>the allies didn't commit geno--
The allies didn't commit geno--
Yes the german expulsions were genocide
Winners write history not losers, its the same why you keep being reminded by nazi atrocities to this day, while the many communist atrocities are less talked about
If you wash your teeth would you call it a genocide too?
Thats ethnic cleansing not genocide. Theres a difference
>Rape, loot, displace, massacre people
>Just massacre people
Heres the difference
Stop using words you don't know the meaning off. Why the fuck are you pretending genocide just means "killing a lot of people".
>ethnic cleansing
more like repatriation
germans were exiled, not killed
start shit get hit
so they moved to germany and austria?
Should have done it after WWI to ensure that there would be a secure Poland and Czechoslovakia
>tfw pre WW1 borders will never return
the indians were exiled, not killed
top map is false anyway...
Germans are pretty crafty with their lingual and cultural maps.
Like inventing an entire group encompassing half the country to facilitate germanisation :^)
Try living in a post-commie country. Every motherfucker who wants to become "political activist" in here has an obligation to remind others that commies are bad at least five times a day, since otherwise we would surely forget about it
2 million dead people
again, 2 million people were killed
Everybody listen to this guy. If you have no clue, you might look at at the map and think muh germans inhabited 30% more land than today before the war. In reality, lands such as Silesia, Pomerania, Prussia were at least half slavic/baltic at the time, if you read german writers of the time, they sometimes adress the issue that germans from western germanic lands were kind of snobs towards germans from eastern lands
Why are they still so butthurt? It's always "muh 3 gorillion" or "oh veh it's like anudda expulsion" or "my grandpa was murdered and got his house taken by Czechs during the expulsion when he was just 6 years old!"
Just stop desu, no one cares and it's just annoying.
But there was no intent to erase them as an ethnic group and thus it wasn't genocide.
then armenian genocide wasn't a genocide either
Because the Armenian genocide wasn't a planned move to erase the Armenians? Try again
>Because the Armenian genocide wasn't a planned move to erase the Armenians
Exactly. It was merely a relocation of Armenian people, and the high death toll was just a side effect of Authorities not caring about Armenian wellbeeing. Same as relocation of Germans after WW2
>red herring fallacy
It has no bearing on the fact that expulsions of Germans fit the definition of ethnic cleansing but not genocide.
If you don't consider expulsions with million of deaths as genocide, then holocaust is pretty much the only genocide that ever happend
Who the fuck cares?
You should specify you're talking about the "Windishe" thing. Most people here won't understand the map.
The term genocide was invented to describe that particular event so it's not that surprising. And if we're going to start applying it to actions that resulted in mass deaths then it'll lose it's meaning. Just like in criminal law intent matters, so there's difference between a homicide and a manslaughter.
>The term genocide was coined in response to mass murder of populations in the 20th century, originally to that of the Armenians beginning in 1915
Maybe try reading a little bit further next time, okay?
>In 1943, Raphael Lemkin in Axis Rule in Occupied Europe, which describes the implementation of Nazi policies in occupied Europe, and which cited earlier mass killings, created the term genocide.
The "holocaust" actually was ethnic cleansing. The Germans really were Genocided where they lived.
Jews were literally prohibited to go away even if they wanted, just so that they could be killed.
Contrary to that, the Germans were forced to leave, often violently, but the citizens and governments didn't go out of their way to kill the caravans and people boarding ships to leave.
It's the other way around and you probably know it.
You neonazis are pathetic.
600,000 died. Most of them from cold weather or diseases. And usually it was the fault of their Nazi officials. Read how they 'evacuated' civilians from Breslau.
God, the world would be so much better without Slavs.
Hillarious how neonazis always get butthurt and the end of the thread and show their true colours
>defending slavshits
Reminder Jews murdered more Slavs than Germans did during the holodomor and Jewish-Bolshevik maymay.
>partaking in violent ideologies based on very fuzzy ethno-linguistic non-internally consistent logic
Are you retarded or merely pretending to be so?