how do you describe color to a blind man?
How do you describe color to a blind man?
With magic silly!
>why do you describe color to a blind man?
Best way I could do it is to attempt to translate it to senses that a blind man does have.
Much like how different objects have different sounds, flavors, and textures, they have a unique look that is determined by the way they reflect light.
So imagine flavor except entirely visual.
like this
>So imagine flavor except entirely visual.
*cue blind man
Remember back before you went blind? Remember how all those colors looked?
They still look like that.
>people aren't born blind
OP did not specify. But in the case of somebody born blind, see:
I just spent a few moments thinking about how I would describe colors to a person who is NOT blind. You could describe A color as being more or less similar to other colors, but describing the concept of colors is tricky.
Make them play it.
The same way your senses have individual inputs such as flavor, scent, sound, and texture your eyes also have individual input.
Objects that you see give unique visual input based on its properties much like how objects will taste different based on their properties.
describe red without self reference (ie, the color of blood)
>what color is blood
>red looks like red guise
You'd need to explain what visual means for a blind man. I understand people who go blind see only darkness or gray, but those who were born blind don't even see that. They would have no concept of visual.
How do you describe sex to a virgin?
Sand, coins, and the inside of your cheek.
Suppose you held an apple in your hand.
This one is what I would describe to a person as being 'red'.
Now, while we may ask what red is, or is not, suppose we first ask what it means to be red.
To be red, is to be in a certain way.
This certain way manifests itself as a visual sensation.
Now, though you may be blind, you can surely perceive a flavor. So, take a bite of the apple.
The apple tastes a certain way. This apple as it happens, is sweet.
The way the apple is sweet to the tongue is the way the apple is sweet to the eye.
The way things can be smooth, rough, tart, odorous and so on, are just as things can be red, green or blue.
While you certainly cannot picture redness for having never experienced it, you now have a frame of reference wherein color is comprehensible.
>Explain to blind people that you can see and they can't
And the worst part is that you think you got it all figured out
I mean, it seems to me that a color is effectively in the same category as any other property or relation.
So, I gave it the old college try.
Well I mean if you want to be an ass you can describe it using physics.
But obviously it is kind of impossible to describe the feeling of sight to so someone who has no context.
Some drugs bring on a phenomenon that puts your senses out of wack, e.g. this door tastes like yellow. Since they don't know colors it would be mystery flavor, and then they'd know even less about colors.
how to explain ulfire or jale?
You don't need to, get them one of those glasses that allows colorblind people to see colors.
>Explain electromagnetism
>Describe that a wave can have amplitud, examples could be drawing one in braile or on their hand
>Objects absorb some wavelenghts, and reflect others.
>Colors are a specific reflected wavelenght pervieced by the eyes and brain
>Make a pararllel with music (different notes, different colors)