>tfw for the vast majority of human history anesthesia didn't exist
Tfw for the vast majority of human history anesthesia didn't exist
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Explains why humans have become so soft. I read an articlewhere a woman got depression after her third child was a boy.
Her pathetic husband cried with her..sad!
>why westerners have become so soft
fixed that for you
I don't know man, I don't think going through surgery without anesthesia would build character. I think it would just be an extreme amount of horrible suffering.
At keast alcohol existed.
why do you people exist
But that's not true. You can numb yourself pretty good with opium and opium has been known since before writing, faggot.
They had alcohol and opium. That's all you really need, baby.
They're political tards of various orientations trying to con you onto their side because they need numbers to enact political change in society.
>tfw for the vast majority of human history cuckold porn didn't exist
New Testament has been a thing for the last 2000 years, boyo.
Writing hasn't been known for most of human history
> writinng
>human history
thats about 1/10th of our history faggot
We only count history from whatever is the earliest record, newfaggots. Before that is prehistory.
What about the 198,000 years before that?
>opium is anesthesia
I think you're really underestimating how important actual anesthesia is. If opium were actually just as good there wouldn't be nearly as much historically documented fanfare over the discovery / invention of anesthesia and how it revolutionized surgery.
Here comes the feel brigade who arw defending eugenics because women feel sad.
Huxley was spot on.
That's not the only definition for history. You can read about the history of dinosaurs and we don't have any writings from them. "History" can be used to mean past events in general, there's no rule that it has to refer to times when writing existed.
I just kinda wish you'd all die is all. Not to be rude or anything.
>You can read about the history of dinosaurs
Once again, that is prehistory. Historians don't write about dinosaurs, paleontologists and paleobiologists do.
No we don't.
Human history begins with the first human.
>education level american creationist with down syndrome
That still means that cuckold porn didn't exist then
You can call it prehistory, but you don't have to call it that. Hawking didn't write A Brief History of Time about everything that happened after human writing began. Unless it's explicitly qualified otherwise, people tend to assume the general meaning of "past events." You can use "history" in terms of writing vs. pre- writing, but that's not the only way to use that word.
Is going under with anesthesia like dying? One second you're conscious, then darkness.
Literally the first two sentences.
If it's undocumented it isn't much help, faggot.
>historian discovers ruins
>nothing written here
>guys pack your stuff this is not history
stop defending your ill informed false position just leave this place and never come back
>education level american creationist with down syndrome
You forgot "t.", reddit.
Personally I think "written" is a poor choice of a description, but "documented" is important.
Human history doesn't start with the first human, it starts with the first human who left evidence which we have found. That could be archaeological rather than written evidence, but it needs to be something.
History can also refer to the academic discipline which uses a narrative to examine and analyse a sequence of past events, and objectively determine the patterns of cause and effect that determine them.
Literally a few sentence later.
btw stop using the word faggot in every sentence it makes you look insecure infant and dumb
Human history began with the first human deal with it
What about bones from the homo genus?
Thank science we have physical evidence from the "first" human beings.
Where is the history textbook surrounding the life of the first human, then?
And if you say the Bible you already lost.
Every member of the Homo genus was an active tool user that left behind archaeological record of their existence.
It's really a matter of terminology, the way I see it. It's not uncommon for the history/prehistory divide to be based on written records vs unwritten (IE archaeology). Odd as it sounds I'd still say prehistory falls within the realm of history, but it's a byword for "predates written record".
The bones of homo genus, according to frequently used definitions, would be "prehistory". Both sides should still be aware these are artificial categories invented for convenience, not hard natural laws. God didn't say "let there be history, it shall be written", we just decided on a term.
also fuck captcha
nah lad the binle is more like your thing
>btw stop using the word faggot in every sentence it makes you look insecure infant and dumb
>reddit spacing
>tfw homo sapiens have existed for approx. 200,000 years
>only developed agriculture and civilizations approx. 10,000 years ago
>we've had more technological advancement in the past 200 years than the previous 200,000 combined
Anyone else ever think about how fucking weird this is?
Well our genus goes back like 3 million years.
oh he shits on my position lets pull the reddit card
holy shit this is your first day on chan right?
