What caused Nazi Germany's economy to be so efficient?
What caused Nazi Germany's economy to be so efficient?
Black slaves
>Nazi Germany
underrated posts
Keynesian economics
>Lets rearm and prop up an armament industry
>Lets have wars
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>What is war economy
overrated post
germanic working ethic
Germany has natural resorces that are good for industiralization and is located in a location good for trade.
Ad to that their military expansion and the fact they were already due for a recovery its not Aryan magic
Robbing someone else's banks not dissimilar a Jew. Like pottery.
germanic this, germanic that
a lot of shit is talked about this, nut I would consider a few things
>nationally focused economy
focus on internal production, perhaps due to a looming war
>seizure of obstructive businesses
>a willingness to invest rather than hoard, deficit spending; something that is the new norm
Occultic rituals
Superior fascist economics
Fudging the numbers
>no jobs
>Hitler starts preparing for war
>suddenly jobs
Getting rid of Jews.
I see nobody has read Albert Speer's book in this thread.
Imagination and memes
Say what you want about Hitler but he really helped the German economy.
Hitler took out massive loans which he didn't have to pay back after declaring war on the entire world.
people say this all the time, I would really be interested in a source
I suspect it's one of those bullshits that just gets passed off as history
German autism
Creative accounting methods.
Are you retarded? Its even on fucking wiki.
>Between 1933 and 1939 the total revenue amounted to 62 billion marks, whereas expenditure (at times comprising up to 60% rearmament costs) exceeded 101 billion, thus causing a huge deficit and national debt (reaching 38 billion marks in 1939 and coinciding with Kristallnacht [November 1938] and with intensified persecutions of Jews and the outbreak of World War II.)
>ctrl+F "The post war hyper-inflation was a bifurcated situation"
To think that the Nazi's didn't even switch to wartime economy until 1943 is bonkers.
True, but the "peacetime" nazi economy was far more militarized than the peacetime economy of everyone else, so it wasn't as dramatic a shift.
Furthermore, the German state had a hell of a lot more manufacturing capacity than they had the primary resources to process, meaning that forcing people to work longer hours would have had limited utility.
And look what happened immediately after that.
Terran generally stockpile more resources but are helpless against a zerg rush.
It wasn't. Like the German state at that time generally, it was hilariously incompetence and inefficient. This is a /pol/ tier thread and you should feel bad.
But it was far from efficient.
Various departments or military branches infighting. Various corporations lobbying.
Just check German tanks production process.
How they could last that long I wonder.
except soviet zerg rush is a meme. it's been debunked countless times in Veeky Forums threads on the eastern front
It was like socialism but with the difference that at the point were you ru out of others peoples money you simply go forth and rob other nations and people of their wealth.
Cool the autism, it's just a meme.
>t. I have a degree in history meme pics
>superior fascist economics
>Germany was nearly bankrupt shortly before WW2
>Spain, Portugal and Grreece are poor shitholes by European standards
Daily reminder that the nazis just continued the economic policies of the former democratic government.
Yes user, buying shitton of weapons while your debt is 20% above your GDP was totally Weimar economic policy.
This. The economy already started to recover in 1930 because the Weimar Republic initiated numerous reforms and the Nazis took credit.
By conquest.
And looting.
What a pro.
>What is a war time economy?
Like, wow.
The absolute genius, how'd he do that?
>Oh shit, the guy was too much of a retarded, psychotic ideologue to make the right moves
>His magic trick lasted a couple of years
>Germany faces annihilation
>efficient economy
>Nazi Germany
Please pick one and only one
The economy wasn't efficient because it was litterally built on war
If world war 2 didn't happen germany's economy would bumblefuck itself right back into the great depression
what did they mean by this
Slave labor and vast militarization that paid off at short-term, while damning in the long run. Right before the war, they've developed serious problems with having no hard currencies and had profound troubles with liquidity. Instead of implementing austerity measures, Hitler decided that it would be better to become dependent on looting, rather than admitting that his economic policies were destined to fail.
Only used in the most desperate moments, and mostly in the case of penal units and divisions composed of German prisoners of war.
Any economy is """efficient""" if your economy relies on perpetually making tanks, using fucking slave labour and taking all the gold and treasure from your enemies.
Literally incorrect.
Americans do not spent much on tanks.
user, you're embarrassing yourself
Their economy was constructed in a similar manner to what it is now: Mostly family owned specialty shops, with 10 to 15 employees, that manufacture goods.
The directed all these mom and pop places to create weapons, which led to variable results since nothing was really standardized. So, you begin to see problems if you need to mass produce one thing to exact specs. Tank components weren't really interchangeable. .Large numbers of German tanks were just found abandoned in Normandy
>Take out a loan to buy guns to rob the guy who gave you the loan
Naziism worked just fine until they ran out of other people's money
To fall below this board's standards takes effort.
Jeez, did any of you even play StarCraft?
The Zerg rush is an opening strategy. The rusher is the aggressor and attacks first and early. The Soviets were the ones invaded.
It's not a late game technique because 6 seige tanks on high ground will rape dozens of Zerglings before they make it anywhere.
