What makes societal rejects attracted to these ideologies?
What makes societal rejects attracted to these ideologies?
They aren't mainstream/normie ideologies.
well normalfags aren't going to be attracted to radical politics, well duh
Because the essence of being autistic is arguing the point past the point of common sense
Libertarianism/classical liberalism is the most rational and intelligent ideology
How the fuck is libertarian a bad ideology
OP is most likely referring to Ancap retards that infiltrated the Libertarian movement.
Two of those were mainstream at one time in their respective countries. Do you mean specifically in the present day?
>Ancaps are the only reason the movement is preserved at all
>Lmao le doob ancaps
When's the last time the libertarian party nominated an Ancap?
who is the Paul family?
they want a system where they arent societal rejects
see, this is that autism thing we're talking about
Exactly. We should genocide every demographic that people who were mean to me in high school belonged to
>Pariah Germans create National Exceptionalism
>Pariah MeriColonists create American Exceptionalism
>Pariah Intellectual poor create Vanguard Exceptionalism
Your question, why do societal rejects cleave to the philosophies that call their shame a source of exceptionalism?
People like to feel good about themselves. If they are forever damned as societal rejects, cleaving to a damned societal philosophy does not worsen their situation.
It is the task of society to provide hope for the downtrodden to prevent this rebellion of the desperate. Those that fail to do so, get a healthy dose of autism, murder, and hypocrisy for a few decades before the system threatens to collapse under its own lies again.
They don't like / fit in / want the society that is, so they take up the flag of the revolutionary, just like everyone else that challenged the status quo in human history.
>Fire Department
I'm a white nationalist because I'm into animal preservation and deep ecology.
Those are Ancaps, not Libertarians.
When you are a child, your parents love you deeply.
When you enter young adulthood, as a teenager, they don't love you as much. You are now your own entity, and you killed the child they loved to come into existence, so there is conflict as their instinct tell them to find new partners and have new children and let you fend for yourself.
As a result you feel abandonment and you become contrarian, a rebel, a fighter. However since there is nothing to fight for, you instead wear leather jackets, do drugs, listen to metal music and become interested in bad political movements.
Some time later you are supposed to find a partner and become calmed, and normal, and integrate back into society. This is growing up and reaching maturity, no longer a rebel, now instead a cog in the machine. However some can't find a mate, and can't fit, so they remain teenage minded and rebels all their lives.
Libertarians are totally against the existence of a non-voluntary government, so police and fire departments, were they to exist, would have to come into existence some other way. This doesn't necessarily mean for profit, though. For-profit fire departments that contract with your insurance company does seem like a likely solution to me, but it's also possible that towns might set up volunteer fire departments or set up fire departments paid for by homeowner dues (which are like taxes but with the subtle difference that entering a homeowners association is voluntary); what solution actually emerges will differ from town to town and be determined by its demand rather than by arbitrary government decree. A solution to police would, of course, be similar.
The above is not my view, but something I copied from a libertarian comment, and its somewhat reasonable. Don't demonize people you disagree with.
so people would opt to join communities that charge taxes I mean home owners dues to fund police and fire fighters huh really cracks my peanuts
The difference being you can also opt out.
For example if had times hit, you don't have to eat shitty food and buy the discount medicine to afford taxes, you can choose to not pay taxes for a year until you recover, running the low risk of fire or crime.
>cutting back the private police force subscription so you can eat caviar more often in fiscal operating year of 2039
How about:
>not renewing your fire hazard insurance so you can afford physiotherapy for your numb hand, hoping it recovers so you can get a job again
I don't think your typical libertarian is a dirty neckbeard, although your typical ancap might be. Libertarianism isn't extremely popular but it is pretty widely accepted as a valid ideology, at least in the United States. That is why they have their own party which got a reasonable amount of votes for a two-party system and the current governing party has a decently large liberty movement.
I say this from the bias of being a libertarian myself (albeit not very extreme) but I wouldn't exactly cast myself as a social reject. I have met other libertarians of varying levels of social autism, ranging from absolutely none at all to all-out sperging. I even know an ancap who is getting married in a few months.
I think the biggest problem the liberty movement is their commitment to free speech. Obviously I don't believe in government censorship but libertarian groups should understand that they, as private organizations, have the right to decide who can use their platforms to say what. Go to any libertarian Facebook discussion group and you will find neo-Nazis spouting racist and antisemitic rhetoric all the time, not to mention the conspiracy theories. Libertarian groups have done nothing to curb this under the pretext of "free speech" and from my experience the only ones which have done so are also the only ones which maintain any sort of decent libertarian discourse anymore. I would even argue that the alt-right laid much of their groundwork as an ideology in libertarian circles who would do nothing about the anti-liberty rhetoric being spouted in their spaces.
