In this thread we make fun of each other's bags ( and also give recommendations plz )
Blockfolio thread
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I have the worst bags, theres no one with shittier bags then me, believe me
Ayyy im holding firstblood too.
Did we get scammed
Throw it all into the XVG dip. You too OP.
I'm fucking up pretty bad today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I started with 70$ about a week ago, I'm pretty content with my gains although they are modest.
I fell for Zen too, ended up selling at a loss so I could make a quick profit with LDOGE
wish i bought more ARK
me btw
All aboard the ark!
Any chance verge moons again?
P comfy desu. Want more BTC eventually
Yes. Now is steady period/ sell phase for most coins and xvg is holding steady. It will probably dobat least one or two under 100% rises.
absolutely, have strong hands user
I thought Verge was done for?
Dump Doge, get LTC, LISK is looking good.
Starting out small
Suggestions on what do next?
Also, I put in a $150 order for some ether so that should come through soon
Needs more diversity.
Looks solid. Agreed about needing more btc
Spread it out for security
Not until REDD-ID is released for RDD and it moons thereafter, and I'm staying full out on MOON until it hits 30 - 50 sats.
I got into RDD @ 7 sats and 52 sats, MOON @ 1 sat and 4 sats.
yeah, ive told myself im done w shitcoins, besides maybe some more ARK and a lil ETC. everything else, 70-30 BTC/ETH here on out
on my comp now btw, hence ID change.
also chekkin n kekkin muh trips jackpot
Started with 1.7K about three weeks ago. Don't invest in meme coins, just promising tech. Give me some pointers if need be.
looks a lot like mine mate, nice work
I have recommended NEXUS from a little over 5 cents, down to 2-3 cents late last year. Doing well now.
Have made huge mistakes too. Bought ETH just under $1, sold after the hack for $11-$12. Sold 500,000 DGB for almost no profit a couple months ago. Sold 100,000 XEM for .88 BTC a couple months ago, too.
There may be something to this "HODL" stuff. ;)
Started with about $300 few years ago, traded up to here.
>tfw being kept afloat by ARK
How are you people losing money in this market?
Great job!
Can someone please recommend a site to buy Bitcoin with Aud? I've been putting it off for too long and have finally got a job and can start to accumulate.
Damn, I hope I get to there one day.
What are some cheap coins I can branch into? ARK?
Looking to dump 10-30ETH when Status ICO launches.
When you transfer AUD in or out it can take 4-5 days to go through, don't worry about it as they always pay.
I use coinbase. Took a while but i can buy 2k per week now.
Coinjar and local bitcoins seem way overpriced here in melb.
Thank you for the quick replies :) I have a induction for my job tomorrow an am very excited to start this journey with $100 to put in today. Best wishes to everyone
I've been doing trades a little more than a week and already got almost 100% up. Are you guys sure that being diverse is good?
At the start all I was more diverse but the coins I expected to rise did but the ones who I guessed would rise the most also did and all that diversifying did to me was make me lose some gains. Then I started going 60/20/20 and 60/40(like I am now) and I started to go far.
Is steady climb better than crazy roller coaster of death from hell?
Also here are my last 7 days.
No worries mate, I started with $20 3 years ago and today I'm here just remember you make more by buying a good coin and holding than by daytrading shitcoins.
Diversify mother fucker, and take some damn gains.
ANS should be big, seems to have semi-official Chinese government support. I think they want to pimp it as their BTC alternative.
Weak hands, sell low buy high.
Howmuch time do you spend on this daily?
I was idle for 2 days(from 3 to 5) to check how well the HODL meme does.
Other than that at the start I was constantly looking at dips, right now I eat up 2~3 dips(mostly because when I see it the dip is almost halfway through, if I see that the pattern is repeating and I'm at the exact top of the latest pattern I hop off unless it has been going low lately, just like I did with 1ST few hours ago)
About 2 hours a day looking at the exchange, looking for dips, switching coins, etc.
One hour(I skip some days, other days I do three hours) studying coins and how their dev teams are doing, then the ones that I consider too good for their market cap go into my mental network of "coins I'd buy depending on the dip/order book/pattern/etc".
I also lurk at biz a lot but mostly only get ideas of what coins to study through you guys.
