What's your favorite historical movie?
What's your favorite historical movie?
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Gods and Generals extended 4 hour 40 minutes version
Master and commander
Lawrence of Arabia
I love that movie. Also, pic related.
Haven't mentioned this masterpiece?
make way GOAT coming through
Make way, southern fats. A real patriot's movie, coming through!
Does 13th Warrior sort of count, despite the obvious fantasy and ahistorical elements thrown in? It's still a comfy watch.
>History Buffs
That new film with Matt Damon fighting European dragons at the Great Wall of China.
holy shit what a goat movie. The use of all the extras was amazing. Literally god tier
this video is so twisted and directly UK biased. I've never watched these people before, but they're retarded.
I can twist shit around, and use technicalities, and handwave shit all day in order to prove the opposite points he tried to prove.
>hurr durr Americans were already represented
>hurr durr they weren't forced to pay taxes they weren't represented for
>hurr durr King George didn't ignore attempts at dialogue or actually attempted to listen to American grievances
fuck off
t. mad burger
Una Corona partida
He may be mad, but he's not really wrong. History Buffs is a channel mostly run by a total amateur who writes his videos doing research with pop history books and his own gut feeling and bias.
While not entirely fact on fact historical, the movie DID have a good overall message:
When war starts, you better pick a side because there is no "neutral". If you're "neutral" you WILL be at the mercy of both sides and probably end up dead, imprisoned or worse.
I remember seeing this. It was meh.
i'm canadian
I don't really know why I linked that video.
Still I like the movie too
Nothing made by Mel Gibson, that's for sure.
Still one of the greatest movies of all time. Ivan's Childhood is terrific as well.
Hacksaw Ridge by Mel Gibson. His war movies are especially great.
>Mel Gibson
>Anything by Mel Gibson
>Historically accurate
I mean, yeah, they are fun movies, but seriously - every, fucking, time - this is the guy who had the Spanish invading the MAYAN civilization, you know, over half-a-fucking-millennia before they even saw the New World.
As someone else pointed out, literally the equivalent of having Henry V checking his twitter feed on his phone during the Battle of Agincourt.
(Although on a subjected related to Henry V, I actually did like Mel Gibson's Hamlet, even it is quite abridged. It gave Shakespeare some new teeth - and since it stuck to script, any historical inaccuracy, such as history is involved at all, isn't Mel's fault for once.)
Mel's movies are so popular though, he's probably responsible for more historical misconceptions than anyone alive, who wasn't literally writing history books.
...But at least I heard several collective whispered, "Wut? I thought these were Mayans?" in unison with my own when I saw Apocalypto in the theater, so maybe America isn't quite as dumb as most Americans tend to think.
...on the other hand, I'm sure you're an American (or baiting like OP).
>no mention of Barry Lyndon
The pleb levels are off the charts.
i like that movie too
the bounty
>impregnating qt savagefus in tropical islands while you also get paid
>essentially creating your own nation on a tiny island where your offspring still lives