Thoughts on this man?

Thoughts on this man?

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Pretty cool guy.

Black Muslim kang that ruins Egypt's economy, feeds the poor and doesn't afraid of anything.

I feel like even /pol/ and /r/the_donald combined couldn't say with a straight face that Mali wasn't at any point in history badass.

Wtf is up with Ghandi
He always stabs you in the back with diplomacy and threatens you with nukes
Slimey bastard

he wuz a king

They were a meme empire though it no lasting influence in anything whatsoever

Typical african despot, prolific slaver but this is ignored because it's hard to hail him as proof of African/Black exceptionalism.

There is nothing impressive or noteworthy about him or his empire, that it happened to sit on two enormous gold fields is not an accomplishment.

Those Net Worth adjusted for inflation should be punishable by death. Gold is currently trading at $40 a gram, if I woke up to the bang of a meteorite that crashed on my land and found that it was 10,000 metric tonnes of gold - I'd have usurped his one claim to fame.

>There is nothing impressive or noteworthy about him or his empire,
I think Mali is pretty cool desu, but then again I think empires from all over the world are cool. I don't judge everyone by Roman Empire standards. You're right though in that the man may be overrated.

TIL John Green browses Veeky Forums...
Go eat some cum-frosted cereal you barbarian

TIL Reddit browses Veeky Forums

Weirdly specific person to throw under the bus but alright.

>Make a temple made of cow shit and sticks
>Call it a wonder of the world
>Waste all your gold to use it as bling and buy body slaves
No wonder no one takes Africa seriously

Did..did you just shit talk Timbuktu?

I have a challenge for you- go outside and try to remake it.
He bought up the_donald, I stooped to his level. This post is a sub par pseudo-intellectual reddit forged, John Green certified abomination. All the worlds problems would be solved if people who thought like this poster were summarily put to death. Let me break it down, for those that missed it.

>I feel like even /pol/ and /r/the_donald combined couldn't say with a straight face that Mali wasn't at any point in history badass.

>I feel
first mistake, his feelings are irrelevant.
>even /pol/ and /r/the_donald combined
Supposition that he is more worldly and intellectual than the aforementioned (he isn't). He probably thinks he's in the top percentile because he no longer wears his fedora and Doesn't forget to be awesome.
> couldn't say with a straight face that Mali wasn't at any point in history badass.
Using the word badass in earnest is literally irredeemable. Either you are too young to be saying ass, or too old to be so childish, there is no middle section but this poster is an empowered feminist ally. Badass is 90 IQ lib-speak for someone who is not impressive but we should pretend they are because they're the best we have who isn't a WHITE MALE. He spends too much time on tumblr, a google news search for the word feminist yields gems like this:
What was 'badass' about Mali?
Fucking degenerate.

Daily reminder Mansa Musa was White and you've been lied to your whole life,

>I have a challenge for you- go outside and try to remake it.
>t. lashawn dewashington

>they're the best we have
Even statically, how would certain feats not be impressive if they were well above all averages?

Not that user, but even this structure to time and resources to build.

wow look at this structure, look at how great Mali architecture is, I mean how can the West compete with this masterpiece....oh wait

by creating this

Why are you comparing the two

Did anyone deny this itt?

cause i know many liberals like to talk about how great Africa truly is


Why are mentioning liberals in this thread

What's wrong with u

What are you? God loves you man- try not to get so wrapped up in angst.

Holy hell you're autistic.

It is exceedingly rare for someone who isn't a white male to accomplish something a white male hasn't already done. This is why people cling to the notion Mansa Musa is the richest man whoever lived, as though this makes him a giant among industrial men like Rockefeller or Vanderbilt. He was an atypical African despot who happened to preside over two enormous gold fields in much the same way the house of Saud happens to hold hegemony over some large Oil Fields.

Whats-more is historical wealth calculations are worthless. I hope when you say
>Even statically
you don't mean statistically, and moreover you're not referring to his imagined $400 billion fortune.
He had some shiny rocks, it can not be translated into today's money.

