What about Christianity made it so wildly successful? Are the ideas of selflessness, sacrifice, and overcoming death the ones most compelling to mankind?
What about Christianity made it so wildly successful? Are the ideas of selflessness, sacrifice...
Well firstly it was cheap. In order to join the cult of mitbras or Isis you had to pay an arm and a leg.
xstianity was completely fucking gratis
So Christianity was the Gnu/Linux of religions?
It offered a means to escape from the determinism of nature. No matter how ugly or weak you were, if you adhered to the ideal you would be seen as equal as one who is beautiful and strong.
All are equal under god.
Equality is comforting and seductive, its the reason why women and slaves were the first to be taken by it.
Instead of competing for the top, make it a race to the bottom, where all are turned into the very primordial paste they came from.
The mountain turned into a desert.
It's the most convenient religion ever devised. If you're poor, you're virtuous. If you're rich, you're blessed. If you're good, you go to heaven. If you fuck up, that's okay too, just ask for forgiveness.
Everyone wins with Christianity.
Why didn't other religions do that too? It sounds kind of obvious that you'd want to make things convenient.
Buddhism did that in the East, it made meekness into a virtue, and since everyone was meek at some point, it presented a shared identifier between rich and poor.
Not just monetary richness but spiritual and physical richness as well.
Other religions did try it. The difference is, Christianity went the extra mile of quite literally anthropomorphizing God.
The promise of an afterlife for sure. In Greek/Roman myth you just kind of mill around miserably in Hades.
I think the willingness of early Christians to accept, even seek, martyrdom had a profound effect on attracting people to the new religion. If people were THAT committed to it, it was worth thinking about.
It is also worth noting that early Christians amazed some of their compatriots by how much they cared for each other, helped each other, even reached out to provide for the poor who were not Christians. That attracted a fair amount of attention.
As Christianity grew to be more or less synonymous with "everybody," they began acting more like "everybody," but you can imagine the impact of a faith that actually made a real go of living according to Christ's commandments about loving your neighbor.
The chaos of Late Antiquity jived well with Christianity's apocalyptic overtones, edging out pagan religions and mystery cults. That apocalyptic and universal slant helped the religion spread throughout the Mediterranean basin, which ended up creating a large network of learned men. At a time when the traditional bureaucracy was falling apart, the Roman state banked on these bishops to help hold things together, and in return they were favored with local patronage and privileges when it came to dominating public spiritual geography and religious rites.
The actual tenets of the faith had little to do with it, and were even a hindrance at times, except for the willingness to accept the urban poor into their ranks gave the Church a lot of power in the form of the mob.
This sounds about right.
It arose in an accepting environment.
>accepting environment.
>Get persecuted and killed by pharisees
>Get persecuted and killed by jewish mobs
>Get persecuted and killed by romans
>Muh Romans
If another Abrahamic faith had been the ruling force in the area then the Christians would have been wiped out.
slave morality appeals to the weak.
slave morality is a useful tool for the strong.
They couldn't be arsed about it after almost wiping out judaism
After the early jew-christian shitfest it started to gain momentum on the ancient hellenic world and when romans came to it it was already to big to do anything about it outside of Rome proper
It spoke that which was true since the foundation of the universe
I have never been so disgusted by a correct response.
It was an expression of human psychology that cannot think past binary notions of beginning and end.
Just because we humans have a birth and a death doesn't mean that is the case for all existence.
>thinks christians don't believe in pre-existence
Essentially the short answer is "they wanted it more".
Pagans joined and left religions as it suited them, Christians constantly reformed their religion for the time and place in order to achieve maximum converts.
By that I mean they reformed their tactics. They disposed of all Christians living in a single community, renouncing most former times to clan and country, once that proved to be pissing everyone off.
The truly strong dont need morality to keep slaves in line.
Jews using guilt and subversion is not an expression of strength as it is an expression of their dependence upon Goyim.
The Pagans using force and violence is an expression of strength as it is an expression of their independence from other tribes who were afraid of nature.
I think he means it arose inside a United civilization where warfare had been notably banished to the frontier, for most times; and that Christianity enjoyed access to widespread knowledge of Greek and muh Roman roads and muh Roman waterways.
You have to go back, Nietzsche
>Pre-existence is God
That's not preexistence.
Back where? You Abrahamics seek to dominate and destroy the entire Earth with your memetic pollution.
