Anyone regret not selling at 250?
Anyone regret not selling at 250?
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not really, it'll go higher
its been 4 days and has only tanked further and further down.
People say it will go higher, so guess we'll see what's going to happen.
Long term is not 4 days. Hold it form long, it will go up waaaay more.
So much for the $1 coin
Yes those people are holding the coin and therefore have an interest in you holding. Honestly how dumb do you have to be to listen to people here
Yeah. I hope it gets listed on Poloniex, could give it a boost so I can get out
Noone said it's gonna be 1$ in a week
I bought at 7 sats, I don't give a damn. I want to see at least 10K usd from my ~35USD investment. IT WILL RISE
anyone regret buying at 197?
Bought even more at 188.
It will rise.
You could be making money faster with SC and STRAT instead
Why won't this shit moon.
It was supposed to be the chosen one!! The last cheap altcoin with potential
Sold over half of my SC for these, SC isn't going nowhere over 600 in a while
Well this isn't going anywhere over 200 in a while either, for all I know this coin could disappear tomorrow
XVG 1000 sat by the end of the week
Bought at 15sat.
anyone regret selling at 11 sat?
SC is at 570 atm
How the fuck do you expect this coin to go anywhere when they can't even keep their fucking website up? VERGins are delusional.
Zcoin is the next privacy coin to boost, it's actually good and based on cryptography bullshit from Johns Hopkins.
more like 530
Fug.But they said it was a great coin on bitcoinntalk
I was literally just on their website
Just hold and be patient.
Always take your initial investment plus a small bit of profit when it shoots up. That way on the inevitable dip it won't affect you.
I always do that with shitcoins and am more than happy to hodl until the next pump. Greed kills.
Are you the "it's photoshopped, I can tell by the pixels" guy? They're obviously having trouble keeping it up.
Also those on bitcointalk were probably the fucking devs lol. Actually READ the white papers.
Meanwhile, ZCoin is based on this:
All altcoins are mainly western. China likes buying bitcoin on monday.
I'm pretty much convinced that the altcoins are running on profits taken from the chinese.
Bitcoin gets big pumps on mondays and slowly gets siphoned throughout the rest of the week.
Once the weekend hits major coins get pumped, and their value goes even higher, meaning more bitcoins and higher price.
I'm going to try cashing all my holdings to btc for next week to keep gains I earn on altcoin weekends.
Cashed out at 179. Fuck it.
you're fucking pathetic
It will go up today
buy high sell low
The coin is destined to go back to 240+ at some point but if you like taking a loss then feel free to do so
Check the specs
I didnt take a loss, I made something like 116% but that wasnt good enough for me.
No, it's a loss because it's 100% going higher than this, you lose out on profit
That's not a loss you fuckwit.
You could possibly call it a missed opportunity, but it's still a very solid gain. More than almost any stock or other financial opportunity outside of loan sharking.
It would be a missed opportunity if there's a choice to make, but in this case it's 100% sure to go up from this. Don't know how much but you're still selling at low if you sell now
Nothing is 100% certain. XVG could tank down to 1 sat in a week or two.
How about regret selling at 17 sats AND at a loss :'(
when it will rise? what the fuck is going on..
> muh Johns Hopkins
You zcoin faggots don't even know about the coin, just that Hopkins name is associated with it
t. Amateur
wtf its going on?
i already lost 35 euros with this... have 20 left. should i hold or save the 20 euros?
i have a feeling something will hapen tonight/this morning. might be a moon/big dip. dont panic sell
Sure, unlike some on here, the few of us not holding bags know how to read whitepapers.
Can you haz math? Pic related, what it's based on.
Meanwhile VERGins are contemplating suicide at where it's at right now.
Sold at 224 after the first dip but it was after BTC soared so it's more like 235 keeping BTC parity. Not bad, now setting up my reentry at 17x.
Both of you need to learn a thing or two
That hurts
what are u guys doing with this atm? looks like its still going down..
sold on the day of the launch too.
wew. hope you're ok user
You realize this is only happening because Bitcoin plummeted, right?
W-what are you talking about, I made 300% profits.
Holding. 320 PT
Told you fuckers to switch to ZCoin. Still going up atm.
Positive thinking, I like that.
This shit's going down, the anti-XVG campaign on twitter is pretty weird. New accounts posting shit, all the ZCoin posters here...
I'm banking on Poloniex listing XVG so it can get it's final bump, then I'm out.
>being this retarded
XVG still on sale boys, just picked up some cheap bags to sell to you FOMOers on my way to the moon.
Zoom out and look at the 3 month chart. Normal downtrend right before lift off, just hold otherwise you'll regret it in a few weeks.
Did u just see what happened?
This whale had a 20 btc buy wall at 170 and when the price reached 170 it got pulled out to crash the price. High chance the same will happen to the 160 wall etc ...
Bargain bin forever more like.
Fucker posted a bit ago saying ZCoin not even 1%, not mooning etc. Hit 1% 3 minutes later. Now about to hit 2%. Cya later fucktards!
All these privacy coins are similar, jump on whichever one has solid tech and is going up at the time, sell for a profit, job done.
For some reason Veeky Forums likes to wait till it hits the ATH, then buy. Ah well those are the type of silly fuckers I make a profit off so alls good.
I'll see you at the lambo dealer bro
Yeah this shit is orchestrated as fuck.
This. Buy support dropped by 60BTC in 30 seconds on this.
I fully support this dev but it looks suspicious.
yep. not good
Soz mate but with XVG plummeting at this rate and showing no sign of stopping, you're only going to be there washing them.
This is nearing the last low though, so I'm wondering what will happen
I sold out of XVG yonks ago, could see where it was going. Keep buying the high and selling the low Veeky Forums
Told ya. Stay poor Veeky Forums
>what are corrections
Should i sell now? Seems like plummeting wont stop. Looks really bad.. they even annouced something but it didnt help...
25 people own 50% of all verge. Look up their sales on the richlist... start at i.e. number 8. These buy walls are gonna get pulled.
Exchange wallets you retard