40 years ago today, Tony Kiritsis wired a shotgun to his Mortgage Broker's head and rigged a "Dead line" to himself (if he was pulled away from the shotgun it would go off) and did a live interview and paraded around downtime Indianapolis. Stand off lasted for 63 hours.
Weird shit from your local history
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Saw this in the schlocky documentary "The Killing of America." What a beady eyed entitled douche. Where does this guy get off endangering all these people and being a loudmouth and publicly torturing a guy because he was too stupid to read the terms of his bank loan?
He was off his meds as the story goes
Oh, well that's reassuring sort of. Good to know we've been letting mentally ill people buy guns and brandish them in public for 40 years
Sounds like a metaphor for Democracy, if I've ever heard one.
I imagine thats probably what the guy was going for, or something along those lines. something bitchy about capitalism at the very least.
Well maybe if you lefty fucks weren't so intent on putting people on blacklists without having any way of taking them off the list we wouldn't be doing it.
Maybe if you cunts had well thought out methodology instead of reactionary bs we would be more willing to restrict certain peoples rights for certain lengths of time.
Triggered much bitchboy? I didn't even post anything about gun control you irredeemable dipshit
Not him but
>I didn't even post anything about gun control
> Good to know we've been letting mentally ill people buy guns
Do you know what "good" means? Does that sentence say "we should restrict people from buying firearms?" My point is precisely that the contemporary debate about gun control is missing the mark, considering people like this guy had access to guns back then, and there weren't nearly as many mass shootings, suggesting the problem is cultural and not legal.
So you were posting something about gun control.
Whoa you found me out, way to go detective. Do you get off on being petulant is it encoded in your behavior from your shitty childhood
Triggered much bitchboy? I didn't even post anything petulant you irredeemable dipshit
>i didn't post thing
>yes you did see, look
>i didn't mean thing i meant this
>this is still thing though
>fuck you! You had a shitty childhood!
Wow, how will I ever recover from this barrage of blithering criticism, assailed on all sides by anonymous bitter losers. You're just triggered because I said mentally ill people shouldn't have guns, and you're all obviously mentally ill considering a) your investment in arguing with me over nothing and b) your inability to interact with women in any capacity
How did they handle bathroom breaks?
I thought you said you weren't talking about gun control.
You sound extremely ass blasted.
They just went mang
Why are you so mad tho?
This user gets it. There is no firearm issue in the United States, there is a mental-health problem that, if discussed in statistics and openly, would utterly shock and demoralize the entire country.
Restricting fire-arms from law-abiding citizens does nothing to prevent crime or death. When a third of the population is taking medication aimed at targeting their brain for a host of issues, there is bound to be more violence.
Guns r gey
>Why aren't you being consistent? Why u mad?
Who the fuck cares? Get off my dick
That's what happens when you close the insane asylums and allow the Democrat party to exist.
So, doggedly getting this thread back on topic...
Odd local history. Charlotte, NC.
Back in 1799, one Conrad Reed, local farm kid, brings home a pretty rock from his day of playing in the creek. The family uses the 17 pound rock as a doorstop for some time. One day, on a whim, Conrad's father shows the rock to a local jeweler, who didn't tell him it was a gold nugget and bought it off him for about $4. The next year, a family slave of the Reeds found a 28 pound nugget, and Reed finally figured out that he should get out of the farm business and into gold mining. This set off the first Gold Rush in North America, and resulted in so much gold being uncovered that a local mint was established here in 1835 by Andie Jackson to coin the gold.
Eventually the gold played out, the boom ended -- the mint location is now an art museum, and we are still a banking center.
Interesting echo of the past -- when the Democrats nominated Obama for his second term here, secret service agents had to figure out if any old, forgotten gold mining tunnels might provide access inside their security zone around the convention.
>secret service agents had to figure out if any old, forgotten gold mining tunnels might provide access inside their security zone around the convention
Just like in National Treasure 2, or was it 1.
>secret service agents had to figure out if any old, forgotten gold mining tunnels might provide access inside their security zone around the convention.
