How can we trick kids into thinking History is interesting and cool?
How can we trick kids into thinking History is interesting and cool?
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Teach kids cool and interesting history.
>American pedagogy
It's Aussie though
That doesn't even help kids learn anything, it's literally just making fun of people who all probably died horrible deaths the likes of which some dumb highschool teacher lacks the empathy to even imagine. That is despicable on a whole new level.
Total War series.
That's how I started.
I know a bomber crewman who was rescued from a mob in Romania by a woman who had just lost her entire family in a raid. He never had the strength to tell her that he had killed them. Really most reunions would be a great place to get kids interested
video games, comics, and anime for boys
historical dramas for girls
movies also works
works very well in asia, even normie girls understand history
You don't. Kids are almost by definition average for their community. They can't be "tricked" and trying to just makes them realize that you're probably full of shit if you're trying to trick them in the first place.
Real pedagogy stems from natural human curiosity. If you want kids to be interested in history, you study it in front of them and then they want to know what you're doing. If they don't, they were never going to care anyway.
This and blobbing simulators. Because while most of the time they'll be going
>dude I got a jewish dwarf eunuch jester LMAO
they'll also sometimes be going
>wtf Spain controlled half of Italy? How did that happen?
No, just show them something that is actually interesting
>using relatable forms of writing is bad for teaching kids
>segregating by gender
Why would you want to trick disengaged brainlets into anything except a life of menial jobs and always obeying the law?
Tell them the cool stories.
History is cool because its stories that actually happened
if you need to trick people into studying a subject, then its not that interesting for people to begin with
public schools should only ever teach maths, sciences, and english/whatever the native language is (not analyzing literature but grammar and how to write formally). everything else should not be treated as extracurriculars that the students choose if they are interested.
doesn't matter if I say this on a history board because it doesn't make it any less true: history doesn't fucking matter to kids and you can't force them to learn it because they'll memorize shit for the test then promptly forget it all a week later.
>Thinks maths and sciences are beneficial to your average normie beyond the basics
>But basic history isn't for some reason.
I disagree. Most people aren't going to become super STEM geniuses. Nor will they need to in life. At least if you successfully teach history and humanities you can end up with a somewhat cultured population reasonable knowledge of the past so they can make better decisions while voting.
literally no one will ever need to know what king whathisface did in the war of 1333 ya nerd
on the other hand, in the current year, being knowledgeable about technology and sciences is extremely beneficial, even for normies.
Is this some teacher's worksheet or is it from a textbook? Aussie teacher here and we're trained to do this shit so kid's find it interesting.
>literally no one will ever need to know what king whathisface did in the war of 1333 ya nerd
Strawman. People should know basic history. When I was in highschool a girl didn't even know who the axis powers were. that's just disgracefull.
The funny thing is, she didn't know about rocks (geology), genomes (biology) or advanced algebra (math). Nor will she ever need to know those things.
Let people choose to do STEM, choose to do History and humanities and be done with it. Stop forcing people to do anything beyond basic reading, writing, math and comprehension skills as well as basic world history and the basic history of your nation. Everything beyond that should be optional.
even kids find this an exercise in misplaced pop-culture infused learning
t. someone who had to do this shit
"History as Literature" -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1913
>THERE was a time—we see it in the marvellous dawn of Hellenic life—when history was distinguished neither from poetry, from mythology, nor from the first dim beginnings of science. There was a more recent time, at the opening of Rome's brief period of literary splendor, when poetry was accepted by a great scientific philosopher as the appropriate vehicle for teaching the lessons of science and philosophy. There was a more recent time still—the time of Holland's leadership in arms and arts—when one of the two or three greatest world painters put his genius at the service of anatomists.
>Poetry is still used as a vehicle for the teaching of philosophy. Goethe was as profound a thinker as Kant. He has influenced the thought of mankind far more deeply than Kant because he was also a great poet. Robert Browning was a real philosopher, and his writings have had a hundredfold the circulation and the effect of those of any similar philosopher who wrote in prose, just because, and only because, what he wrote was not merely philosophy but literature.
>The greatest literary historian must of necessity be a master of the science of history, a man who has at his finger-tips all the accumulated facts from the treasure-houses of the dead past. But he must also possess the power to marshal what is dead so that before our eyes it lives again.
>He can never equal what has been done by the great historians of the past unless he writes not merely with full knowledge, but with an intensely vivid consciousness. He must realize that man has been on this earth for a period of such incalculable length that, from the standpoint of the student of his development through time, what our ancestors used to call "antiquity" is almost indistinguishable from the present day.
tl;dr: make it understandable and exciting
Im not a sjw or anything, but that is a blatantly sexist and as well as counter productive solution. Both boys and girls should be exposed to all mediums to increase the chances of interest.