As for the other two ideologies, I'm pretty sure that social rejects see themselves as unfairly outcasted from society. Because we live in a "moderate" society, they view this moderation as one of the causes of their problems. It is a desire to get back at an unjust system, in their view.
The implication that "well-adjusted" drones and their (completely redundant/arbitrary) political views are superior is quite amusing.
Correct me if I am wrong, since I am an outsider to the conflict, but isn't the libertarian party in the USA just the "stoner party", and as such gets many of its votes from people who aren't ideological libertarians, but just want drugs legalized?
There is probably a disproportionate number of stoners in the libertarian party, but I think most of their votes come from disgruntled citizens, especially in the 2016 election.
Drug legalization is a pretty basic issue in the liberty movement though. I don't know where you are from but presumably drug prohibition has not destroyed the lives of as many people in your country as it has in the United States.
My grandfather killed himself after heroin was outlawed, since he used it as painkiller.
I am of the opinion that drugs are only dangerous because there is no drug culture, as in the common sense of how to properly use drugs. There is alcohol culture. Alcohol can be addictive, can kill, can cause mayhem and chaos, but it mostly doesn't. People used it enough, and talked about it enough, and there are movies and magazines and proverbs about it, so people know how much is too much, and how to act around drunks.
If we let such culture form, or promote and artificially establish it, around drugs, they would be equally harmless.
Weed culture is indisputably a thing in the United States (and Canada). I live in Vancouver, which is pretty much known for weed, and I know you can go to any city in Washington and it will be equally as weed-oriented. We can also see that meth culture is becoming increasingly common, especially in the rural United States. Pic related
It isn't just about culture though, nor is it really about legalization either and being able to create an ancap meme recreational child heroin operation. Portugal is a fine example of drug policy succeeding, where they did not legalize drug use, trafficking, or ownership but they decriminalized the possession of small amounts of drugs.
>Libertarians are totally against the existence of a non-voluntary government
right, and everyone on the left is a communist.
Libertarians are by definition against non-voluntary government. If you are for some non-voluntary state and government, you are making a compromise and abandoning the main principle behind the movement.
Libertarianism is just a blanket term for people who think a general reduction in government influence in the economy and society is either practically better for everyone or the most moral structure of a society. If you are coming from a moral stance, yes, everything has to be voluntary but from a pragmatic perspective it can just be support for limited government.
>they want a system where they arent societal rejects
But how would they stop being social rejects in a traditionalist fascist society when they're a bunch of NEETs posting cartoon frogs on an anime imageboard?
The fact that Veeky Forums has become a place that people started to associate with alternate-right movements hellbent on combating "degeneracy" is just fucking mind boggling to me.
So Libertarianism means people who aren't necessarily libertarians, but sorta kinda want the sorta kinda same thing as libertarians. Alright.
Mussolini should've named his party Libertarain Partia la Italia or whatever. He was all for free market.
We will fight for a bright fascist future and then put out of our misery in a most humane way...entoxicating gas chambers.
Funny how white people have done most damage to the earth. Retard.
Its mind boggling to me that people who are so bad at reasoning are at the same time so good at rationalizing.
Some of those guys can't get the most basic logic flow, yet have managed to make their transsexual interracial rape porn fetish fit in the same mind as their anti-degeneracy traditional views.
>Its mind boggling to me that people who are so bad at reasoning are at the same time so good at rationalizing.
wtf you can't rationalize without a reason
this board is even more of a satire than /pol/ will ever be
>Mussolini should've named his party Libertarain Partia la Italia
Quality shitpost
It's not social rejects, in my opinion, it's just people with enough time on their hands to sit down and throughly research each position and choose one. Which one they choose relies solely on each individual's character and wants.
Also, not all of us are social rejects, so quit your projecting.
>i am a nazi
>society rejects nazism
>but i am not a reject
I'm actually classical liberal.
Society rejects you as well. The welfare state is conquering the world.
>The fact that Veeky Forums has become a place that people started to associate with alternate-right movements hellbent on combating "degeneracy" is just fucking mind boggling to me.
The majority of the userbase on Veeky Forums is no longer weebs and weirdos, right-wing nutjobs immigrated to Veeky Forums and took it over.
maybe people just grew up?
Yes, as we all know once you became a certain age you suddenly count as two people when it comes to website traffic.
