Why should I contribute to the unethical treatment of animals? They are living things just as I.
Why should I contribute to the unethical treatment of animals? They are living things just as I
no they're not
animals don't have reason.
You have much bigger problems than that, you're indirectly financing the torture of children with every purchase you make.
>Life is sacred
>plants aren't living things
human life is
fucking stirner poster
I think sweatshops actually help countries economically develop, most places in the west had child labour whilst industrialising.
so autistic/retarded people are not worth tolerating?
ignore commies, they wont understand
they still have some degree of reasoning.
You can't straightfacedly deny that disabled humans often have inferior intellectual capacities to even some of the just moderately intelligent animal species
Often? No.
If you feel you shouldn't because you don't want to, then don't do it.
If you feel you shouldn't because all life is sacred, then you should know that just by existing you destroy billions of lives every minute of every day when the body destroys bacteria and viruses, when you wash your hands, when you shower, when you do the dishes or clean your house or vacuum.
Not to mention that plants are alive. All life can ONLY exist at the expense of other lives.
To feel bad or remorseful about this is not only illlogical but shows, to quote The Bard, "yet still some want of wit".
it's just the way of things.
Why would you want anything to do with filthy, disease-ridden beasts? Oh yeah, you've been taught to by your parents or peers and never stopped to consider how dirty they are, how they don't understand no and stop. There's a reason people call rapists animals.
They may be living "things" [to be used and thrown away] as you are a "thing"--an it that has a hard, hard lesson to learn--but that doesn't mean everyone is a thing. Many people are understandably disgusted that people have relationships with beasts, lie in bed with them, stroke, fondle, kiss [their fur after they've licked their crotch and licked their fur].
I see prissily dressed ladies dragging their teeny beast through bird poo and then hold it in her lap. People are desperate for love and will go to beasts to get even an imitation of love. It's just so gross.
But cows will love you if you treat them nicely. Bacteria wont.
You shouldn't contribute to it. This is not because they are living, but because you have an ethical responsibility towards all conscious beings.
what about bugs? how conscious are they? is it okay to eat them?
>implying a cow licking your hand is fucking love
i despise you anthropomorphizing fucks.
More "okay" than eating a more conscious being, obviously. I believe there are very few ethical absolutes.
>I am an autist
Animals have both human and non-human characteristics. Even if a cow is a moral and intellectual idiot by human standards, that doesn't mean it has no capacity for feelings of any sort.
>you have an ethical responsibility
I say cyanobacteria have as much worth as your cat. They're both extremely abundant. "muh brain muh feelings muh emotions" isn't an argument: you haven't been able to quantify these things in the cat. "muh suffering" isn't an argument either, many worthless lifeforms demonstrate fear including my cockroach. If we extend consciousness to every metazoa your position becomes untenable. You have to draw a line, and I think you've drawn that line around your feelings.
My argument for the cyanobacteria? They convert co2 to oxygen essential for life and serving as the largest carbon sink on earth (admittedly they also produce cyanotoxins, but only under stress). Yours produces parasites, co2, and methane. Go. Love isn't an argument. Neither love you. Neither will ever love you. Any argument toward such is anthropomorphism.
autists love animals you retard, they're all temple grandin writes about. they're the only things that can understand muh precious feelings for them.
Anecdote: cows will lick literally anything they get their tongues on if they like the taste. We have cows and this winter, we had to spray salt over their poo to melt it (it froze which meant we couldn't clean out the stables), and this resulted in them licking their own shit.
Also, their first reaction to anything is to try to eat it. You can't be in the stable without one of them trying to nom on your clothes.
That was an observation with no bearing on the argument.
They dont try to eat each other, which indicates reasoning and feelings.
>You have to draw a line
You don't. As I said, I believe there are very few ethical absolutes.
chickens have plenty of feelings and reasoning and will happily eat each other alive if given the opportunity. The cow doesn't eat the other cow because it's a fucking herbivore and wouldn't digest the meat properly anyway.
You have to. I don't. Your ethical absolutes are bullshit.
Emotions are hard to observe from an outsider's point of view. We know that both bovines and humans produces oxytocin, which seems to be implicated in what humans call "love".
Others dont really need to care about your ethical absolutes sadly.
>oxytocin is love meme
I want the pain to end. Am I not a conscious being, suffering as a result of your stupidity?
What ethical absolutes? I said that I believe there are very few of them. The implication is that in practice there may be none, which I am inclined to believe. This doesn't mean we shouldn't strive towards behaving ethically, even if from a very strict perspective we were doomed to fail.
I won't bother answering since he is being so incoherent.
I never said that, though.
following that logic our civilization and expansion into nature is unethical too
are you preaching going back to small communities lifestyle where the entirity of france had about 30k ppl?
Sure, youre free to act as ethicially as you want, i just dont see the point so i wont.
>Sure, youre free to act as ethicially as you want,
Thank you, dear.
> i just dont see the point so i wont.
I believe this will be basically inauthentic and to your own detriment, since being-here is always also being-with. But you will do as you feel is right, of course.
>following that logic our civilization and expansion into nature is unethical too
It probably is, but it probably is ethical, too, from a humanitarian perspective. Most long-term historical processes seem to have both positive and negative aspects.
>I believe this will be basically inauthentic and to your own detriment, since being-here is always also being-with
Ah, the truth comes out. You are a warrior online, fighting for our conscience!
Make it stop.
>lives every minute of every day when the body destroys bacteria and viruses,
OK bacteria might reasonably said to be living, but viri? A virus is a protein shell around a rogue RNA strand. It's not alive any more than a telegram in a plastic shell is.
>You are a warrior online, fighting for our conscience!
I have no idea what you mean, I was stating my beliefs as part of a discussion provoked by the original post.
>"muh brain muh feelings muh emotions" isn't an argument: you haven't been able to quantify these things in the cat
Merely being able to quantify a given thing, is not a prerequisite for it being an argument. I don't have to tell you whther one or five children will die while you read this -- merely that any number of children perish is a sad thing.