If we use this absurd logic and pretend he's the richest man who ever lived, will we not also admit that the "first" "human" must also, by definition have been in control of the entire human economy! In today's money that's $70 trillion!! wow what a badass! Musa BTFO.

It's stupid, it's a liberal exhibition of stupidity and masochism and I don't want to see it on Veeky Forums!

ending your "mic-drop" sentence with an exclamation point < saying the word "badass"

Wow, great arguments guys.

>gold cannot be translated into wealth

Get a load of this fuckstick l m a o

But then how would you know how mad I am?

I have not interest in arguing with you because you're blatantly autistic.

By hearing the screeching of a /pol/lander who genuinely thinks the world has dominant races and cultures. Veeky Forums is supposed to be a time-killer, not a lifestyle.

Go outside and talk to people of other walks of life.

Excellent elaboration on your previous argument, You don't want to argue because there is no argument to be had, you are simply wrong.
There’s really no way to put an accurate number on his wealth.

Do you seriously believe a primitive people living in the jungle is culturally the same as a modern civilization having electricity and running water? This best be a troll

It actually disgusts me that people like this exist.

You truly believe people have stats like fricken Pokemon?

You can take back your bait now

>as though this makes him a giant among industrial men like Rockefeller or Vanderbilt.
I still don't think anons here are making that argument, but what was his wealth for the time?

Unfairly famous simply because he inherited a literal gold mine and wasted it on religion and travel. Not even the greatest of his dynasty, let alone the greatest west african.

The very definition of an arrogant celebrity.

Mali is plastered all over the place to be inclusive to blacks, but it really just proves the opposite.

It's only noteworthy aspect was that it was a civilization that existed. Blacks greatest accomplishment was a pissant civilization. Far too overrespresented in history books for the sake of diversity and political correctness.

>The very definition of an arrogant celebrity.

More like the very definition of hood rich.

Niggus supremus

I don't think this is bait, I think this is genuine reddit tier liberalism becoming normalised on boards, especially ones like Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.

I wouldn't attribute stats to people but it goes without saying that someone with down syndrome such as yourself does not have the intellectual faculties of Stephen Hawking, and likewise that someone like LeBron James is physically superior to both the aforementioned.

This equality meme has to go, so does cultural relativism, it's genuinely offensive. To say that the English or any Germanic culture has any parity with the mud-hut Malian empire is just an exhibition of shame induced liberal masochism and it's rude.

Read what Kant had to say about race
>(which is why all Negroes stink)
Is Veeky Forums going to dismiss one of the most formidable philosophers outside of antiquity as a deranged /pol/ack?


Incalculable, we can't explain it. Gold was very valuable in the early 14 century and he had a large amount of it. Plenty of West African chieftains had quantities of gold that would render the European or Oriental nobility incredulous, living in incredibly mineral rich areas.

Why that means he had $400 billion in today's money is anyone's guess. They probably made exaggerated estimates of how much gold he actually had or worse believed the sources estimations converted that to $ when gold's been trading high and adjusted for a several centuries of inflation.

Did you get banned from reddit? Poor diddums

The favorite thing about him is reading all the lefties and blackies do historical revisionism on him owning tens of thousands of slaves and working them to death in the gold mines.

Just magnificent mental gymnastics every time.

Best is when they use description of top tier personal palace slaves or soldier slaves that made up like 1-2% of slaves and use that as a blanket description on how slaves were treated in Africa.

keks all around.

Programming bug that became a joke that became a feature

>Far too overrespresented in history books
To what degree? The only time I heard of what was when we went over the slave trade.

>which is why all Negroes stink
If you're basing this of the dry/wet ear wax thing, then nearly 80% of Europeans smell as "bad" as Africans

While I think you're being needlessly hostile to Mali, you're right in that 90% of Europeans and European intellectuals would be considered "racist sexist" by modern liberal standards.

Ashkenazi Jews. A fraction of a fraction of the world populace. Awarded 25% of Nobel prizes.

It's not that the average Ashkenazi jew is super-intelligent. It's that their mean IQ is high enough that the outliers they produce are far above the mean.

Holy shit.
You sperged on him.

why are you black supremacists from leftypol getting so mad?

