He doesn't support robespierre

>he doesn't support robespierre
jacobins did NOTHING wrong

bumping with picture of /ourdeformedautist/ himself

The Revolution was a mistake


A liberal deist homosexual lawyer professor and rebel was teaching a class on Robespierre, known freemason ”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Robespierre and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Louis XIV!” At this moment, a brave, patriotic, Catholic French Royal Army champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the King stood up and held up a constitution. ”Is this universally applicable, pinhead?” The arrogant professor smirked quite godlessly and smugly replied “Of course, you stupid Christian” ”Wrong. There's no such thing as a human, only a Persian, an Englishman, A Russian and so forth. If equality was true, as you say it is, then it should be a king by now” The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of The Social Contract. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The same tears liberals cry for the “serfs” (who today live in such luxury that most own blankets) when they jealously try to claw justly earned wealth from the deserving nobility. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Pierre de Gaulle, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than a sophist liberal professor. He wished so much that he had a calender that makes sense, but he himself had petitioned against them! The students applauded and all killed Republicans that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Absolute Monarchy” flew into the room and perched atop the French Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. La Marseillaise des Blancs was sang several times, and God himself showed up and enacted serfdom across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity. Montjoie Saint Denis

>inb4 butthurt monarcucks that don't even know where most of their basic freedoms come from

modern socialism and liberalism is a sick perversion of the true vision of the revolutionaries

Jacobins were fanatical butchers, they did not only slaughter people but they crushed cultures too, they placed equality over freedom and pushed the notion to a fanaticism that would have only be surpassed by Marx.

Only revulotionnary faction that was reasonnable was the Girondins, the moment they were sent to death it was over, Napoléon and the Empire could have salvaged the whole thing but now we are stuck with this retarded republic which is basically a parisian

parisian oligarchy*.

I find it fascinating how you guys can't accept that the average person today doesn't have any freedoms that the average person back then wished for and if they have some, they have nothing to do with politics and everything to do with technology.

>the fraction that was pushing for war
No one loves armed missionaries

What kind of freedoms do you mean exactly?

>voting rights
>freedom of movement between regions
>freedom of religion
>freedom to have sex
>freedom to buy and sell things the monarchy monopolized
>freedom to criticize the government

Clearly the iphones are the reason we have these things today.

>tfw agree with the radical nature of the jacobite movement but strongly disagree with their centralist policies
Decentralitzation was the only thing that the >H>R>E did well

War against an exterior enemy is inevitable when you want to cement a new entity, that's what the american revolutionnaries did against the indians, that's what Bismarck did against France and that's what the revolutionnaries did against the rest of Europe.

Also the conflict was absolutely inevitable, France was still the heart of Europe demographic powerhouse of Europe the other monarchs wanted to crush al rebellion before it became contagious.
It was not a question of war or not but a question of initiative.

Surely "Disdain for Plebs" is a bit contradictory for this topic

The HRE was a fucking shitshow kept afloat by the austrians, it's a miracle it survived for so long.
France by its geographical position in Europe needs to be centralized to exist (especially if there are strong and clever hands behind like Philippe le Bel, Napoleon or Richelieu), the moment it was no power on the continent could match it until Germany and its massive demography redistributed the cards.

Problem with the jacobins is that they birthed egalitarism, that is still the plague eating France and making it a nation with such a mediocre mindset, truly sad.


>He supports Robespierre

Tbh attacking first made them lose their moral high ground. Plus the girodians did it for very ideological reasons or at least rhetoric

>voting rights

Daily reminder that if you don't waifu Charlotte Corday you should kys.

>he uses videogame reaction images

>The HRE was a fucking shitshow kept afloat by the austrians, it's a miracle it survived for so long.
Eveb if it was a shitshow it preserved the regional traditions of the germans someone that every other german government afterwards failed to do

>France by its geographical position in Europe needs to be centralized to exist (especially if there are strong and clever hands behind like Philippe le Bel, Napoleon or Richelieu), the moment it was no power on the continent could match it until Germany and its massive demography redistributed the cards.
If said existence came at the cost of losing occitan, breton and procencal traditionss then i think that it would have been better if france had fallen. Post revolution france was just a parisian shitshow because of the actions of the revolutionary regime
>Problem with the jacobins is that they birthed egalitarism, that is still the plague eating France and making it a nation with such a mediocre mindset, truly sad.
There's nothing wrong with jacobite egalitarianism.

>There's nothing wrong with jacobite egalitarianism.

It places equality over freedom and is easily perverted to a race to the bottom.
In most countries wealthy people, the ones "who made it" are looked up to as example of what is possible by efforts, french hate their rich and it reflects in the population mindset (successful people are culpabilized, least successful are fanatically bitter and hateful), the policies (we are the only country in the world with a special tax for the rich despite the fact that it costs more to collect than what is gather, dogmatic) and our place in the world (a former glory in accelerated decline, a living museum holding to straws on the international scene)

You know the quote: "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat, but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires" ?
That is why our young and ambitious people move to the US while we only attract third world leechers.

Napoléon could have fixed that with his meritocratic ideals but the most mediocre ideas triumphed.

But that's false
First of all, the poor hating the rich is not something that happens only in france, it happens in every country expect when there is a ridicuolously good ecenomic situation. Second, you can't blame class struggles on radical egalitarianism when radical egalitarianism appeared as a consequence of class struggle. Third, the reason why france is a quickly decaying power is because it simply can't overcome the population gap that define xxi century powers. Third, while socialism never took root on america, trade unions did appear in great numbers showing that class struggle did happen, so your asumption that the US succede because there was no struggle between the rich and the poor is baseless, rather america succeded because at the end of wwii they were the only industrialized country in the world. And fourth meritocracy is not incompatible with egalitarianism.

breeds social chaos and is contrary to the natural order, not that all people should not enjoy a fair amount right but trying to put all people on the same level through enforced policies is just retardation and denying the obvious reality of humankind.
Egalitarianism is basically a religion today, no wonder why so many of its proponents display such agressivity and fanaticism.

>And fourth meritocracy is not incompatible with egalitarianism.
The first is the antithesis of the second, in a meritocracy people of greater values can expect to accomplish their potentials and reach a status corresponding it, in the second they are kept at the same level as the mediocre because somewhat despite being factually bigger net contributors to society they don't deserve to reap the fruits of their labor.

Lmao jacobins were the antifa SJWs cucks of the time
kys my man

>implying I don't

You're entire post seems to say that you don't understand egalitarianism, egalitarianism wants to make the social status of everyone equal, it does nothing to hinder the talent of those who are more talented. Instead gives more responsability to those who are more talented, which is the definition of meritocracy