What is the most retarded thing that has ever happened in history?
What is the most retarded thing that has ever happened in history?
Kaiser Wilhelm II's entire existence.
To be fair it's Bismarck who was extraordinary and atypical. Wilhelm was just being average German.
We are living in the most retarded moment in recorded history.
The descent into WWI was retarded, but the retards at least had a reason for doing retarded shit. The Chinese Cultural Revolution was retarded as fuck, but at least it was an ethos.
Before the modern age, retarded waves couldn't spread as far. Big bursts of retardedness (Austria-Hungary, the Tetrarchy, people accidentally chopping down all their trees and dying out) couldn't spread too far.
Now we are in a global retardation state, where shit happens for no good reason and without any goal in mind. Around the world we see retarded people making retarded choices with retarded logic.
Nazi occupation of Europe. Hitler had no idea what he was getting into and was unprepared. No aircraft carriers, no real solid diplomatic ties with anyone big enough to oppose him, etc. Just lead to them overextending and being wasteful and having the US have supremacy due to all of our infrastructure being far, far away from him with no ability to really hit us hard. He needed some more years to really sort shit out and get some better naval power, and a way to keep America out of the war.
But because he was just an inept retard that had a way with revving people up, got cocky invading France and backwater Eastern European shitholes, and then got assblasted against enemies who could fight back.
That cripple ruined everything. It's one thing to be militaristic and have a aggressive foreign policy. It's a whole different thing to make retarded statements and ruin foreign relationships for no reason whatsoever. German politicians seriously considered turning the German empire into a constitutional monarchy, simply because Wilhelm II was so incompetent.
Invading Russia
Occupying Afghanistan
The formation of American without a solid definition of 'white.' Now we got this clusterfuck.
Germany became a thing.
>No aircraft carriers
Germany is almost a landlocked country. Invading the Soviet Union - which occupied the majority of Germany's military power - absolutely did not require supreme naval power.
I'd say the biggest fuck up was losing the Battle of Britain, when Hitler ordered the Luftwaffe to stop bombing the RAF and bomb cities instead to instil "terror". This allowed the RAF to regroup and rebuild and ultimately defeat the Luftwaffe. If he'd kept bombing the RAF into the ground as they'd been successfully doing before, he would have won and eventually beaten the UK into submission, denying the US the UK's landmass as a staging area into Europe and significantly prolonging the war, potentially even ensuring the continued existence of his regime. They may have stalemated or come to a treaty with the Soviets in the end, who knows. But Hitler fucked up and allowed the western front to remain open.
nostalgia goggles.jpg
>history repeats itself always so nothing now can be a peak or unprecedented
If that helps you sleep at night fäm. But the global temperature is going to get hotter for the rest of your life and it will soon reach a point humanity has never experienced. Our solutions are too retarded and too late.
Population is continuing to grow, and although we have the resources to feed and protect people, our efforts at doing that have been fucking retarded.
We have the ability to cure all major infectious diseases, but we retardedly won't because we retardedly forget that pandemics happen until they do.
The number of nuclear powers is going to go up and the people in charge of preventing that either are literally retarded or actually want more bombs.
Forests are being destroyed on every part of the globe, fish stocks are collapsing, the oceans are a pool of dispersed microplastics, ice sheets are reaching (or maybe even have reached, judging by last years melt) the point of no return.
Shit's a crisis, brah. Massive humab die off before the end of the next century and people only care about retarded shit.
>If he'd kept bombing the RAF into the ground as they'd been successfully doing before, he would have won and eventually beaten the UK into submission
>where shit happens for no good reason and without any goal in mind
>hitler was THIS CLOSE to knocking out the RAF
this meme again? British aircraft production outpaced German production every month during the battle of britain, Germany lost far more pilots too.
Saudi Arabia been on the court of human rights seems very retarded to me
But but.... MAGA
Holy Roman Emperor Barbarossa drowning in a river just because no one was watching him bathe and get swept away by a wave. This pretty much was a significant blow to the crusaders.
