>has no original thoughts
> is a psychologist, which is a non-field
don't even compare him to true philosophical giants as Derrida, Foucault etc.
>has no original thoughts
> is a psychologist, which is a non-field
don't even compare him to true philosophical giants as Derrida, Foucault etc.
Other urls found in this thread:
He has a nice way of synthesizing psychology, philosophy and evolutionary biology into a coherent thought structure.
I enjoy his life advise
intelligence isn't based on what "original" your ideas are
you know who had original ideas
>psychology is a non-field
>philosophy on the hand...
The best thing is to not make threads about him, there's enough shilling already.
>psychology is a non-field
I didn't know the Church of Scientology let you guys use the internet
What original ideas did hitler had?
>disregards Peterson
>cites Derrida and Foucault
Was a nerve struck?
he's a brilliant guy
if you actually spend time to read his stuff, you would see too
Exactly. Read his books or watch some of his videos at least. Authoritarianism is 1/100 of what he talks about.
>has no original thoughts
He has some original thoughts, they are just strongly based on past thinkers. He interprets classical and modern stories using old tricks, which is still original work.
>is a psychologist, which is a non-field
It is the most scientific of the "non-fields". There are actual repeat experiments, analyzing and comparing data, and so on.
Still he is terribly overrated on Veeky Forums because of /pol/, since he is both christian (in a sense) and anti-SJW, which are the current fads.
>Derrida, Foucault
Troll detected
A pile of shit would be more useful
The funny thing is that I discovered Peterson's lectures on youtube before the ant-sjw garbage and well before he became popular on here.
I think it's sad I have to see his philosophical-psychoanalytic mishmash face everywhere on Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.
..meanwhile until today I was completely unaware that the harshest-cutting, coldest, most-concise writer since Nietzsche had returned from a hiatus:
The archives of both boards are completely silent on this. That's how false our reputation for having ears to tolerate the terrible is at this point.
>I discovered Peterson's lectures on youtube before the ant-sjw garbage and well before he became popular on here
You are so enlightened thanks for being here
Gas the kikes
propaganda and lies.
gas the lice is the truth
That was his subordinates.
People still insist Einstein was a genius, despite the lack of any discoveries, any inventions, anything useful coming from the man at all. And the one thing he's known for was stolen by him from Hilbert, Klein and Grossman.
Because he was one. Even if we go full retard and deny his general relativity he is still nobel-prize winning physicist.
Idiots like you donĀ“t belong here.