>stir up a hornets' nest
>complain about angry hornets
Krauts had it coming.
Despite my respect for old people, I hope they get explosive diarhea.
>the russians didn't sign the geneva convention! they were brutal & raped our women, we germans never did such things
>but the wehrmacht killed innocent civilians too, it happened to my family
>they were partisans! war has its own laws!
This thread was shit yesterday and it's shit today.
>Dey wuz gud boize dey dindu nuffin
These crusty cunts should have frozen to death in a gulag
>we defended our country against communism and russia by invading every european country and severely weakening the entire continent for decades, essentially handing power to the USSR and USA
This is why every German POW should have been gassed
How many fucking times can we have this thread?
I'll sum this video up for those who haven't seen it:
Based men.
This continent is lost.
Yeah, "based men" destroying europe left and right. Unironically speaking them losing is what saved europe back then.
>we were defending Europe from communism
>invades Poland a country that actually defended itself from communism
What did they mean by this?
further more
>invades Poland together with communists
really forces you to ponder
What is a bulwark?
I want to shake those elderly gentlemen's hands. I wish modern Germans had the same courage they did to fight for and defend their country.
Most german boys were not radiclized and were just doing their duty like most other countries lads, thats what these guys are trying to get at i guess, defense od their nation.
However to deny the german militarys war """crimes""" /overall savagery is one of the greatest excersise in cognitive dissonance ever undertook.
>defended itself against a shitty red army the first time
>suddenly they get a not totally shit leader
>they industrialise
>get invaded again and loose
>Most german boys were not radiclized and were just doing their duty like most other countries lads
>Most german boys were not radiclized
>Most german boys were not radiclized
Not that radicalization is a bad thing
Why is it a good thing?
Something that you put in the way of yourself and your enemy.
>we invaded Poland and made sure that our border was now directly next to the Soviet Union, to ensure we had a barrier between us and the Soviet Union.
While I'm mostly against Nazism, I don't think teaching children to be strong, courageous, and willing to serve their country is a bad thing.
The problem with /pol/ is that it renders other boards uninhabitable.
Want to make a new thread about history or humanities?
Watch it either get shitposted by /pol/shitters or another /pol/thread gets bumped, while yours drifts into page 6 on the catalog.
This isn't shitposting anymore, but an active raid. I have been on Veeky Forums since 2006 and never have I seen such detrimental effects fromone board to other boards.
To anyone still here because they cannot be without imageboards, but cannot stand the abysmal quality of Veeky Forums. I suggest quit quit Veeky Forums entirely and go to 420chan. They have a far better Veeky Forums board.
ITT: butthurt poles and subhuman russians
Great argument! What else could one expect from a neonazi uberman?
This would be less of a problem if the 25 year rule was actually enforced.
Also Veeky Forums almost entirely lacks proper moderation, this thread is an exact copy from the thread of yesterday, yet mods (if there are an on Veeky Forums) let it float.
Moderation on 420chan is faster, blocks /pol/raids, and deletes same threads. They also have a social sciences board.
Germany tried to save Europe but failed.
It's sad.
Sweden wouldn't have been the rape capital of the world if they had succeeded.
Germany wouldn't have been ravaged by migrants if they had succeeded.
France wouldn't have been an African colony if they had succeeded.
Britain wouldn't be overflowing with "asian" pedo gangs if they had succeeded.
God bless those Germans, atleast they gave it their best shot.
I'm actually a self loathing slav.
It has nothing to do with politics why is it a /pol/ thread?
Cripplechan had a surprisingly good Veeky Forums board but it's mostly dead now. Moderation was far more strict which is understandable because 8pol is packed with neo-nazis even more than 4pol.
>I don't think teaching children to be strong, courageous, and willing to serve their country is a bad thing.
Give me a fucking break. Don't say you're "mostly" against Nazism if you're going to take the Hitlerjugend at face value.
Its the same thread from yesterday that could very well have been on /pol/'s first page.
This board is trash, because of this mentality, lack of moderation and very poor posting quality.
Because there's posts like this in it:
>anyone who doesn't agree with my view on history is a /pol/tard
Fuck off. I love hitler but abhor /pol/. I am not racist at all I just hate Israeli Zionist supremacists
Not an argument
>his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.
Why was this rule made? So that this board would not turn into the shit it is today. It doesn't matter what you beleive, if any board or forum lacks moderation entirely, it gets shitposted to death. It doesn't take a genius to see that, it has happened over and over again on blue boards on Veeky Forums.
Mods actually enforced the rules back when this board was created, but stopped after some time.
/pol/tards infested this board from day one, it was actually much worse in the early months than it is now, but stricter moderation drove them back. Then for some reasons mods stopped caring and we have daily threads like this.