Hard out there for hunter gatherers. Imagine us not being on the top of the food chain.
>saying chan instead of imageboard
Further proving my point.
>reddit spacing
Are you fucking serious, you stupid faggot? What won't you chalk up to reddit?
It's like falling asleep very quickly while exhausted or drunk. You have to count back from 10 and you are out by 7 or 6 at the latest
No, because it isn't weird. The more you know, the more ideas you have to build off of and advance from. Clearly it is easier to go from being able to fly and have computers to the space age than it is to go from a nomadic ape into a city and growing your own shit.
time to ignore you from now on go cry in your corner and let the big guys talk about history.
unlike you I am not insecure enough to care what a random stranger thinks grow some balls if you want to survive here
>btw nobody calls it imageboard
I went under once, it felt like entering a void and then simply nothing until I woke up 2 hours later.
>Anyone else ever think about how fucking weird this is?
It's not weird, it's just an exponential curve.
>btw nobody calls it imageboard
Go call Veeky Forums a "forum" on any board and you'll be bombarded by the term.
>I am not insecure
You're the most insecure poster in this thread by far.
t. not him
Isn't this a mongolian knitting circle?
You have to build slowly on an older technology.
>then darkness
Neither anesthesia nor death are like that. Darkness implies there's still a you there experiencing the lack of light. When you're given anesthesia you just time travel to whenever you wake up. There's no sense of anything in between, unless they fuck it up with too small a dose because you're morbidly obese.
nice strawman I never said it's a forum
stop being so annoying ffs nobody cares
I didn't mean that I was there to experience to darkness, that's just how I'm describing not being there. As in there was literally nothing.
>You have to build slowly on an older technology.
^This. More technological progress happens in shorter amounts of time because the technology we build makes building new technology easier, faster, and cheaper.
read enough bro science and you'd know that betas always lost, even in prehistory, user.
I get that but knowing what we now know humans are capable of it is kind of fucked to think that it took at least 180,000 years for someone to figure out that you can plant seeds and to camp out by a water source.
Nothing isn't darkness. Nothing is you just time travel to after the nothing and there's no sense of anything during that nothing. It's the same thing as a blind spot. Blind spots aren't black patches in your vision, they're simply not seen at all.
>figure out
They hardly had any incentive to. First off, the ice age effectively prevented agriculture in most of the world and second, agriculture is not needed even needed if population numbers are extremely low and people aren't depleting resources in 5 seconds.
It's been a while since I read Sapiens, but I thought the author had said that early humans might have looked like us but their brains were not the same.
I wasn't building a strawman, I was saying people call Veeky Forums an imageboard all the fucking time.
>posts trump memes
>posts a shooped version of trump to cover up the fact that trump is a fat ass, despite the fact that he screeches at other people for being fat
you have to go back
At the time of the transition to what could be considered anatomically modern humans, life would have been lived primarily on a day to day basis. All of a person's energy would have been devoted to finding enough food and shelter to remain alive, along with sleeping and breeding. In a hunter-gatherer society, little to no time would be free for thinking and experimenting, so social progress was understandably slow.
There is an evolutionary gap of some 100k+ years between humans that could be considered anatomically modern and those who might be called behaviorally modern, so much of the time you talk about involved developing the communication and thinking skills necessary for serious innovation. Several key developments spread during the Neolithic, most significantly the use of fire, the domestication of animals and the beginnings of agriculture. Populations gradually began to adopt a more sedentary, farming lifestyle but this took much time, and even by the bronze age some groups still lived predominantly as hunter-gatherers in Europe.
The comparatively rapid rise of modern civilization over the last 10,000~ years is primarily due to the development of more advanced social systems based off of an agricultural surplus and the discovery of metal, which could be used as a means of gaining personal wealth and power. In such a system the better off could devote their full attention to other matters (warfare, construction, invention, philosophy) without needing to worry where their next meal was coming from.
You realize how hard it is to learn that? Shit that seems common sense now wasn't always common sense. Especially when you barely have a language complex enough to even have that kind of idea, much less tell it to everybody else.