How about Abrahamic religions go back to the desert where they belong and stay out of the forests and mountains of Pagans.
Only Protestants are Christians
muh baganism :DDD
>doesn't realize Christians believe in both
They were lucky enough to convert the bits of the world that would later go on to conquer the rest of the world.
Until that point it looked like Islam was doing better.
>Christians believe in both...only when Christian apoligetics had to make that case but didnt have a problem believing otherwise before
How convenient.
>Jews using guilt and subversion is not an expression of strength
You say this as if "strength" is inherently preferable to Jewish tactics, which is not at all the point that Nietzsche was making. To Nietzsche you're best to learn from both.
Just as a healthy man dominates a healthy female so to must people be more inclined towards violence and force as opposed to seduction and choice.
Sure there are times when the feminine is needed but it should not be the dominant option when dealing with reality.
There is a balance but the masculine should still be "on top".
60% masculine 40% feminine.
Except as the Jews have proven in their thorough annihilation of all things Pagan it is rather the master who finds himself dominated by the slave. You might say master morality is still preferable nonetheless for no other reason than you like it better, which is fine. But if we're to consider "reality" then it's clear that the revolutionary slave is the stronger force than the aristocratic master.
This might not necessarily be a good thing. But for that reason you can't call Pagan values the stronger values.
>thinks the divide between Abrahamic religions and any other high faith isn't mere superficility.
People don't want to believe death is the end.
Christianity sells the belief that death is not the end, and you will be rewarded for following the rules.
Christians believed it from the very beginning.
The Jews no matter how hard they try will not destroy Nature, the existence of Pagans today not just religiously but in terms of attitude towards existence is a testament of this fact.
Strength is about resistance to chaotic decay not a capitulation to it.
Slaves cannot resist the decay themselves so they resort to constructing abstract worlds where decay doesn't exist.
In terms of timelessness and resistance to chaos, Pagans have been more successful than Jews in maintaining themselves for a longer period of time.
Our recent two to three millenia of Abrahamic dominance is nothing compared to the several hundred thousand years of Pagan dominance.
The Jews who were in control of the Roman Empire promoted it to prominence.
So why didn't gnosticism become the standard?
The promise of a good afterlife. This is the main reason.
Jesus said:
Matthew 15:9
They worship me IN VAIN; their teachings are merely human rules(NOT JESUS RULES)
>falling in the trap of the demiurge
>Strength is about resistance to chaotic decay not a capitulation to it.
Except all their rites are precisely about capitulating to nature, and their gods worship is to a bargain in which they submit hard to empower the gods to contain the chaos of nature a bit.
>Our recent two to three millenia of Abrahamic dominance is nothing compared to the several hundred thousand years of Pagan dominance.
Except IE paganism didn't resist for much more outside India.
>stay out of the forests and mountains of Pagans.
Oh yeah, because at the origin, the word pagan means "redneck" and "peasant":)
Athenasius plays like the tight little cunt he is
>I literally too dumb to understand what Jesus said
The fuck is that?
The bible was formed of many books, many however were rejected by people with governing interests and no sense. Gnostics study those rejected texts.
The demiurge?
An evil creator.
You're missing half or more of the picture for rejecting gnostic texts.
Yes but with an, somehow, even more autistic and obnoxious fanbase that would throw a tantrum if you didn't join them.
Other religious was a pre-scientific way to explain the world, not control people.
Very adamant monotheism mixed with encouraged conversion, in a place where religion was not 'adamant' and gods move back and forth.
Persecutions are a meme, they were very rare and very brief. Maybe if Rome was strictly persecuting them from start they would have stopped it.
Similar to how it is nearly impossible to do missionary work in a muslim country, they are both very adamant in their religion and persecution is done on a daily basis
>autistic and obnoxious fanbase that would throw a tantrum if you didn't join them.
so linux fanboys.
God and the proofs
>The fuck is that?
oh sweet ignorant child, away from the light of monad
same answer given by muslims today on their grow of religion, ironically.
Yeah totally, what I quoted really is from the most agnostic book, which is the Bible. What's irony is Jesus himself say it.
I guess his words mean shit to you, am I rite?
Let me interject for a moment, but what you refer to as Christianity is actually GNU (God's not Universal)/Christianity or as I've taken to call it GNU + Christianity
Christianity isn't a religion on its own, but rather a part of a fully functioning civilizational system made possible by the Church of Emacs, St IGNUcius and GNU apologetics
Theres is a Christianity and people worship it everyday, but its just part of the system they live in (tl; dr)
>What's irony is Jesus himself say it.
