Why shouldn't Belgium be annexed and turn to lebensraum for the Dutch?

Why shouldn't Belgium be annexed and turn to lebensraum for the Dutch?

They hate us for some reason.

>Why shouldn't Narnia be annexed and turn to lebensraum?

Because it's rightful french clay.

While I agree on the non-existant comparison there is not magical to find there.

the clay is Dutch, the rocks are French

Because it speaks French

Partition Belgium between the Netherlands and France. Make Luxembourg a German state. There. you've just solved the low countries question.

You forgot the german speaking belgians

Listen mongols, those faggot dutch cant take on belgium. Two reasons.
1. They were too faggot to fight in ww1.
2. They immediately surrendered in ww2 while the belgium army kept fighting and even kept hanging on to give the dutch a fighting chance.
So shut your holes about those fags retard.

Put them France. It wouldn't be the only German speaking french territory.

Put them france? Are you retarded? Are you dutch?

>thinks Memel is any different from alsace and lorraine
Are you German?

Wtf are you talking about? You really haven't got a clue

Sorry. I get my German meme territories that belong to other states mixed up.

Lol the belgians surrendering to the dutch, at the first sign of combat the dutch would flee and piss their pants like they did consistent in history

Belgium was virtualy UK's vassal, wasn't it?
Therefore UK would have taken part in WW1.

Well because it's 200 years old for one.

Either way they'll probably have to accommodate the Dutch in the event of climate change.

it wasn't

the stereotype that belgians are retarded doesn't seem that weird at all now

interestingly Leopold 2 always had plans for a Belgian invasion of the Netherlands
without the french threatening with a counterinvasion they had a pretty good chance of success even

This is true though, we are an extremely arrogant country which is ironic since everyone is a mayor pussy.

well yeah, the belgian army budget was twice that of the netherlands at that time and they had indonesia to protect as well

if I recall correctly then he wanted to grab brabant, limburg and zeeuws-vlaanderen

would have been the initial plan, but this is Leopold II we're talking about, if the war went well enough (like say, reaching Amsterdam by day 3 like planned) I could easily have seen him try to push for annexation of the netherlands

even in the lesser scenario there's no telling what would have happened later given he'd get one hell of a cult of personality in addition to significant militarization of the belgian industry

what's a 'belgium'?

That weird, autonomous patch of land in between two legitimate countries.


At least the belgians knew how to handle their nigs unlike you french

where would the footballers go though...

>"big" France
>having Corsica, a foreign and distant island
>not having the Channel Islands, much closer and with older historical connections to France