What conspiracy theories have been proven to be true over time Veeky Forums?
Why is (((planned obsolescence))) not against the law?
What conspiracy theories have been proven to be true over time Veeky Forums?
Why would planned obsolescence be against the law?
But on the other, totally unrelated point you raise, have any conspiracy theories been proven true? I'd be curious about that one. I mean, you have lots of situations where the consensus opinion was overturned in favor of a radical position (evolution, WMDs in Iraq, and of olook the sun does not go around the Earth after all!) But there's no proof of any conspiracy ebing involved -- people being wrong =/= a conspiracy.
Because controlling the market and making shitty quality items that break so you need to buy more is reprehensible
Also MKULTRA was a proven conspiracy theory
MKUltra, Watergate, and COINTELPRO were pretty serious shit.
>the government is spying on you
>that's just a paranoid delusion
Meanwhile at the NSA...
Don't forget IRAN-contras affair
And operation Northwoods too, creepy shit which probably got Kennedy killed
>Also MKULTRA was a proven conspiracy theory
t. Bill "CIA" Wilson
>He thinks planned obsolescence is a thing and not just the natural progression of the idea that people don't want to pay $20,000 for a phone that lasts for 60 years.
Soviet light bulbs lasted twice as long as the western world's bulbs until (((they))) infiltrated their market
Some bulbs are working after 100 years of use
Makes you wonder
Those Korean shadow matriarchs
There's no such thing as magical, inexpensive materials that make things last forever. It's always a relationship between how much a customer is willing to spend on a given item and how much you can spend in raw components
Sure, there are many examples of manufacturers making things that will break on purpose, but in the grand scheme of things it's not that common. Things break because everything breaks, given enough time.
>the jews ruined our lightbulbs
is there literally ANYTHING you stormweanies won't blame on (((them)))
>buy perfectly fine phone
>still fine after a couple of years
>software on phone stops being supported, so now you have to (((buy))) a new phone despite having one working perfectly fine
>batteries are made to not last long because its easier to replace them and more lucrative to sell more phones
>not planned obsolescence
Planned obsolescence is an intrinsic part of Apple's business practices.
The first original lightbulb only broke like a few years ago after working for a hundred years
So you're telling me the first fucking lightbulb worked for that long but modern ones arent made to last
Really (((makes))) (((you))) (((think)))
I would disagree with the idea that everything that is "reprehensible" should be against the law.
Yeah, you can make light bulbs with a thicker filament that last almost forever. But people wanted better, whiter light. Since filament light bulbs were so cheap, there was a market for brighter, whiter bulbs even if they did not last as long.
WAHHHHHHH, I should be able to run Pokemon Go on my shitty Nokia phone. It's da ebil corporations.
You have to be pretty retarded if you think you have to change phone every year to keep it updated and secure and not calling it (((planned obsolescence)))
Well then again I guess you can still just keep and old dumbphone :^)
Thanks for Correcting the Record! (tm)
>You have to be pretty retarded if you think you have to change phone every year to keep it updated and secure and not calling it (((planned obsolescence)))
Thats not what I intended and my complete ad hom was not called for.
If you want newer and better software, you need newer and better computers. With Moores Law, computing power doubles every two years or so. It doesn't take long for things to become obsolete, even without planning it.
What about putting deliberate design faults in items so they break?
??? Software as nothing to do with it
Moores law just indicates computing power doubles every couple of years
Theres literally no reason to upgrade software and drop support of the previous version every year beyond being a greedy merchant
>Why is (((planned obsolescence))) not against the law?
Money!!! Corruption. Money!!!
It would be very hard to regulate planned obsolescence.
How do you differenciate between a badly designed product due to incompetence and a planned bad design?
The only way to stop planned obsolescence is either by moving away from mass production entirely so people are dependant on that one expensive handmade thing they bought not breaking, and the producer is dependant on the good reputation of his products, or if you don't want to go full luddite, have some pervasive cultural belief that planned obsolescence is taboo.
But the newer light bulbs last forever I have one in my room from 2008 that's still working.
Also planned obsolescence 9 times out of 10 is just used by consumer trend whores that need to convince themselves that they really do need the new iPhone that went from a 9 mp camera to an 11 mp camera.
I'm poor and cheap and still use my galaxy s3 from 2012 and it works fine.
Really crunches my cashews.
>Why is (((planned obsolescence))) not against the law?
Why should it be? It's just a waste of resources, there are many others instances of wasting resources. Also take your meme parenthesis back where they belong.
This already is /pol/ with dates so who cares
planned obsolescence is legal in america because it allows them to (((do buisiness))) with the rest of the world
and to make more domestically
a much bigger issue for the free market is supply bottleknecking and the patent system allowing market blocks
market sites/applications are by far the worst
also the IRAQ food for oil scandal
You have to go back
it's clearly Veeky Forums
lizard people go on /x/
hating the third world goes on /pol/
law and history goes here
Fuck off, /pol/.
Literally who does this?
>Meme parenthesis
>Veeky Forums
>sometime disagrees with me
>I know, I'll call them a shill
pol pls leave, shariablue wouldn't concern themselves with this sleepy board.
as for the filaments, it is true, the older ones did last longer, but they were fuckall dim they gave of very little light, orangey at that. they sell artsy ones with the old filaments for hippies and restaurants at walmart for like ten bucks that last 15ish years.
>muh /pol/ boggyman
Fuck off retard