Breddy cool
Bruh dis dood mad as fug
>new fag
So mad
El Reno history, small town in Oklahoma.
The town was originally settled like five or six miles north of where it is today. But a flood came one day and moved most of the buildings down river, so they just stayed where the water took 'em.
I live about 2km away from place where this battle took place. They say that you still can find bullets from dirt but I haven't found anything.
You're not Karl Pilikington by any chance, are you?
>lefty cucks
Ummm... You might wanna look into who started the no-fly list.
...and a lot of other lists.
>so, there was this little town in Oklahama, 'ight?
>Oklahoma, but alright.
>yeah. So they say, it used to be in another place, 'ight?
>What do you mean it used to be in another place?
>Like it used to be in another place, but the water sort of, you know, moved it, or something.
>No no, 'cause there was a flood. Like the damn broke, and moved the entire village down the river like 5 or 6 miles or something, and they just decided to live there. Couldn't be bothered movin' it.
>Alright, you're talking shit. You're talking shit mate. KARL, HOW do you expect a river to move an entire village? It's not possible, you fuckin' moron!
>No no, 'cause listen, 'ouses float on water, 'cause, they're made of wood.
>*sigh* Jesus fucking Christ... alright, how did the damn break then? It just collapsed then did it, you roundheaded fucking mong? You absolute twat? You're an idiot.
>Ok, so listen, cause it was built by this firm from out of town, 'ight? So they didn't really care that much what happened.
>oh really? what? they built it out of cardboard then? To save fuckin money on building expenses? Idiot.
>no no, so, workers are expensive, 'ight? So what do you do, if you wanna save money?
>Karl, listen to me, you fucking cunt, you orangeheaded fucking manc-idiot, you fucking moron. If this is going where I think it's going, I swear, we're never doing this show again. Go on.
>'ight, so they hired these guys to build the damn, and you know, they're doing a good job and what not, they're athletic and all, not scared of hights or anything, which is good, you know, when you're workin' on a damn.
>fuck me...
>So, it turns out, these worker guys, little monkey fella's.
Syracuse, NY
There's a small neighborhood here called Tipperary Hill that's historically (and still is) very Irish. In the 1920's, the city installed the neighborhood's first traffic light. The Irish kids who lived there threw rocks at the traffic light until it broke because they didn't like the "British red" over the "Irish green". The city got tired of continually replacing the thing, so they just put one up with the green on top and red on bottom.
It's still the only traffic light in the country with the red and green reversed.
Pic related.
Ha ha. that's a great story.
Manchester NH
A small area now as Pine Island Park struck by many disasters over the 20th Century
Ignore the authors input and go through the list of events in the article
Muhhamad Ali trained here before his fight in maine vs sonny listen, pic related
UA Flight 175 flew above our city after getting hijacked
Thank you.
Massacre (really more like murders) at Chicken Restaurant - really hurt the brand
Ah yes reeds gold mine I went on a field trip there as a kid and they told that story too
Very nice
This fucking guy
It was only after my high school newspaper exposed him as a rapist that the police did anything about it too.
Sargent, Texas was founded by a wealthy Englishman but his daughters and iirc his wife tragically died during a hurricane. We (the local residents) still tend to their graves every now and then.
Also the fishing here is pretty damn good. It's a shame about the women though...
simon de montford got absolutely rekt in a field outside my town, and they named a bridge after him.
Thats nice, im glad the local residents do that
The mayor of the next town over got a cop to drive some kid to his house, gave him wine, begged "20 to 30 times" to give a blowjob, and then started shooting up his own house in rage and confusion as his genius plot to suck on kid dick collapsed. There was some kind of hostage crisis where he wouldn't let the boy go until blowjobs. He ran for re-election.
Prince George, BC
In the 50s some guy got blind drunk and decided to take some kid on a joy ride in his P-38 Lightning. He then crashed into a ravine killing both instantly. You can still go out to the crash site and find very small pieces of the plane.