Go to a farm or something. And be left to your own devices and see how well you do. Sure, it's simple shit to those who know and to learn, but winging it on your own is far harder. Especially when it is a new idea and you just think it is safer and easier to hunt and find food elsewhere and run around the place rather than risking dying of starvation.
Secondly, humans always stayed by water. Even in deserts we found wells. Coastal living was always a thing, lakes, rivers, etc. That's where civilization arose to begin with.
>be mad over Trump shittalking fat people out of fucking nowhere
Time to hit the treadmill, Amanda
most people are more pissed that trump is a fucking hypocrite
Literally nobody but fatties give a fuck about Trump trashing fatties, nobody. And it's mostly fat women specifically who get butthurt.
Even if you put a stick in the ground and figure out how to push seeds into it, it doesn't mean it'll work. You're talking about the most primitive technologies for farming imaginable. No plough, no domestic animals for manure or even the idea that manure would help. You don't even know what depth to plant the seed.
Not only that, but these are wild crops you're dealing with that are hard to cultivate manually and oftentimes finicky. You could foresee failure after failure after failure for the first agriculturalists and only the people who devoted to this shit could make it work.
And camping out by a water source is usually a bad idea for too long. One, disease. Life loves water. Life loves infecting you because you're made of water. Two, other animals. Fresh water is a big deal in nature and other animals like lions and hippos and shit will be using that water. This means you don't tend to linger for too long. Even primitive cities like Ur, Sumer, and Harrapa had problems with wildlife wandering into the streets and attacking people occasionally. Being next to major river systems DID NOT HELP this.
this. but I not only meant that he's a hypocrite, its that some user purposely went out of the way to make him look skinnier because at some point he realized that trump was a fatass. so he airbrushed the picture because dear emperor trump is always right and must not be fat if he shittalks fat people! the artist is a cuck
Come on man who cares. We are trying to discuss the origins of man and your crying about trump. Let it go.
But there are dozens of sources that validate how important the importance of liquid Opium was, Paracelsus even thought he found the philosophers stone.
>Paracelsus, a 16th-century Swiss-German alchemist, discovered that the alkaloids in opium are far more soluble in alcohol than water. Having experimented with various opium concoctions, Paracelsus came across a specific tincture of opium that was of considerable use in reducing pain. He called this preparation laudanum, derived from the Latin verb laudare, to praise.[2] Initially, the term "laudanum" referred to any combination of opium and alcohol. Indeed, Paracelsus' laudanum was strikingly different from the standard laudanum of the 17th century and beyond. His preparation contained opium, crushed pearls, musk, amber, and other substances.[3]
Go back to voat faggot.
>drumpf memes
Go get gangrene and see how much character you build. Seriously, go do it. I don't want to see your """strength""" around here any more.
waaaah triggered by opinions. If you weren't a cuckold you'd take your hurt feels and kill me. Keep being a passive aggressive redditor on the internet though.
>tfw for the vast majority of human history Anastacia didn't exist
Fucking kek I haven't laughed that hard at a post in ages, thanks user
Nice argument. Did i hit a nerve when i attacked your tinpot leader?
Yeah... he kinda was.
I've lost track of half the things you people argue over.
Drink this spirit, bite this belt, we're cutting your leg
>unless they fuck it up with too small a dose because you're morbidly obese
Isn't some people naturally resistent regardless of quantity?
I think gingers need more?
I just realized Islamic sandniggers probably suffered a lot because of their stupidity of no alcohol.
Opium was domesticated quite early.
alcohol is a blood thinner
it actually wasn't that painful. oly when big govt started fluorinating the water did people start to feel pain more acutely to put citizens under control. i only drink dasain™ and i cut off my pinkie toe to test my hypothesis and as expected it didn't hurt or bleed at all.
Anesthesia as we know it didn't exist. However, they still had some methods of pain relief. They took narcotics or copious amounts of alcohol. The issue with these was that they weren't always reliable and were definitely not safe.
Anesthesia was important because it was such a huge step above things like spirits and narcotics and because it was much safer and more reliable.
Indeed it can be, in certain amounts for certain periods of time. That's why surgery back then was risky.