Almost at 20 sats, was 10 sats a day ago. Last major wall remaining! Soon to be listed on other exchanges!
Holy shit, already? Now I feel lucky I got in at 15.
In at 8. Thinking about adding some real money now.
The wall can come down if we want it to ;)
Ez gains! InsaneCoin is at 2700 sats, cryptocoder shills be gone!
in at 4 here, how do you feel about this coin?
In at 15.
We'll be 100 sat by next week at this rate.
to the moon. It's not even on any notable exchanges yet, then theres the masternodes...Literally not even espers final form. this is a long hold.
What price do you think it'll be in a few years?
Yea this is not a pump and dump, Def long hodl
$1 per coin by 2019
Not sure if it's worth holdin that long though but hopefully over 100 sats
Noticed this gem at 5 sats. Bought at 8.
Kill me
I mean that's still very good lol
8 is a fucking great price for this coin. I got in at 6-8 and I'm euphoric right now. Those digits don't lie, buying in at 8 is going to bring you prosperity.
That's human nature for ya. Never satisfied, always craving for more. Hell, I didn't even feel that happy when ark mooned because my staking couldt get set up.
Kek what are you trying to say?
Not buying in now, obviously nothing different about it
>nothing different about it
are you retarded or just retarded? It's still in alpha and it's not on any of the main exchanges yet and still grows.
Sup fellow Chinese dude.
I bought in @15, holding 158.3K.
Feels good man.
I'm looking to spend 3000 usd on algorithmic gains coin, along with some stable investments.
Trying to become a millionaire by next spring.
This might be it. Gonna sleep on it.
were can I buy?
How does it work when you buy literally millions of a very cheap shitcoin? Am i basically a whale at that point?
where the fuck u guys farm sats to begin with
You're only a whale if the price surges over $1 and everyone else before you cashed out.