Still Veeky Forums is generally okay now, yes it could be much better, but it also could be much worse.
Saying I support hitler is no more racist than saying I support Stalin or Churchill. Stalin genocided far more in an ethnic basis and Churchill was far more an unabashed racist than Hitler.
This isn't racism, this is a historical fact. If you don't like me talking about historical viewpoints then fuck off.
The overall racist sentiment on Veeky Forums is mostly against "Le G*rmans jajajaja" with people like you constantly justifying genocide against them. And then you anti-germans get so triggered the second anyone expresses support for Germany, hitler, or opposes Israel
Only a retard can be germanboo and idolize Hitler at the same time. Hitler stigmatized honest German name with his autistic experiment and brought immense suffering to Germans and to the whole world. Hitler's actions are the reason why 70 years later people still fear Nazism, because Nazism is a destructive ideology that openly preaches violence and hatred.
I like German culture, language and history (i am a bit of Habsburgboo). Germans are great, hard-working people with rich history and numerous achievements. But i absolutely hate Hitler and his legacy which /pol/ so shamelessly promotes.
>Only a retard can be germanboo and idolize Hitler at the same time. Hitler stigmatized honest German name with his autistic experiment and brought immense suffering to Germans and to the whole world. Hitler's actions are the reason why 70 years later people still fear Nazism, because Nazism is a destructive ideology that openly preaches violence and hatred.
hitler didn't any of that jews who wrote your history books did
First of all, /pol/ is a pro-Israeli board that supports mainstream conservatives like Trump, not Hitler. Get your facts right if you're going to use /pol/ as a boogeyman.
Secondly, I don't care enough to get into this shitposting argument with you, but whatever your personal views of national socialism are, you still don't get the right to act like a big baby and go "waaah why won't the mods intervene and ban anyone who disagrees with me".
I don't care if the mods start banning racism, but they need to start with the most prevalent racism on this board, which is anti-german racism. Furthermore, if they're going to treat any pro-hitler sentiment as racist enough to warrant a ban, then they need to do the same with pro-allied sentiment, considering each of the allied powers were incredibly racist.
And? Argue against it, faggot. Don't blame pol when you're just scared of justifying your own opinion
Reminder Hitler and his autistic rampage is responsible for everything wrong in Europe today, including white guilt, and nationalism/being proud of your country and heritage being seen as shameful, and if Germany hadn't chimped out, half of Europe wouldn't have been overrun by communists.
If pol is pro Israeli than whole chan is.
What are you doing here then?
If I wanted to debate fascists and racists I would go on Stormfront or /pol/.
I am not there however . I am in a history board where every single thread here gets shitposted by /pol/tards.
Daily Hitler threads
Daily fascism and WW2 revisionism threads
Daily why is "x culture so shit" threads
This isn't history, its shitposting. Getting to inane arguments with you if "Hitler did nothing wrong" is not a historical discussion based on good faith.
Like all /pol/tards you are too much of a brainlet to understand this, and prefer to be a detriment to this boards quality. If you are the majority in here that thinks shitposting the same shit over and over is exercising your freedom of speech, then there is no saving Veeky Forums.
Me however, I'm out.
/pol/ also has regular natsoc generals and thinks Hitler did nothing wrong. Trump support just proves how delusional they are, when they unironically treat him as a white savior and think he will kill all muslims and blacks, and establish a white utopia.
I believe we should discuss all ideologies in a civilized manner. But /pol/ never comes here in a civilized manner, they only post stuff like this thread, blatant shitposting attempts that prove nothing and contribute nothing to board quality.
>anti-german racism
Germans aren't a race.
ok bye
>serious discussion on an italian spaghetti measurement board
you won't be missed, you triggered sjw israeli. go back to posting on /r/the_donald where you can have all those mean nasty anti-semitic comments censored by le mods.
one less faggot polluting the board with major in humanities
> Churchill was far more an unabashed racist than Hitler.
A load of bollox
>First of all, /pol/ is a pro-Israeli board that supports mainstream conservatives like Trump, not Hitler. Get your facts right if you're going to use /pol/ as a boogeyman.
We're not stupid, autist.
daily reminder that moot was right when he said a history board would turn into /pol/ with dates
>/pol/ is a pro-Israeli board that supports mainstream conservatives like Trump, not Hitler
this is exactly why i left /pol/ some months ago, at this point Veeky Forums is more reactionary
>/pol/'s supposed values are family values
>when hitler actively put himself above family values
Really tickles the pickle
>mfw to smart to socialize with other people
bye bye
>le humanities fag
bye and never come back
m8 wtf are you talking about this thread has be purely shitting on nazis till you showed up
This generation is dead and got replaced by this
>Instead of genociding innocent people, Germans are now destroying themselves
There are many sad things, this one is not.