What do you consider to be the crowning achievement of humanity at this point in history?
My vote goes to the internet.
What do you consider to be the crowning achievement of humanity at this point in history?
My vote goes to the internet.
Other urls found in this thread:
The Reformation
Time-travel > Space travel > Internet
Pic related.
The most monumental fail is that if we had to get back there in ten years, we probably could not do it.
>The last man to walk on the moon is dead now, and nobody has been back.
Liberty, the foundation of all our other achievements.
The production of cheese
Anal Sex.
Think about it before you call me a faggot
>Crowning achievement of humanity is story books
uh yes
how many other animals are capable of making complex works of fiction, exactly?
You are aware of a field called science?
Science as we know it today simply would not exist if not for the Catholic Church.
>resigned myself to the incoming autistic atheists flailing about at the sight of this obvious truth.
These stories have helped many people in doubt and pain. Greatest kind of achievement in my "book" hehe
But that is my serious opinion tho
in spite of not because of.
Because for over 1000 years anybody and everybody in western Europe was a Roman Catholic by default. Including the scientists. There never was an active policy of the church to encourage scientific discovery.
Nuclear power and satellites.
It's not enough.
>There never was an active policy of the church to encourage scientific discovery.
>what is the mediaeval university
>what are monasteries
>There never was an active policy of the church to encourage scientific discovery.
>Science as we know it today simply would not exist if not for alchemists
>Science as we know it today simply would not exist if not for Hindu math
>Science as we know it today simply would not exist if not for Jewish physicists
>Science as we know it today simply would not exist if not for Dutch clock makers
>Science as we know it today simply would not exist if not for Greek gaylords
>Science as we know it today simply would not exist if not for people fucking
And there goes the flailing.
>Galileo was on the Catholic science program
The fact that a thousand scientists were Catholic does not mean that even one was a scientist at the behest of the church.
Science is nothing but observing the natural world around us and describing it, very complexly and exactly
I won't agree that Religions is the most important thing we've done, but stories and fictional writing is nonetheless, imo, probably the most impressive
Just a list of statements as meaningless as
More flailing.
>the most impressive
More so than say, measuring the cosmological constant to the 28th decimal?
Animals are capable of observing their environment and learning what things do too. Not impressive at all.
No arguments
>that even one was a scientist at the behest of the church.
nigga the jesuits were basically set up to be the papal science club
Moon landings
Science is a shitty answer because you're essentially using it as a catch-all for every discovery we've ever made. Pick a more singular achievement or fuck off with your Reddit answer,
I will respond with arguments when you can come up with something that isn't based on a willfully obtuse misunderstanding of my thesis. Modern atheists are the most pathetic class of fundamentalists.
Much more so, science in the sense in which you mean it cannot tell people how to live.
Lemaitre? Mendel? Copernicus?
Not destroying us selfs yet
How about having such comfortable lives to allow these to exist
Canada being the first Post-Nation state.
The Dharma
Civilization can exist without science, there is no record of civilization without religion.
Galileo wrote his treatise on the Copernican system SECIFICALLY at the behest of the Pope.
He got in trouble when eh decided it would be cute to make the mouthpiece for the Ptolemaic system in his book (then believed to be true by the Pope, and the vast majority of scientific thinkers) and name him "Simpleton."
I would see a comfortable live more like a live where everything is balanced well. So those won't exist
Chimps can write books. Albeit very simple books like "Bono want banana"