How do we stop Positivism Veeky Forums?
How do we stop Positivism Veeky Forums?
Science is a good way to inquire for knowledge.
Good way, yes. Only way, no.
Stop them from what?
Then what other ways are there?
desu transgender people are mentally ill
Something has no effect on reality before the point it can be tested, at which point it becomes science.
Science can only recognize and explain quantitative aspects of reality, not qualitative.
Nothing can explain qualitative aspects of reality.
It can't be helped.
Make sure to help yourself first.
Wrong. You mean that explanations for qualitative aspects of reality can't be tested. We can certainly explain them, however those explanations can't be proven or falsified. It's also worth noting that science only explains phenomenon by abstracting it. The models that scientists use are not reality, they are rough approximations. Never confuse the reality you live in with the abstracted and simplified reality of scientific inquiry.
>your experienced reality is above science in the hierarchy of knowledge
Feel free to stop posting anytime now
>implying militant atheists aren't liberals who support trannies
>Never confuse the reality you live in with the abstracted and simplified reality of scientific inquiry.
This. I hate people who sell pseudoscience in the guise of metaphysics.
You are wrong again.
A model that predicts a balls motion through the air when thrown is not the same as a thrown ball in reality regardless of its predictive power. Models of reality and reality itself are and always will be separate.
Can we just admit it. Anti-positivism are mostly just theists.
>You mean that explanations for qualitative aspects of reality can't be tested
How is that any different? If you just make something up with no way of verifying it, you haven't explained anything.
Name literally one thing wrong with positivism.
Notice that the wall of text also says 'redditor'. Redditors are a bunch of self contradictory fools who think that believing in legal marijuana makes them left wing extremists, while on every other issue they hold pretty much the /pol/-lite party line.
Why is this a problem? Everything any has ever done, or will do comes from assumption. Besides, positivism is hardly assumption. When something becomes positive, it stops being an 'assumption' and becomes knowledge.
If you want to hammer a nail into a board, you try a hammer, perhaps under the assumption that it will work. And when it works, next time you will use a hammer again, because you know it will work.
i agree with literally everything in the op
Yes, but who cares. They are right anyway. And I'm not even a believer. Science is good for what said.
Both disciplines can exist at the same time, is it that mind boggling that we can observe the generation of emotion in the brain chemically and that we can philosophize about the emotion itself and what the experience entails?
Immaterial concepts and experiences and phenomena exist. It's stupid to ignore them.
A bullet to positivist's brains.
Marxists are neither.
>Never confuse the reality you live in with the abstracted and simplified reality of scientific inquiry
I seriously hope you aren't implying qualia. That concept is suppose to demonstrate the absurdity of dualism. The only way anybody could believe in qualia is if they aren't even aware of other models of human perception.
give me some things that EVIDENCE-based, systematic investigation (be it the scientific method or empirical, systematic investigation in economics, sociology, politics, etc) cannot find out about that they are currently trying to find out about?
the wall of text was blatantly added later by someone else, probably from here.
>while on every other issue they hold pretty much the /pol/-lite party line.
What do you mean?
You fucked up with you morons' whole 'redditsucks' shit. Now go back, also, give him anosereduction and a better hatsangle. #memefixdr.#letsfixallthebrokememeeks
You tell me about your mother first... Mister!! #trainingatheists
Well then never confuse the reality you live in with the set of impressions you've been able to gather from your sensory systems. Who's to say they aren't fooling you?
Who's to say the truest reality doesn't consist of abstract and ideal principles that you only experience the broken down and imperfect versions of?
Only rationality and scientific inquiry can get us closer there, not empiricism.