post your face with timestamp and type how much you want and why i should give it to you
Post your face with timestamp and type how much you want and why i should give it to you
No proof no pics
Begging for scraps no thanks.
I just want you to pump LDOGE over 150sat if you can
>lost 1.6 million dollars in a day
Looks like you should be the one begging
proof or gtfo op
Give me 20 btc.
too low quality to be an actual phone screenshot
Goddamn it you fucking faggot, kill yourself. Why are these type of threads allowed on Veeky Forums? Anyone who posts an address and starts begging should be banned with OP.
GimmE like 10k BTC.
Because pic related
Literally anyone could create a Blockfolio portfolio worth a billion dollars. OP you're so full of shit. I bet you haven't left your bedroom in years.
1 milli worth of ldoge in cryptopia plz
Sometimes i wonder what its like to be a woman
>go on stage and wear these denim shorts that ride up your vag and show off your outer labia
pls any btc will do plssssssss
because I want what we all want
just some freedom from this wageslave matrix we're trapped in
pls sir, a few bitcoins would help - will pay it forward
yeah i dunno man
This lol
Can i have 10 btc's worth of mooncoin please? I'll suck your dick in return, i'll even shave my beard so you can pretend i'm a qt girl.
how many btc do I need to get a qt gook gf
I'm eight days late on rent since i lost my job and was NEET-mode for two months, got a ton of bills that were overdue so now i can't afford food and i get around 200$ more in debth every month due to added costs, it's a slippery slope and if i don't magically pull around 2k out my ass the next ten days i'm fucked. I do have a new job and i'll be moving in August, but when i start getting the new paycheck my debts will already be doubled.
Bitcoin wallet is 18ajahrffP5NTHPAYd7DBHgpDwxQGNSjVe
Kek. I want to see all the practice sessions it took so they could synchronize their pussy gyrations.
Wow you have 42% of all bitcoin in existence!
I wanna build a boombox called pepebeats
BTC: 1LWqPdy4bknimZNcQeek9F2M2EuWW4KLei
I suppose a nose ring is appropriate in a bull market.
Lol this guy
You're not only broke, retarded, and also ugly. I would kill my self if I was you.
Retarded millienial
It seems like you have enough money for faggot boutique hair cuts and jewelry...
This indicates you have incorrect priorities and unwilling to reform your character flaws.
decent looking guy why would you JUST your face with a nose ring
I can also make myself look like a millionaire if I wanted to be an attention whore.
>tfw the IRS and SEC are now making threads on Veeky Forums to root out tax evaders and inside traders
I know this is most likely a troll thread but i gotta try every option. Even $10 would help me with food for a week. Man i just wish jobs would pay you the next week like in Australia, i can't wait a whole month like this it's horrible
You have nice big juicy dick sucking lips. Give it a whirl, kid.
But would you give it to me if I did all that? I'll give it a shot nonetheless.
Requesting $100,000 in a 60/40 spread of BTC and ETH. Why should you give it to me? Why not? I'm admittedly going to just use it diversifying a portfolio of my own and getting involved in a whale chat server or something until my portfolio is as big as yours (Managed to get to $17k as of the current dip thanks to Veeky Forums anons being generous and all-inning a few shilled coins. off of $150 of my own money.)
...I mean, audacious requests for gibs is what dark-feathered people like me do.
>this is the creature that posts on Veeky Forums
Off yourself and invest in some kneepads, you have a lot of work to do or play dice
but in all seriousness our minimum wage might seem high in comparison to the rest of the world, but our cost of living is really fucking high
I'll take $10 in strat or ETH
it's because I would like a big boy coin
cause I only had 30 dollars to invest and it's in
and XRP
be nice to have some worthwhile coin.
This board never fails to make me laugh.
How are the prices on rice, chicken and beans?
This is me no timestamp old picture dont actually have a camera.
I just got out of jail (I used to sell a lot of weed)
door got kicked in, cops took all my money.
Dont really want to start selling drugs again because if I get caught again I'll be in prison for 10 years or some shit.
