Why did god invent sleep?
Why did god invent sleep?
Because he too rested on the 7th day
It is something we all share. A point of vulnerability for all.
>It is something we all share
That's not an answer. It's only something we all share because he invented it in the first place.
To remind you, you're not eternal but weak
So why did he invent it?
He's saying god invented it so we all have it to share, dumbfuck
Okay, but why?
Why didn't he invent literally anything else instead?
Why is that even a priority?
so he can talk to us in our dreams
Why did God make sex pleasurable? if sex is sacrilegious unless for the purpose of procreation, then why didn't God just make it a mundane activity, that provides neither pain nor pleasure?
He's particularly silly for making bum sex pleasurable, since he hates it so much, apparently.
Humans literally cannot use human reasoning and perspective and apply it to an all encompassing, omnipotent being, you don't have the experience of working outside the natural order
It's to test your faith, obviously.
Why? Testing my faith is a dick move. Especial since I enjoy butt sex more than others. Why am I to be tested harder than others?
God tests peoples faith throughout the bible. If he made you enjoy sex more than others, he is giving you the chance to overcome something greater and thus become closer to him.
So a supremely intelligent and powerful creator and ruler of an entire cosmos spends his time creating lesser beings just to trick them into having bum sex so he can send them off for torture.
This sounds weird and incoherent to me.
>trick them
No that's your choice to take it up the ass.
The body heals while you sleep, and garbage is removed from it when you awake.
>Boy if I were God I sure would have done a better job.
Tricks always involve choice. You don't trick a girl into being raped at knifepoint, you rape her at knifepoint. Deception is the weapon of a coward.
He's the one that created the entire Universe and thought it would be a good idea to make bum sex fun.
>implying it is a local phenomenon
Sleep is server maintenance. Just as conscience comes from a higher reality, sleep is temporarily disconnection from that reality's input data stream.
TL;DR: sleep is being AFK.
But I already have things to overcome. Why do I need more problems?
Cause you're a weak cunt.
Who's to say god's not a fan of butt sex? Please don't take the bible too seriously, that probably isn't a very good idea. Most Christian based faiths claim you need to interpret the bible in your own personal way.
Because it would be silly for people to go stumbling around in the dark and fall into a ditch or something when they can't do anything productive anyway
So your body just tells you to find somewhere safe and shut down until the sun appears again.
>rationalizing shit not making sense by claiming it's incomprehensible anyway
>you somehow know this
why are you autistic?
What if you get raped
To recover energy.
There ARE things that are beyond man's ability to understand; logical paradoxes for example.
Why would god make us with imperfect bodies that must enter a deathlike state to recover energy?
Maybe that's just because language doesn't exactly represent the world and thus it's possible to describe something that makes absolutely no sense and never even could make sense.
Obviously I know that.
What I'm wondering is why god decided we needed to stop what we're doing for a third of our lives in order to complete this process. Since he's omnipotent obviously he could have just made this not necessary.
This just poses a new question. Why did god invent night?
He doesn't know how to make perfect stuff just like us. That's why he designed in his image.
Daily reminder that god made your digestion and uptake of certain nutrients hugely dependent on microbes that are opportunistic pathogens.