I try to limit myself to ~6 coins otherwise it gets too hard to keep track of them all.
Yeah, if you daytrade or you just trade once every few days but don't hodl 6 coins are going to be a pain.
I guess hodling is only legit if you diversify in really shit coins.
Also I'm 170/125 1ST/BTC right now, got profit compared to the dollar on both, I'm going to try to hold 1ST for a while since I expect it is not going to go up in the next 2 days or so and I'm going to dump BTC soon, I don't like holding it, only bought because of the dip.
>The biggest bagholder of them all.
Started at €350 last saturday.
Guess I need to HODL for a few months
Did I fuck up Veeky Forums?
Step up the crypto trading game. Add me on Skype: CryptoAnna
red pill me on ATMS
no DGB, Sia, and Stratis will go up again, you'll be fine.
Get some more BTC. LTC is also a stable long hold.
Nice and solid. Get to 21 BTC
Looks good.
In almost the same situation but i have bat instead xvg.
I've read though ZEN and BATs whitepapers, and it seems promising. Is why I'm holding them too :))
XVG I bought in hopes that with their release yesterday they would go up. Guess not... Still holding since it's an OK company!
>tfw no instant +1000%
sorry zencash
desu i think you're doing better than me then. XVG was kinda a gamble since they released yesterday.
Butt all coins will eventually go up, hopefully XVG too kek.
I finally diversified. Despite how it looks, I've actually made ~50, having only put $200 into this total over the last two weeks. I'm a slow learner but I'm getting the hang of it.
This feels more like a cropduster than a rocket ship
I made gains because of moon. I invested a little amount to test the waters ended up going all in on moon because noob. Bought the same amount of btc and diversified it. We're all gonna make it senpai.
You both have some solid hodl coins, don't worry.
Not a rocketship but it is a comfy cruise ship.
I thought moon was a scamcoin since it got shilled so hard on here..
Thought the same with RDD
Maybe I should just listen to fucking the hacker known as Veeky Forums.
Hint: Gridcoin
You are welcome ;))))
I am glad I diversified early into Stellar before the ETH/BTC dip
Using cryptocompare, pls no bully.
Started this morning with 50 bucks. Goal is 200 tomorrow. Am I doing good guys, about to go to sleep and see what I wake up to.
I like it friendo
But why golem?
I hope ARK crashes so you can learn to diversify the hard way.
Started in 2014 with 2k, only in BTC which I held until recently. Started to buy ETH when the scaling debate escaleted, served me good. Then started to buy tokens with the rest of my BTC and with ETH. Want more ANT. Might drop 500$ on it.
Who else is /oldfag/ here?
Did a bit of research on it, liked what I saw. Made a little profit either way.
Yes, it got pumped by a group, they are all out already.
Don't have enough funds to really branch out yet, waiting till 250 to diversify
I take it you're in it for the short-term then, honestly shouldn't have judged you based on my own philosophies. Veri sorry user-chan.
meme trifecta
>meme trifecta
Forgot pic
Have about 150 of strat and verge as well bought a lot of dumb shit
Open to suggestions on more stuff might pick up some more btc, gbyte and strat
Started with 200.
Waitibg for paycheck so i can buy more eth/btc
Looks good user
Try and get a ratio 40%btc 40%eth 20% everything else :)
started with 25k usd in btc back in 2015
3/2 lmao
I find it hard to get into day trading aspect of crypto. My gains have almost purely been from hodling. Is the safest way to just invest a portion of my salary every month?
Literally the first 100k+ portfolio that actually looks legit.
Pay richfag tax
dont daytrade.
step 1. put 80% of capital into btc/eth
step 2. put 20% into coins you done reseach on
step 3. ???
step 4. buy lambo.
>photo of monitor
Giving you anything would be a waste when he could give it to someone with the mental capacity to increase it.
Fair enough. Guess my next 200 eu are going straight to btc.
thanks senpai
My workplace has cut access Veeky Forums, so browse on my phone
bought my btc at $450 desu
Censorship resistant file sharing
What about
Rich soon ?
Lol yeah you should totally give it to me instead. Pls
Cajones made of titanium.
Maybe I'll make some dosh, just a little
I'm thinking of buying up more ARK. Please rate my memespread