger
Says the guy with a mac....right.
Fellow '07 memer here. One truly never leaves. At least a shitty PnD thread/group on here got me into crypto. Fast forward 3 months and I totally changed my plans for the future and am on the verge of becoming fucking rich.
I love you guys. We're all gonna make it :3
You faggots are the normies, this is just more shit on the pile