Man i just forget that it's there, feels weird not having it in. (Plus i'm swedish what can you honestly expect from us?)
Go to bed, Jordan
tfw swedes are struggling to live while they bed, clothe and feed refugees
Butthole lips
Pretty expensive then, almost as expensive as it is here. Still i'd rather live on Klendathu than this cucked leftist-filled shithole.
You're just jelly senpai, bet you got paper-thin whiteylips
Please, pretty please??
You won't regret it :3
Source faggot. NAO.
I seriously asked one of "them" if i could have a sandwich in Stockholm where they were handing them out to every shitskinned "migrant" who walked past at the central station, she looked at me like i just raped and killed her dog or something. What the fuck is wrong with people?
>24hr change -$1.66mm
wow you really fucked up by underinvesting in ethereum
Make millions off internet meme coins and fund far right groups
Do they end up doing things to each other? I'd be very happy if so
>when you know exactly what OP is up to and fully support it
I don't care how much
just anything
>.43 btc because if you give me that much you can have a sexy looking 2501 btc instead of ugly decimal
this is me right now, drinking last of free coffee from bank. Not worth risking my reputation by posting my whole face but this does technically include my face.
this is no different from the 14 online job applications i filled out today, typing random shit in a form hoping a stranger gives you something.
lemme get uhhh... 1-2 ETH?
seriously though, i need to buy a new screen door. help me out.
>not funding far-left groups
>rustle the jimmies of centrists and small d democrats
>rustle the jimmies of the far-right who feel threatened and fund themselves
to be honest if you fund either enough you essentially fund them both
far-right can fund themselves they just need to be motivated, plowing them with money won't motivate them, to cause real chaos you fund the far-left, they have all the loonie stoner ideas but none of the finance to be a threat, you give them the finance, they become a threat
george soros is playing 10 dimension chess and is the real god king, making him think he is the enemy was all a part of his plan
also my driveway
>when the oldfags breed
nigga i just wanna fund cool propaganda n' shiet
this is extremely common with buttcoiners, they still think ETH is going to just go away one day and they refuse to accept ETH is technologically superior
gimme 1 Btc and im good , ill just make enough money to give my father to retire and probably some for my sisters.
You guys do know you can plug whatever numbers you want into blockfolio, right?
13 mil really? Exactly 4.5 btc would be perfect right now friend
Hey, did anyone send you any btc? I was thinking of taking a time stamp photo as well but I don't want to be made to feel like a fool. I'm already in the dumps as it is.
He's not gunna' give you money you fucking idiots.
Shut up user you are ruining his ruse
>1 post by this ID
fuck off normal
What a blatant phishing attempt lmao. Have to hand it to you though. Are you the one sending out fake emails? It's someone from Veeky Forums gonna put my money on you.
When you post a face you are identified as a person of interest in the coming era. Coins are far easier to steal than fiat which is protected by the bank. All you have is yourself and shitty encryption, if you're a normie. Don't post your face.
Send me 50 million because I want to just sit around a fire and burn money.
Anything ETH would help trying to learn trading to make some money for school
Lmao forgot address
I'm in college and would like to graduate with no debt. Anything helps. Thank you.
BTC: 1Fnzy353mZzvzAkj9h3kBLkqTzTD7spEnG
holy shit he actually sent me them, thansk!!!!
Seems legit
Shifted into the mirror dimension to avenge my master, but now I'm trapped and my only weapon is the word of god
Pls send eth so I can repair my katana
>crypto of all things
lmao nice try m80
gimme e-money u fatfuckingbigcocked judas
because i want to live in a shipping container in the nevada desert
Please give me 1 ETH because I gave 10 $ to some homeless guy who was shaking that I felt really bad about only to see him with booze later
Spare some change?
I'm a good girl and I would like a coin or two.
btc - 19ZBhm9aBcSYdfYWhjmZP18NrJWNMHsdoa
>Dad dying of 9/11 respiratory illness
>Lost house, family a wreck
>Trying to survive
I hope I made you laugh user
< btc
this is the same user fag who posted the $14.44MM screenshot the other day with +$0.00.
he sure knows how to hodl