What is the greatest mistake in mankinds history?
What is the greatest mistake in mankinds history?
>Nuclear technology was a mistake
Its been actually very useful in many different areas including healthcare
not nuclear technology, nuclear weapons
you cannot separate them.
u were born lol
I didnt know swallowing an isotope for imaging was the same as vaporizing a city
no u
The process is the same though, just not on the same scale
the idea for nuclear bombs has been around for as long as nuclear energy has been known.
Industrial revolution
the 8hr, 5 day working week
Not nuking Japan enough.
Coming out of the oceans.
WMDs have probably prevented more potential deaths than any technology ever created. The mere existence of nukes has lead to a period of peace in the world that has never before been experienced by humanity.
Without them, a clash between the US and USSR after WWII would all but certainly been inevitable, and it probably would have been the bloodiest war in history.
Without the fear of mutual destruction through nuclear deterent, a total war between the West and the USSR would have happened with hundreds of millions of casualties.
Uniting the German people under one flag
These were all lies.
My parents meeting
the written word
Germany and Germans
>The mere existence of nukes has lead to a period of peace in the world that has never before been experienced by humanity.
with the short exception of the Crimean war there was no great power conflict from the defeat of Napoleon to WW1
fire arms
Not castrating the black slaves when buying them in africa
Edgy, but true. Although not the greatest mistake in all of history
Are you retarded? Imagine yourself in the slave-owners position, castrating them would mean that you would have to get new slaves every generation. Fucking pol
Not castrating them once US civil war was over was worse.
Not dropping more
Not rearming the German and Italian armies and stamping out every last Jew on Earth.
That was mankinds biggest mistake.
I am ashamed of my race.
If it wasnt for mass production we'd all be starving right now except for the elite, every country would be african tier
Urbanization, revolutions probably wouldnt have happened and youd still be an illiterate peasant covered in cow shit working for royal landlords
Heck, we're only one power outage away from the stone age
Not killing every jew that existed before the end of the Roman Empire.
Women's rights
are you fucking dumb?
Franco-Prussian war
Prussian/Austrian war
Opium Wars
user, please.
Are (YOU) retarded? Do you really think good "stock" ALWAYS produces good offspring, you goddamn racist? Not to mention the raising cost of slave offspring between birth and their entry into the workforce.
It is literally easier and cheaper to buy adolescent and fit for work slaves every generation. Fucking il/lit/erate
Giving up on Reconstruction.
Negro slavery.
Colonial America could have found more than enough cheap labor from poor European immigrants without importing Africans and thereby sewing the seeds of multiculturalism.
Vietnam War
Gulf War
Quite the peaceful period since the invention of WMDs, huh?
The original plan was to ship them all back to Africa instead of emancipation but then decided their wives would be best satisfied by BBCs
Btw they indeed imported poor europeans to work in the fields since colonial timed in identured servitude, they were free to do wtv after paying their debts though, slaves were fucked for life save house nigras and other exceptions
>italian armies
Ayyy lmao
Italians only started rounding up jews when Hitler pressured them to do so, original fascism was not antijew and was actually quite popular among italian jews, one of Mussolinis trusted men and a mistress of his were jews themselves
The patent system, I don't think anything has set us back quite that as far as that, or created such a bleak future.
t. """"""""""""intellectual""""""""""""
>that feel when the slaves would have been sent back to Africa if Lincoln hadn't been killed
John Wilkes Booth, father of the civil rights movement.
>great powers
oh no, people are allowed to profit off their work oh my goooooooooooooooooooood
If your invention is so simple that it could be readily copied by anyone who sees it, you're no more worthy than someone who posts "First!" in a YouTube comments section.
The fucking mongols.
I would be behind a genocide of the Mongolians for the savage sins of their ancestors.
And the sacking of Baghdad robbed humans of so much ancient wisdom.
I don't hate Mongolians but you have to set an example.
I like the fact that they cleared the field for the rising dominance of Europe.
I hate the fact that they set back nation building ,in their areas, hundreds of years.
But this Earth could've used far better rivals to the Europeans. Instead of thinking of creating inventive ways to commit self-genocide, they would deal with the world on a more even playing field.
The invention of the woman
"psychiatric medication"
what a dumb comparison
you sound like some butthurt commie
kill yourself, scum
Agriculture tbqfh
Nothing immaterial, like an idea, can be property without state intervention. You're the commie here.
Capitalism. Both for the ideology itself and the ideologies that spawned in response to it.
Unironically this.
>ancap memery is the only true capitalist system
Engaging in violent conflicts that rise from a deep distrust in one another.
are you memeing
Just how much of a fatass redditor are you?
Allowing gays to marry.
capitalism exploiting limited natural resources