every single war in history was fought because of pic related
Every single war in history was fought because of pic related
Looks like a PUSSY.
Damn YOU, PIC!
>every single war in history was fought because of a lamp
Still thats a damn fine lamp
No it was fought because GIBS MUH DAT LAND IT BELONGS TO ME DIE!
Over alcohol?
looks like a cocktail glass which also looks like a pussy so alcohol and pussy which is damn...
Glass wasn't all that valuable
Lamps were actually black though
That's where you're wrong kiddo
Over glass?
Point me to the great glass wars
So invasions were really just about the rape?
Many generals, leaders & soldiers of days gone by would probably be offended by that statement. Lamp or pussy.
A wineglass?
>difference of opinion
good one OP
What the fuck is the OP image supposed to be?
>Opium wars you daft shit
>ww2 was over Poland you daft shit
>Iraq was over oil you daft shit
>ww1 was over franz Ferdinand you daft shit
Basically the only case where this is case and point was the Viking invasions of Britain where they came over to rape and steal and that was only really a bonus feature of invading. You are retarded op.
OP was a little vague but I will explain as best I can.
He posted a picture of a wine glass that also represents a vagina. What does glass, alcohol and vagina have in common? Yes they are all resources. All wars have been fought over resources.
>ww1 was over franz Ferdinand you daft shit
>ww2 was over Poland you daft shit
ah yes, middle school was fun times
It wasn't a full scale war, but Venice prided itself on glass making and used every method to keep themselves the main glass city.
So organized crime, and even likely influencing national defense policies is legit. While it may be a stretch to say war was waged for glass, an alarming number of murders and possibly a tie breaking vote to spark a war is very likely.
Also in ancient Egypt one of the later Pharaohs had a secret village that made glass for him. During an invasion he had most of the villages killed and everything burned to prevent others from learning the secrets of glass making as they were incredibly advanced. It wasn't till recently we finally figured out how they made that famous Egyptian blue glass, and we still can't fully confirm the method was the same, only the end produce is and it used thing they had at the time.
Neat. Thanks for sharing.
I fee like that's a bit of a hasty generalization.
Every mans existence resolve around pic related. And come on, that's really not bad at all.
i've never seen someone out themselves as a brainlet/underaged as fast as you have in my entire life
No, no they weren't. Stop reading Fraud.
No serious wars were fought over glass, air, walls, or symbols of women.
I feel like this has some odious post modern defense which goes in line with irrational theories about how we are men and our ancestors were us.
We are all changed beyond belief, our day and age has never even been thought about, even 5 years ago we still couldn't dream about where we are now. We have less in common with 1900 than 1900 has with 10,000 B.C.
We are soon going to be beyond ourselves, this is not an evolutionary process of exploration and ascension but of extermination and destruction.
We are finished. Wars were fought for ideals, things beyond men, land, money, women, those were just the results of war, not their cause.
Modernism is a disease
Egalitarianism is a cult
Atheism is a lie
When we abandoned God, Science abandoned us
Philosophy has dimmed to a microwave burner in a faculty lounge
Veeky Forums will fall, destroyed by its own demons, monsters you yourself refuse to look at. You know whom you are and how you wish for chains upon good but freedom for evil.
Go to them now, offer them wine, women, and song, see how they reject you, see how they do not wake from their slumber but rest peacefully, knowing full well they would to what you can not take in exchange for what you can not give.
lmao wtf are you blabbing about chill bro
Sounds like you don't know how to articulate your ideas in words, I talk about history and philosophy with my friends all the time. As for bitches bro tinder does all the work
Congratulations, that's the stupidest thing i read today.
>i don't understand the post so i'll insult op
Explain it to my simple mind then.
sorry, I can't
Rousseau claims we are all idots for claimkng property and that we need to give it up for there to be true peace.
We all know he's fuckin right. But do we want to give it up? Fuck no! America bitch!
Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness mf!
then kys
That's a cocktail glass you philistine.
>ww2 was over Poland you daft shit
>Iraq was over oil you daft shit
>ww1 was over franz Ferdinand you daft shit
This enrages me
Humanities was a mistake
It was
It's amazing how aroused I am by cocktail glass
This guy gets it.
The glass is viewed in the positive space (black) and the womb/female crotch is viewed in the negative space (white). Which ever you see, depends on you. So my take on OP's post is that war is generally thought for either one of two things, or even both at times. Drink, represents resources/land/security/ect and the negative space around the glass represents women/the womb, or rather that we fight to protect our women/homeland/families/lives. Both of these things are important and both can bring pleasure as well. So guerss the image sums up the 'why of war'.
It's just an empty wine glass subject to interpretation, compensation of an ego differentiator of a body within a void to be binded with a perspective to create a new perception, yet the wise will still see the glass.
God gave this land to me.
No, this is what a wine glass looks like.
It's lack of pussy that fucks countries up, lack of pussy is the root fucking cause of all global instability.
If more hajis were getting quality pussy, there be no reason for us to come over and fuck em up like this, cause a nutbusting haji is a happy haji
pretty much, yeah
women, land and treasure, in no particular order
What do you see here?
What do you see here?
Shut up jew
A martini glass?