>anonymous imageboard
>population almost doubled in mere two years
>/pol/ became the 1# board by activity, overtaking even fucking /b/
Yeah, it's not like 90 % /pol/tards came here last year for the ebin redpill meme. But really, the same thing already happened - chanology. It's when hordes of retards came here thinking that Veeky Forums is some kind of epic hackers on steroids activism gathering place, and the same thing happened again thanks to /pol/, only now people think this place is some kind of neo-traditionalist forum or some other bullshit.
mind you that this board is 1 year old as well
The people that want to change the system are usually not the same ones benefitting from the system.
>not accepted by society
>want to belong
>easy way to blame others
whats not clear?
There's plenty of weirdos and weebs here you fucking idiot what are you talking about? /pol/ has more influence now, but that doesn't just remove the natural flow of people coming to the site who aren't interested in politics.
Of course more people will browse the site if it's available on mobile, what the fuck else are you supposed to do in public transport? I don't understand you people complaining about newfags, they will come and go as they please and you complaining about it isn't changing anything.
Hiroshima isn't going to ban new people from entering the site, you should be happy about more traffic because that's what keeps the site up and running.
Also, so called right wing nutjobs have always been here, the election is what gave them the excuse to spout their ideological bullshit everywhere instead of just containing it to /pol/. Give it some time and it will revert back to the same old shit it always was.
Is classical liberalism against social welfare? Not welfare state, of course.
Economy will reject the welfare state
Its gay version of liberalism
>being anything other than an Old Left social democrat
prepare to be CLEMMED nerds
Normally, ideology is practically expressed and lived through in the guise of community organization. You're part of a mainstream political party that espouses a mainstream ideology because your parents and neighbors are a part of a local organization that is aligned somehow with these organizations.
So as a social reject, you're already on the outside of frat parties as well as community chapter meetings of Young Republicans/Democrats. But you crave community anyway, and the easiest way to find it is to subsume most of your character faults into an online persona, and join online communities that, because of their lack of mainstream presence, are much more loose in their social circles and hierarchy.
Not strictly
"Classical liberalism" is a meme that means nothing other than for center-right market liberals to sound cool
I would call myself libertarian but I'm not pure enough for them
If you're European just call yourself a liberal, if North American a moderate or something. I assume you align yourself with tendencies like the Liberal Democrats (UK) and FDP (Germany)?
underrated post
>supposed "libertarian"
>Wants to destroy free speech because of "neo-nazis
You're a (((libertarian))) alright.
>common sense
Fuck off
Rationality is the solely human impulse to make sense of what has no sense to it.
Intelligence is irrelevant.
hurtin ppl is bad because i sed so now build my fukin roads or ill buy your fresh water source and poison it
>americans thinking "libertarianism" is an ideology
>americans not understanding liberalism
land of the free (from thinking)
>libertarianism isn't an ideology
Libertarians exist because American liberals went full sperg and embraced Wilsonian liberal imperialism as well as the welfare state of FDR and bigger government over meritocracy..
Autistics are obsessed with making sense.
Essentially its like this in America. Liberals believe the government has a duty to intervene in order to enforce liberal principals whereas libertarians think government should gtfo.
Where I come from communism is quite mainstream and is like the ideology of the cool kids from school. There are actual stalinists where I live and what is ironic is that they are generally the type of wimps who shit themselves at the first sign of conflict or fighting. I once was wrestling with a "stalinist" buddy of mine, all fun and games untill I gave him a suplex and his nose started bleeding and the guy almost has an heart attack, couldn't even see the blood that the anxiety just made him act like a little bitch.
But yeah I think the point is that there are countries where communism is really a normie thing and with no cognitive dissonance between the violence of revolution and how pussified and, well, normal, they are. Maybe its just a case of the neighbour's grass being greener
They probably like the ideal parts of communism: a community coming together to better everything for everyone.
Most normal people don't lust after revolution for revolution's own sake.
It is the same in America the way people idealize and venerate capitalism. We look at the best parts like social mobility, innovation, individualism. We don't focus on the fact that this system has to grind people up to make the above possible.
Do you have a communist government or an active communist party with a large voter base in the area?
American "liberals" are just spastics who all have wildly different political ideas, and "libertarians" are just normal liberals
it's not you tard, what you call "libertarianism" is just liberalism
if libertarianism is an ideology is authoritarianism an ideology?
Lets put it this way. If a store wanted to block Black people from using its services the liberal would say that is an infringement upon the Black's liberty and use the government to force the store to provide service to the Black. The libertarian would argue the store has the right to provide service to whoever they wish.