No, the writers of the bible were guided by the demiurge to write those lies, true words of jesus are recorded in the other gospels, banned by the followers of demiurge, gospel of thomas for example
You are very ignorant to think the bible is a source proper on Jesus, read the gnostic gospels.
The absulate vast majority of it's followers don't follow anywhere near it's actual beliefs.
The bible would have everyone living in hippie like communes. My uncle in his youth got really into it and joined a culty catholic sect living by it exactly.
As with all cults fucked up shit went on and he ended up leaving the place with a girl he met there later to be his wife and my aunt. They're both really secular now, but claim to still be spiritual in their own way, but don't subscribe to any religion.
He's gonna play dumb like they all do, then when you are isolated they place a spirit inside you and start rping the fallen angel so you go towards the bible.
Too bad, out of all DIFFERENT AND DIFFERENT canon of the bibles, this is what you Christians pick this as the main.
Look, according to Wikipedia, the Bible now were written by ANONYMOUS AUTHOR, NOT by the Apostles.
You Christians pick what you want to believe, JUST LIKE THE SCRIBES AND THE PHARISEES at the time of Jesus.
You want a scapegoat for your sins. You want Jesus to go to hell for your sins.
Jesus said:
John 10:27
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
You're NOT his sheeps. You don't give jackshit about what Jesus said.
Hi there reddit
Yep, there he goes, plays dumb and rps to be super faithful.
Do a miracle faggot.
it was just colonialism man
Christianity almost died in Constantinople
and the ottomans had just as much success with Islam
if the Muslims colonized SEA, south America, africa and won the med we would all be praising Mohamed
Is the Bible God words?
Nobody's gonna follow your roleplaying here, find a gm for your larping needs.
No, I'm seriously asking. Because it seems you hold the Bible as FALLIBLE.
Because it is a lie, gnosticism is where its at, not bible thumpig.
Is the Gospel according to St. Matthew actually a demon book?
Why do you speak about things you don't know about.
Burn the bible and read the gnostic texts.
Its worth nothing.
>I'm this historically illiterate in my blind hatred of Christianity
Oy vey
You're not answering my question.
I just want a simple yes or no.
I'm still learning about the Bible.
>no true Gnostic would say that
>obvious proof you're shitposting
It's nice to keep Valhalla without the berserkers.
The Bible is the words of its human authors, but it has all been approved by the Holy Spirit
The bible is the falsehood as I said, read the gnostic texts.
Gnostic text compliment the Bible. they don't oppose it.
The bible IS the handywork of the servants of the demiurge.
Said no Gnostic text ever.
Figured it all huh?
Do a miracle.
Are you seriously saying that?
Ok, do you accept this as the words of God?
Not him, but I think the Jews were completely wrong (and still are) with their religion. This is what Christ was talking about.
No Jews worshipping Jesus. Only Christians.
I dont believe in God
Merely repeating the standard Christian belief that the Bible is the inspired/approved word of God written by human authors subject to their own time and place
Christ was repeating what the Lord had told the Jews from the Old Testament's book of Isaiah.
??? Then you're just wasting your time? Why?
Family obstacles? Just speak out.
Hes merely pushing demiurge shit, you'd be surprised how biblical some "atheists" get when people start investigating about truth.
The prophecy are refers to Jesus
Slave morality
You have to know Christianity when you argue against their "all modern evils are a result of Christianity losing importance" bullshit. Studying the catechism allows for exceeding efficiency in refuting it.
I've no idea what deluded nonsense you're whining about now.
The idea that being dumb, poor, powerless, slave, cucked, shit on, etc. is not only ok but actually a symbol of your goodness appealed tremendously to poor, powerless people who get shit on all the time.
>thinks that's what Christianity teaches
High level class influence: "If thou want be my friend so convert to Christianity and fast".
>What about Christianity made it so wildly successful?
It has at its core the Golden Rule, which is an extremely handy and very time tested rule to run society (it's been around in one form or another arguably since Hammurabi, maybe even longer if we consider oral cultures).
It also has a man, dying for his firm belief in compassion over power. That's something that will stick to people, it shows that Jesus was willing to give up everything for his beliefs