Don't mind me, i'm just hijacking the democratic February Revolution so me and my obscure party can come to power.
Don't mind me, i'm just hijacking the democratic February Revolution so me and my obscure party can come to power
>People really defend a man who thwarted democracy, triggered a bloody and violent civil war which crippled the economy and forced them to embrace capitalism to grow again in complete subversion of their own ideas gg formed secret police invaded Poland all for a system that led to the wonton genocide of millions and the virtual apartheid of its citizenship
really makes you think
Really broils my beef.
That beef is not yours to broil, comrade.
Actually there's no beef due to food shortages.
Hey kulak, what's in your basement?
Don't mind me, I'm just hijacking the Marxist ideology so me and my obscure terrorist organization can come to power.
Go to bed Kerensky.
Kerensky is the most JUST man who ever lived
No, that would be me.
>wonton genocide
wonton genocide happens everyday. there''s a billion chinese, so millions of wontons will get eaten. get used to it, crybaby
>dude lets try this new ideology
>it's like marxism but instead of the proletariat the party takes power
is lenin chink?
he´s surely asian
tartar rape baby
No, I also have chin eyes and I'm purely Dutch as far as I can trace back (some immigrants probably, but no asians in relevant history.)
It's just a thing that happens in some... exceptional people.
>opposed by plekhanov, martov, and kropotkin in russia
>opposed by makhno in ukraine
>opposed by rosa luxemburg in germany
>opposed by the old labor party in england
>opposed by emma goldman in usa
How did this vanguardist fuckhead manage to become the representative of the left again?
People love a winner
>people actually took this 5'4 manlet seriously
Stop sabotaging my government!
That reads like the attendance of a bar mitzvah
and they still say that judeo-communism is a nazi conspiracy
>stays in the war when it's half the reason the monarchy was overthrown
What a fuckup
Can we all agree that bukharin should have succeeded lenin?
>What if we tried communism:capitalist dictatorship edition
Jews are asian, so it checks
there's three jews in that list polcuck.
Oh hey don't mind me, I'll just wait till you die, kill off your proteges and further distort your distortion into an orwellian nightmare
>3 in 6
you said it read like a bar mitzvah list, yet such a list would be all jews. and even so you have no proof of a jewish conspiracy except what stale propaganda /pol/ feeds you
What would have happened if the Brits had never sent Lenin to Russia to sabotage their society?
He'd prob just end up a neet like Marx
It was the Germans who sent him
Why was Germany constantly making such stupid decisions early on? Inferiority complex?
Don't forget to give Ukraine, Belarus and Baltic states.
Whats the deal with this guy? Was he a coddled tosser who just thought itd be funny to have a little war?
>Makhno sounds jewish
>KROPOTKIN sounds jewish
Why are there so many historical illiterates on this board?
>The non-Jews are the anarchists
>The Jews are the "subjugate yourself before the party comrade" communists
Really salts my peanuts
>"subjugate yourself before the party comrade''
Take your salty peanuts outta here
He's actually Jewish.
And I am Persian goddess of fertility
>early on
Lenin writes his thesis in April 1916 then gets sent back soon after. But yes the outnumbered Germans starting attrition warfare was seriously retarded
Romanticised Freidrick and was an even bigger fag than him