Officially the consensus of White was European peoples. Reminder Italians and Irish always had the rights to own property, marry, etc like other Europeans did.
From your image, you already know the answer.
1: Everyone is to leave city at gunpoint to be rice farmer!
2: Nobody knows how to be rice farmer.
3: No rice
4: Look, some fruit trees and other natural forage.
5: Do not eat, those belong to The Peoiple, not to you lower-case people.
6: Everybody is to live healthy country-side lifestyle!
7: Doctors all need to be killed because intellectuals are bad.
8: Not always easy to tell who is Intellectual? No problems, just kill anybody with glasses.
9: ?????
Only one way to fix this, comrades, shoot more people and dump in shallow grave!
>And then...
Regine falls, Pol Pot lives out his life peacefully in a small village somewhere. Peasants now put flowers on his grave. Trial of war criminals for genocide drags on for decades, only one guy ever convicted -- trials continue of and on to this day.
Think you can beat THAT for mass retardation all around? Really?
Except its not even about money.
Breaking apart the Eurozone would fuck everybody over, not 'we're all going to die' sort of fucked, but certainly 'I can't sell my potatoes this year' sort of fucked. The reasons people want to do it comes down to actual memes.
War with China over fucking sand bars that won't even exist by the end of the century would be retarded, same for Iran. There's just going to be a wave of retardedness like there was for the War on Terror except it won't be some fag Pashtuns shooting back.
There's literally no reason to allow the spread of the bomb, or to restart nuclear production.
If fishing companies worked to cut down on illegal catching and excess bycatch, fish stocks would be healthy and result in guaranteed future income. But instead, they just move from ocean to ocean, re-register in a new country. That's all about money, but its a retarded choice.
The legions, Varus, bring them this way.
I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.
Where were you all this time?
Franz Ferdinand's assasination was fucking stupid and spooky as hell if you think about it. It's like it was MEANT to happen.
satan staged a coup against God.
You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Never heard of this
these are the cause of 80% of modern bullshit.
>This thread
Then you've bought into the rebellion.
it's all about money.
Atlantic Slavery trade
I'd argue importing slave labor is the single most damaging thing America has ever done to itself.
Have you considered that the problem with the current age is that the people smart enough to be moderate are too cynical to actually do anything about the rise of radicalism other than sit on the internet and stew?
Perhaps if you put that effort into engaging ideas on a public platform you'd be able to initiate positive change.
Universal suffrage.
Mom, get off Veeky Forums this is my website!
but muh Nixon bombings
It is about money for the individual on the short term. Learn some game theory; the ultimate redpill is the tragedy of the commons
Do you really think on a planet of 6 billion folks all pursuing their own shortterm gain you can make a significant impact?
>tfw this is actually true but also a blatant lie
why can't everything be either black or white, like my american cartoons?
Germany goes fully autistic and then millions die. At least the wars made us work overtime on developing technologies like transportation and communication.
Black slavery on the Western Hemisphere. Responsible for the creation of permanent problems in the US and hellholes like Brazil and Haiti.
This seems good but you need to have some pull first. People who make it in politics either have money or are vetted long before they can have an opinion that matters these days.
t. Carl Diggler
pretty much everything
>pretty much everything
We as a society are retarded, allowing people to go around killing us, raping the children.
Horrible excuse for adults we are.
The Battle of Muret was pretty fucking retarded. It's like a 11 year old playing a Total War battle for the first time
Forgot to elaborate
>Montfort divided his army into three squadrons, and then led them across the Garonne to meet the Aragonese forces. Peter's ally and brother-in-law, Count Raymond, advised a defensive posture in order to weaken the advancing enemy with bowshot and javelins. Peter rejected this suggestion as unknightly and dishonorable. King Peter rode to the front line, forsaking his royal armour for the plain armour of a common soldier. His army was disorderly and confused. When Montfort's first squadron charged the field, the Aragonese cavalry was crushed and Peter himself was unhorsed. He cried out, "I am the king!" but was killed regardless. With the realization that their king had been killed, the Aragonese forces broke in panic and fled, pursued by Montfort's Crusaders.