
VTY coin is going to pump tonight, don't doubt me. YOBIT always has more traffic at night and 1-2 sat coins always rocket up to 5+, so buy it and hold it for tonight. The walls are literally paper thin after 2 and 3 sat, which those arnt even thick to begin with. The volume is building up throughout the day, it went from .2 to 9btc volume in a few hours. This grabs the people's attention and as they pump more into it, it will rise. Do not miss this guys, buy some at 2 sat and you will 10x EASY. Good luck!!!





going in at 2 sats - wish me luck

wise choice, once that 2,3,4 wall breaks its straight to 10, after that, straight to 50+. good luck biz bro

Do you think I have a couple hours left before 2 sat wall falls?

no. won't take that long

fuck this shit coin I'm out this is taking forever it already dumped
just gonna take my 1sat buy and sell out at 1sat while there's still a buywall so I don't get stuck with it
enjoy sitting on your shitcoin bags idiots

Icobid moved to the waves platform and it went to 50 sats, VTY is now moving over to the waves platform also.

Also Nova exchange as some for 1-2 sat still, get in while you can.

pumping tonight dont miss it

how high?

Having to hide a lot of Discord p&d tonight. sage

nothing to lose at 1 sat

only a 3btc wall seperates you from the moon, buy it up

next 1btc wall at 10sat lets moon this shit

Sup discord faggots

theres no discord lol, im doing this myself bud

This is a legit coin that has new stuff coming out for it like moving to the waves platform, and has active dev, and its only 2-3 sats.

Finally got some orders coming in, I think this is it boyos

this will get to 7 sats easy, on yobit and nova it would hardly take anything.

there is if there's no buyers idiot

Yeah, but if a coin is shilled at least a little bit, it's pretty much no risk. Moreover, even 2 sat is a very small risk in that case: you can always place a 2 sat sell order, wait a couple of days and break even.

vty on the move again!!!

Cheap VTY on nova for 2, on yobit the 2 wall is gone.

any links for this coin?
discord, slack?

2sat wall down~!!!

no links, i started shilling this morning. hop in boy to the moon

thats so comforting

3 sats baby

yo we blasting off

1btc 1sat buy wall right now idiot

last chance to get a little bit at 2 sat!!

Just about .1 btc this is it

I'm in at 2; why not. The coins been getting consistant attention for the past 3-4 hours. Should be good to break the 3sat wall and beyond.

Bought at 2 sats I am not too late am I?

Should be good, seems like 2 sat wall will come down any time now

the 1sat wall is just as low...

man, the pajeets wont even properly translate their description of bitcointalk

fuck off scammers

To surpass the 8sat wall it is only going to take 4.7btc. I've seen that pumped on Yobit in a matter of seconds. Really hat figure doesn't even need pumping to be achieved, just the right attention from Yobit chat and Veeky Forums.

That's an easy 4x / 3x gains depending on your exit strategy buying in at 2sat.

Or shit, hodl it for max gains.

Sure, 3-4 sat walls are somewhat high (near 1btc), but past that it's smooth sailing till getting over the 8sat hump.

It's just a matter of time...

i put 5 bucks into this wew