Why is Atheism so predominate in China? Has it always been this way or is a result of the communist revolution?
Why is Atheism so predominate in China? Has it always been this way or is a result of the communist revolution?
Communism helped atheism grow, but the Chinese have traditionally been more superstitious/spiritual than "religious."
Chinese still superstitious as fucked.
>tfw the cultural revolution elevated peasant memes because it wasnt capitalist
Revolutions should always be carried out from the top
I wouldn't believe in God if I was born a Chink either
That's bull. They worship the god known as baikaishui.
That figure is a bit misleading; it lumps in the folk religion and taoism in with atheism.
>why is a country that has hardly worshipped deities in its history atheist
I wonder.
>the more religious the country, the more shitty it is
really makes you think huh
Well religion is the sigh of an oppressed people, the heart of a heartless world!
Because it suits governments for people to worship the state rather than some god.
They don't seem to have any standards of civility as a group. Stagnation explains them, whereas people in N.A. were the adventures who wanted more.
I also think heat makes a lot of peoples too brain-damaged and tired to strive for anything but sit under a shady tree.
>do you believe in the Abrahamic God?
>no? you must be an atheist then
>I also think heat makes a lot of peoples too brain-damaged and tired to strive for anything but sit under a shady tree.
Good theory, really explains why the Italians and the Greeks never did anything worthwhile
Italy and Greece aren't hot.
T. Someone who hasn't been to either.
It is hot as fuck.
Chinese aren't atheist in the Dawkins sense at all.
They all believe in good fortune crap and are afraid of ghosts... So I don't know what "atheism" we're talking about here.
T. Some soft temperate dwelling poof. 94/35 degrees is an average summer day where I live. Most of Europe is downright paradise, summer or winter, compared to North America. By hot he was obviously talking about blistering deserts.
Probably the opposite.
The more shitty a country is the more religious it is.
Yeah but you can be an atheist believing in outlandish, retarded things like Bigfoot and Roswell aliens. Nobody said they were particularly smart atheists, considering the lot of them are simple, uneducated subsistence farmers
Ghosts and spirits imply an afterlife, a realm aliens and monkeys seldom cross.
>sweden is more than 75% godless
>is the rape capital of europe
really euros my union
define "atheist." Must you not believe in God? can you believe in God but not feel the need to acknowledge him? Can you Believe in God but not in organized religions? Can you believe in God but not think any religions get him right? Must you only believe in materialism? Can you believe in spirts? Ghost? Ancestors guardians.
On the other hand east germany and tcechia are throughoutly godless but still not very welcoming.
They are materialists as fuck. But also fear Karma, ghosts and punishment from "heaven" if they did anything wrong.
>Ghosts and spirits imply an afterlife,
Chinese believe in chi or "spiritual energy" which permeates reality and doesn't necessitate a separate divine realm ruled by a singular entity. They believe that taking a pill made out of endangered rhino horn transfers some of this energy into more desirable energy without invoking a godhead.
There's a huge language barrier and it's difficult for us westerners to grasp but the eastern outlook tends to view things in terms of substances flowing and mingling together, as opposed to westerners who tend to think in terms of individual objects interacting separately in space. This outlook has served us great in the realm of things like nuclear sciences and molecular sciences, but the Eastern outlook is not entirely without merit, either.
>define "atheist."
We would want to paint with the broadest stroke possible, really. In the broadest terms it's simply someone who doesn't believe in a separate, supernatural "divine realm" whose intentions can only be inferred through faith and introspection rather than study of the external universe. The eastern outlook is much less concerned with the esoteric in this regard, using it more as a poetic flourish to describe things taking place in the here-and-now.
Of course, you still get backwoods retards who believe that ghosts and spirits literally exist and that taking a pill made out of endangered rhino horn will help make their penises erect because that's religion for you.