>debunked countless times in Veeky Forums threads
Not him, but if we're going to roll with the Starcraft references IIRC the zergling remains a popular late game unit because of its cost-effectiveness relative to any other unit, which is why you'd see tournament players pumping out zerglings by the dozen rather than, say Hydralisks.
It takes more micromanaging because you need to maintain the production facilities to be constantly churning out fresh units faster than they can be killed. For people who can pull it off, no amount of siege tanks will save them from the endless horde of mutalisks and zerglings
War economy and stealing basically everything that existed in the nations they had occupied.
Even paying back the eggs and other food that was taken from occupied france would be too expensive for modern germany.
Because fascism works
It really only lends them more credit.
Why did it ended up smashed, then?
Things that work, won't end up smashed.
It’s called being out numbered.
No matter how efficient your system is being over whelmed by a title wave of Slavs tends to fuck your economy.
Its too bad that war happened, if it didn't, we would actually be able to know if it worked.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.... If Hitler did not decided to wage genocidal campaign in the East, Slavs would not be able to unite against him and muster such numbers.
Liberals were outnumbered back then and look at the world now: Capitalism and democracy (or its imitations) everywhere!
make a pasta out of this concept
Francos regime fell, Metaxa's one too, so did Salazar's.
Weak systems won't survied, only the strong, resilient and adaptable ones. Just like with lifeforms.
They had the least efficient economy of any major player in the war. This is the country that controlled
AND STILL COULD NOT OUT-PRODUCE A BUNCH OF SLAVS. Even after stealing their heart and soul in the from of Ukraine. Finally, they didn't even finish transitioning to a war footing until Allied forces were physically inside Germany. And it was their idea to have a war in the first place what the fuck.
>jan stenmark
I’m not excusing Hitler! His terrible leadership is the reason nation socialism lost its global momentum. He tried to do everything at once and that’s why he lost.
A fight that THEY picked
With their own allies, no less
Nazism IS Hitler. There was no other instance of Nazism other than Hitler's one.
I never said I’m a Nazi.
I’m a fascist, I just like the system.
I don’t care for the pseudoscientific ideas of race that prevailed in Nazism.
That's not what you claimed
zerglings are the mineral dump unit and they exist to be toasted by hellbats.
Uhhh no it did not
The German economy began growing in late 1932. That coincides with the beginning of effective Nazi control over Germany.
That doesn't mean the Nazis made it better. I'm just pointing out your factual errors.
If you gonna reply to old post made by multiple posters, you better specify what are you trying to say.
>Economic reforms often don't work instantly, they need some time to kick in
>by late 1932 GD hit the bottom and rest of the world was recovering too
>H. Schacht took position by 1934
If you think NSDAP was the reason economy rose so rapidly, please explain how.
Because international capitalism, just like international communism, is flawed. Running a country on unregulated selfishness or unregulated altruism is stupid.
Fascism and Nazism had social policies BUT the ones that benefited from them were Italian and German workers, respectively, NOT foreigner hordes.
This meme is so retarded. How do you even measure the "efficiency" of an economy over only 12 years, half of which they were at war? It's like trying to measure tectonic plate shift in a single afternoon
Social policies of Third French republic that sent millions and millions for social insurance of foreign hordes led to its downfall!
and where's the "efficiency" in all this?
Who did they take loans from?
Germany and her allies actually outnumbered Soviets for a big part of war, due to fact Soviets lost Ukraine and Belarus.
When you take into account the geographic factors and the fact most of Allies joined war in like late 1944 or even 1945, you understand that "muh numbers" argument doesn't hold.
What Nazis did for the most time is unsustainably rearm, exploit the lack of desire to fight in France and UK, and then pick off enemies one by one.
Poland faced Germany practically alone, then in Denmark and Norway they preempted Allied move, then in West they exploited French weaknesses, and arguably beating French was their only move that counts as "impressive" on it's own.
Yugoslavia and Greece fell quickly and had little capacity to resist. Their first serious fight was with Soviets who were crippled militarily by Stalin's actions and failed.
Nazis didn't even hold out as long as they hypothetically could, because of many mistakes and failures.
After French revolution French faced almost entire fucking Europe and British global empire and managed to fuck shit up for almost two decades, and in the end they still remained a great power.
Hitler and Nazism was a failure. You're worshipping failures. That's why you're a loser IRL too, most probably.
>Italy's GDP was about the same as Japan's
really makes you think
>Nazis were literally this gay
And he's even worshiping a big black cog.
>economy starts recovering
>nazis decide to fuck this up as hard as they possibly can
Ouch. That pic really gets me...
Nazi Germany's economy was not efficient. In fact, it had many black markets that the Nazi's tolerated in order to gain supplies. Capitalism works.
Hjalmar Schacht
yeah we just need to give all of our works free meth while theyre on the job. suddenly everyone works 90 hour weeks and is happy about it
>many black markets that the Nazi's tolerated in order to gain supplies. Capitalism works.
>many black markets that the north korean government tolerates in order to gain supplies. Capitalism works.
Really makes ya think.
Why is German industry so EFFICIENT lads?
Anyone who posts talking about the nazi economy who hasn't read the wages of destruction (by Adam tooze) is probably saying nothing but nonsense
I came in to post this. Best book I've read in ages.