What could have do the sucesives emperadors to solve the Crisis of the Third Century and the problems of the Late Roman...

What could have do the sucesives emperadors to solve the Crisis of the Third Century and the problems of the Late Roman Empire in order to avoid the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

Kill all the Christians and Jews

Gas the barbarians.

>>Kill all the christians
This will help, but not solve the problem entirely.

They already killed off most of them by this point, so many in fact that judaism fundamentally changed.

>>Gas the barbarians
Sadly my friend, nerve gas was beyond Rome's understanding.

There wasn't much they could do. The empire was based on conquest of rich areas. They got so much land from all the conquest that administration became impossible. They had to choose; Conquer more and thus become un-governable (this was before the internet. a man on a horse was the fastest way to communicate) or stop conquering and try to cope. They chose the latter but it didn't work, they could no longer fund their massive state. That's why they tried over and over to de-base the currency, make it with a lower content of precious metals so they could mint more coins, even just re-minting the denarii into a "super-denarii" that was supposedly worth twice as much. The collapse was always looming, they failed to make the transition from a conquering state, to a stable self-governing state.

He was condemned for the rise of feudalism and the migration period, there is no Great man theory meme that could save Rome

>>they failed to make the transition from a conquering state, to a stable self-governing state.
They could probably have done this if they had put more effort into developing a more effective system of succession, placed more emphasis on having a large number of well-trained bureaucrats and conducted major reforms to their legal system.

Oh and more efficient taxation would probably have helped as well.

>sadly my friend

stop acting like some high moral ground faggot

just state what you want to say faggot

In the late empire they taxed the peasants so much that it was very hard to just live off the land and start a family. How are you going to feed 4 children when the state is taking all your grain? And what should the state do? Barbarians are invading, the army needs money to fight them off, if that doesn't happen all is lost. And in that era, most taxes came from the peasantry, there was very little industry back then. They had no choice but to tax the peasants. But then peasants stopped having babies, and Rome started running out of people, thus, no more soldiers. Which lead them to recruiting mercenaries. etc.

>>just state what you want to say faggot
My sincerest apologies, my good man. It's rather hard for me to work up sufficient bile to spout at blatant shitposters just after I finished ejaculating inside your mother and little sister's orifices in rapid succession.

No the other user but Constantine did that and could not avoid the war between his successors

Oh I'm not saying they should have bled the peasants dry, I'm thinking more that they should have gone after all the inevitable tax cheats similar such reprobates.who lived in urban areas

>they taxed the peasants so much that it was very hard to just live off the land and start a family
Really makes you think

lol, at least you're doing something good. You make me laugh. Just share the nececary info or a funny post isntead of wastign our lifes with extra 3 words.

We lose time and you lose time.

Oh and one other thing:
>>there was very little industry back then
This really isn't true. Rome was engaged in industry to the extent that it is visible in measurements of arctic ice.

The empire was doomed when they made christianity the state religion. At that point nothing would have saved it. The only hope of a complete reconstruction was the "renovatio imperii" but sadly it worked only partially.

but wasn't the monotheistic religions the base of a centralized state?

>doesn't realize Jews welded disproportionate power in the Roman Empire

>Don't steal tax revenues from the cities
>Don't abuse your power and steal estates from people and give them to your buddies
>keep individual property rights intact overall
>Start paying frontier troops with money instead of land
>Crack down on extortion by the legions as well as corruption in government
>Don't waste time attacking the Persians
>Encourage Christianity and integrate its ecclesiastical system into the government to gain access to their great wealth flow and collect taxes/fund the legions more effectively
>when integrating the Franks, settle them all over the Empire in small numbers rather than in their homeland in large numbers, so they can be Romanized
>same goes for any other barbarians
>prevent the legions from degenerating and keep up training and discipline
>only appoint strong Emperors that can rule their courts and not the other way around
>prevent the sack of Rome and famine in Italia
>stop debasing the currency and somehow stabilize the economy even without conquest
>stop the oppressive taxes and offer benefits for citizens to have children so Rome can field more Roman legions

Even with all this Rome would still have to deal with the great migrations, invasion of the Huns and other nomads, their inability to grow their economy through conquest, the rise of Islam, and the invasions of the Vikings. And much later, even if they were successful through all that, the Black Death would kill half their population, maybe more, and the Little Ice Age would fuck their agricultural output. None of these are really things they can control.

Personally I don't think Rome could have survived on the efforts of the Emperors alone, and even if everything went completely right I'm convinced that it wouldn't have survived to present day anyway.

>>Encourage Christianity and integrate its ecclesiastical system into the government to gain access to their great wealth flow and collect taxes/fund the legions more effectively

Early christianity is not the religion you want spreading when you're entering a time of crisis and need men to fight off invading armies. A far better idea would be to encourage reform of existing non-christian faiths and to discourage people from joining any and all pacifist sects.

No they weren't. Rome was becoming increasingly centralized long before Constantine took power.