
Alright Veeky Forums, everything's down, so perfect time to jump on something great and blast it high. Better than sat with our thumbs up our arses.

Here's why you should be going balls deep in ZCoin:

-Best privacy coin out there. uses the Zerocoin protocol, published by JOHN'S HOPKINS in one of the most cited cryptography papers in the past 3 years. Source: spar.isi.jhu.edu/~mgreen/ZerocoinOakland.pdf (Check dat math)

- The Zerocoin protocol uses cryptographic statements so a person only knows that x coins were sent to their wallet.

- Full privacy coin. ALL other information about sender & recipient is hidden.

- Has active miners.

- About to be the first coin to implement the MTP protocol, which will prevent bot farms from flooding the market, and reward legit mining CPUs.

- Can "mint" coins from the public ledger into a private coin, hiding the owner.

- Bound to be picked up by edgy hax0rs and the drug trade.

- Better than Zcash, mints in seconds as opposed to fucking minutes: zcoin.io/zcoin-and-zcash/

- Autist dev team, solid tech, full roadmap: ip.bitcointalk.org/?u=http://i.imgur.com/EtsbuXD.jpg&t=577&c=X6b2vqm9G_COgA

Vid: youtube.com/watch?v=aEbawhzhLqM

On bittrex now. Just about to buy a shit-tonne. Fire up those engines Veeky Forums. Thank me later.

Other urls found in this thread:


XZC if you're too retarded to find out.

Looks like they just released the new version today

Im going to hop on this... Privacy coins like Monero and Zcash have blown up over the past year

Verge will surpass all of these.

Exactly, rapid competition between all those privacy coins, this one with it's fucking John's Hopkins protocols will be taking the lead bloody soon.

Love the fact that all they get to see is "x coins deposited in wallet" lol.

Nah mate, they can't even keep their fucking site up: vergecurrency.com/

ZCoin's blows it away by comparison. The minting system to private is awesome, and just look at that fucking maths on the Zero Protocol. That's an actual paper published by JH. They know their shit.

Possibly, which is why I'm in both. This one has a super low market cap though and looks more promising than most of the shitcoins on Veeky Forums

Exactly. If more of these idiots actually read fucking white papers and the cryptography journeys this shit is based on, we'd all be in lambos already.

it's called having priorities, you hillbilly. your low energy shilling is making me sleepy. i just don't have the energy.

Sure, you just go to Verge's website mate. See how good they're doing with that.

Yeah, exactly.

basic opsec.

Sure. I bet they're really going places..

Now go to ZCoin's site, see the bloody journey. Compare & Contrast. Enjoy.

neck yourself

verge is as private as bitcoin

Yup, whereas this one.. See pic related.
Source: spar.isi.jhu.edu/~mgreen/ZerocoinOakland.pdf

Yes, that is John's Hopkins University Department of Computer Science. VERGins have no chance of keeping up with this in the long term.

Up, up and away boys!

Told you fucking so. Coins backed by good tech and solid research will always outperform the memefag shit.

300k sats inc. 350-400 once everyone wakes up. Then it's dump time.

Ez double in the near future

nice to see a fellow Veeky Forumsnessman that's not stupid enough to think slapping TOR on BTC makes it private

looks interesting, gonna hop on as well.

how inflationary is it?

According to this zcoin.io/zcoin-implement-zero-knowledge-proofs-ethereum/

> The coin emission curve follows that of Bitcoin and there has been no ICO or pre-mine


How does it compare to say ZEC?

Is it normal to take a million years to sync the wallet?

It's normal to take a million years to sync the wallet of any crypto