Where do I go to find the middle ground? No we wuz or they dindu nothing? I know this is Veeky Forums, but the mere mention of "Africa, " turns things into a black v. White shit fit.

I was asking user an honest question, not name calling like the others or you. How does that came across as a black supremacist or even mad?

the sperg rage is growing. Write another novel about how ive upset your autism too

I'm not even the guy from the first post, leftypol

Right? I just want some intelligent discussion of African history. I would go to nairaland but I don't understand Nigerian pidgin and reddit actually discusses Africa less than Veeky Forums

spotted the negorcentrist

Okay.. Is that supposed to offend me? I have an interest in African history. Why does that bother you?

Why are you a negrocentrist?

you just saw a fellow autist struggling so you felt the need to help your brother out?

>the leftypol faggots needs to start straw-manning due to ""his"" lack of arguments

Because I'm a negro. But negrocentrist really isn't the word. I have an interest in African history but I neither proclaim that Africans are at the center of all that is good in the world nor that they have the best culture or values. I just want the unbiased truth about what life was like pre-colonialism.
Honestly if you would take your head out of your ass and open yourself to new things that are different from you you might find that you can find something good in African history as well.

desu i dont even know what leftypol is, i come here to discuss history but every goddamn time anybody mentions africa /pol/ comes out in droves to bitch about black people and spout irrelevant racist nonsense.


>i dont even know what leftypol is
What do think you'll achieve by lying to us all?

nothing to gain, all i want is a history board free from /pol/ i dont know what your """insults""" mean because I don't listen to what /pol/ has to say. jesus christ /pol/ is a containment board, why cant you just stay there?

>I don't listen to what /pol/ has to
don't reply then, leftypol

Somebody has to remind of you how unwelcome you are

Veeky Forums isn't your SJW hugbox, leftypol

and it isnt stormfront either dickhead

>sotrmfront is bad
>but reddit, leftypol, revleft and is fine
this is the logic of a leftypol shill calling for ""his"" safespace

jesus christ you are the only one talking about any of those things, i dont go to reddit, i have no fucking clue what leftypol or revelft are. How hard can you strawman before you look at yourself and realize what a fucking idiot you are?

>i dont go to reddit, i have no fucking clue what leftypol or revelft
why does this black supremacist SJW keep lying?

alright im just going to assume you have realized at least in some small way how pathetic you are, so you are just resorting to shitty jokes. ALl i want is to have a board free from idiots like you

So "idiots like [me]" are people who don't want the board filled with "history" straight from your leftist propagadna sites and realhistorywww?

Why are you SJWs so deluded?


I'll give you credit for not bringing out "cuck", but still, fucking hell mate.

Shitposting, even ironic, is shitposting.

>REEEEEEEEEEE stop talking about niggers they dindu nuffin get off my board with your fake history

Why is leftypol crying for a black supremacist safespace?

>the SJW is still strawmanning
>the SJW bring cuckoldry up for no reason
why does leftypol do this?

We just want to discuss history bro. You're the one getting triggered.
Would you prefer Veeky Forums consist of nothing but HRE WWII and Civil War threads?

>You're the one getting triggered.
>says the faggot who thinks Veeky Forums is the place where he gets to spread his propaganda

Proof that niggers can't handle money.

>What are you? God loves you man- try not to get so wrapped up in angst.
Your "honest question" was the most pathetic response i've gotten.
>What are you?
What kind of thing to say is that? How is that an honest question? You know full well I've dismantled your fetish of this irrelevant African warlord, and stemming from the threads inability to refute anything i've said you've all just resorted to calling me an autistic /pol/ack redditor.
>What are you?
Jesus Christ.
>God loves you man- try not to get so wrapped up in angst.
Evidently more than he does you, because he's endowed me with the intellectual faculties to make a point rather than resort to this pretend empathy where you think I'm inhuman and wrapped up in angst. Thank's for the tip though user, I typically garner life advice from the refuse of Veeky Forums.

It is enraging though, having to pretend your encouraged delusions are in any way capable of coexisting with what is demonstrably true.

does this board even have mods

yes they only delete interesting threads though