Why do liberals advocate for socialism in most marketplaces besides the sexual market place?
Why do liberals advocate for socialism in most marketplaces besides the sexual market place?
Regulated sexuality? The landscape is continually changing. Society is much better than it used to be. God makes everything better.
Also God help you if you're a male in a specific area of the United States.
>Why do liberals advocate for socialism in most marketplaces
What are you smoking OP?
Oh look, it's another installment of "kissless virginal /r9k/ NEETs invade Veeky Forums"
>it's society's fault why girls have sex with everyone but me
pls go back to /r9k/
now that women hold full careers and raising children is largely a responsibility of the state, polygamy should at least be circumstantially legal in the west
I'm being impartial, this is just a flagrant inconsistency between allowing sexual monopolies while demanding a trust-bust of the of civilation's capital.
b-b-b-b-but muh slutty women who only like penis! Muh only going to marry pure women!
Fuck I hate the double standards here
Because people should have the liberty to choose who they fuck.
Also, if you can't find anyone, devote some time to improving your appearance and personality. Pic unrelated.
People aren't entitled to reproduce. In fact, 1-6 shouldn't breed to keep our gene pool strong.
Because "the sexual marketplace" isn't an actual market.
>I'm being impartial, this is just a flagrant inconsistency between allowing sexual monopolies while demanding a trust-bust of the of civilation's capital.
That's nonsense.
We redistribute capital because there are certain things which are better handled communally, like having a military. There are other things where individual achievement should determine success. We call this the free market in "civilation" terms, and in social terms it means that if you're a normie, you have an average number of partners throughout your life (5 - 10 for most people) before settling down on a single committed pair, with the option of dissolving that pair if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. It means that yes, there will be some guys with mad game who score with tons of chicks, and then there are the kissless virginals inhabiting Veeky Forums who never get laid because they're obese manchild sit-arounds. And it's not fucking fair because some guys were born with shitloads of money or boyish good looks (or rugged, masculine ones if you swing that way) but that's the way life is, there are winners and losers.
People do better when they're given freedom for the same reason why mutts tend to be vastly healthier on average than pure-bred dogs. And dipshits who imagine all girls as wanting to be whores in Chad or Tyrone's harem have been spending too much time watching porn.
t. 1-6
>wealth is better when its distributed communally
lmao actual marxists on Veeky Forums
Please substantiate your claims.
>liberals advocate for socialism
can we ban americans once and for all
Try again babby
You are literally the saddest little babby, I am at the top of whatever ranking system you can conceive.
But why would you rank people like that in the first place?
Found the retard boys.
>Hey guys we don't need an army or a police force or interstate roads or spy satellites all we need are rednecks with hunting rifles
It must be difficult for you being some retard living way out in some country blumpkin hickville
>hey guys we don't need food
It must be difficult for you being some retard marxist living in a society built on freedom and capitalism, both of which you hate dearly for no reason other than your own stupidity.
>>hey guys we don't need food
Fuck off with that "we grow your food" dumbassery.
Giant corporations grow my food.
Country blumpkins are NEETs with shitkicker boots.
>It must be difficult for you being some retard marxist living in a society built on freedom and capitalism,
Did you not see the part of my post where I defended the free market you simple minded dumb ass? You think when the shitskins come for you that a ragtag collection of drunk hicks with tacticool rifles would be better protection than the U.S Army?
Do the human gene pool a favor and chlorinate yourself out of it.
>fair share
>maintain society
Great meme.
You sound like you need a hug
>roll sex chance fail: 2 target 3
I'd attempt suicide but there's a 5% chance of surviving a gunshot wound to the head.
The era of oppression by the eternal roastie is closer to the end than you think.
>trusting self reported numbers
So the dudes have fucked way less women and the women have fucked way more.
>Advocating socialism
You do have a point, but I feel like a normie at the low end and I'm at 8 people.
>i'm a virgin
>that must mean everyone else is too
Is there any actual evidence that there are much more male virgins than female virgins or does it just come down to "BUT MY FEELINGS!"
How does it feel not being able to notice basic facts about reality?
>b-but...my feelings
feels>reals right?
Yes I'm asking how it feels to be so blind.
Wtf does mate selection have to do with markets? Or socialism?
Socialism is about collective production not individual reproduction.
"Sexual marketplace is just a dumb metaphor that doesn't make sense at all. Might aswell call every network in the world with agent nodes a marketplace.
This needs a new word, fuck off with your economorphisms retard.
Ignoring all the god nonsense
Wtf is this?
>landscape is changing
>society is getting better
Society has been getting progressively worse in terms of functionality since the Holocene began because the landscape is changing.
Socio-ecological systems are almost extinct
How does it feel to be on par with tumblr landwhales claiming their feelings are more important than facts? Just wondering.
Girls get laid way easier than boys. Even repugnant tumblr landwhales. Objective fact.
>Ancaps lack compassion for other humans
>They are litteraly autistic
Really sears my Steaks
Better version
If there really is such a thing as a "sexual marketplace", then it would have to include prostitution. If you actually mean "reproduction", then there's sperm banks.