What is the best meme country and why is it Prussia?
What is the best meme country and why is it Prussia?
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That's a funny way of spelling Scotland
Point me to some decent Scottish memes and I'll humor you
No Prussia because based.
Also isn't a country anymore so not relevant to some discussions. Where as Germany can be relevant because its vast history. As Germanic Tribes, As Germania, as HRE, as WWI and II. As Commie and Capitalis divided country ie Berlin Wall.
Germany is literally the talk of the western world for the past... well shit nearly 1500 years.
>isn't a country anymore so not relevant to some discussions.
Oh shit I guess we better stop talking about the Roman empire.
Blood and Iron
>meme country
>Germany is literally the talk of the western world for the past... well shit nearly 1500 years.
Actually France, GB, Italy (from a cultural standpoint) ,Spain and Portugal are far more relevant in the last 1500 years.
just hand over the name of this comic for science pal
How did Prussia gain the reputation of a war machine? Their only military success was betraying Poland alongside Austria and Russia, arriving late at Waterloo and convincing other Germans to help them give France a pasting.
Five sixths of their government budget was spent on military expenditures is part of it
Literally me
what comic is this
blood and iron
Gonna need source about this meme please.
>who is Frederick the Great
cool pic. uhlans? when is this from? 1914?
Blood and Iron.
Blood and iron
Military parade in Waldenburg in Schlesien (modern WaĆbrzych), datation 1885-90.
If you are interested there is a great website with a lot of historical photos from Silesia, it is a horrible bitch to navigate, but the content is stellar
Blood and Iron
I thought Freddie was losing the Seven year war till Cat the Greats husband gave Prussia all it's land back?
Childhood is idolizing Prussia, adulthood is realizing Bavaria makes more sense
> (OP)
>Childhood is idolizing Prussia, adulthood is realizing Bavaria makes more sense
True enlightenment is realising the nobility and God given right of her majesty the Queen to rule over all the lands.
Blood and iron
Blood and iron
Alias #22
That's Jessica Jones and it's supposed to be a picture of Johnny Storm. The Netflix series did not do the book justice.
Blut und eisen.
Here is one.
blood and iron
Here is another.
Furthermore, given that Northern Ireland is populated with border Scots their memes should qualify as well.
>British """"""people"""""""
Blood and Iron.
u wot.
Blood and Iron
fuck up dumb cunts
Rwanda: African Prussia
Australians are a cancer on this site.
sick doubles you cuckold
Blood & Iron! The iron price
fresh prussia march from /wsg
is2.Veeky Forums.org/wsg/1486611273908.webm
Blood and Iron
Blood and Iron.
jessica jones IIRC
a lot of history happened to Germany more like, they've been fucking irrelevant for most of time
>No Prussia because based
They're underdogs. It's easy to like them desu They managed to turn the outskirts of Germany, a region so remarkable poor in natural ressources, into a global force.
Blood and Iron
Who is this smug old shit
blood and iron
Ian Paisley.
Bismark basically sets up a system only he understands and they dies, throwing everything into chaos. Was he the ultimate troll?
Voltaire started this meme IIRC
>tfw Von Tann didn't buddy up with Nappy and Franz to beat up the Preissn
What is Seven Years War?
blood and iron
Blut und eisen
Its funny to see most of the Prussianboos coming from Land of Free.
Especially that Prussia were essentially military camp country, where nobles were bound to serve country, soldier by forced to serve by force and hate their officers more than enemy, produce counterfeit money, the most know king was a faggot, bureaucracy decide on everything and taxation were over the roof.
What kinda empire you want famalam?
Blood and iron
>radioactive rays
That english
God Save the Queen
Blood and Iron
Blood and Iron