Where did the postmodernist cancer killing the west come from?
Is it simply a secular religion that replaced the fall of orthodox religion in the west?
Is this crisis of belief in itself in the west a sign of late stage culture and it's collapse like what happened in ancient civilizations?
Postmodernist cancer
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But Pomo is the reason racialism and hitlerism are making a resurgence.
Part of the cancer.
>killing the west
What do you mean by this? What do you think is changing?
Literally very good lives.
People worrying about the bills or getting enough food don't worry about what gender someone got called.
In the words of Karl Pilkington
>"I’d say if you’re worrying about the colour of your anus, things must be good, as you can’t have proper worries in your life.”
There has to be more to it than that. Economically people were better off in the 50's when a high school diploma was all you needed to get a job that could support a family and buy a house.
There were still legitimate social issues to solve then like womens rights and race rights, and those they did focus on because they could. Now there's not any issues to actually solve so they make them up. It's human nature to try to constantly improve the situation.
It's also human nature to only care about your own hence why these people don't go protesting about starving kids or wars in other countries, they only care about their own country/culture. Feminists are the worst, whining about a nipple in a movie when the majority of women in India are beaten and often get murdered by their forced husbands, for example.
>in the 50's
You're right, that's when its started. That's when baby boomers were children and were heavily influenced by that mindset. And then we had Maoists and hippies and "civil right" fighters when they are adults and then the western value system collapsed in the 80s when they got into power
> People wanting equality is some sort of mental illness.
Postmodernism as a philosophy is simply being scrupulous about the condition of late modernity. We are more connected than we have ever been and we therefore discover a more diverse range of opinions. Life is more complex and we're on our own when it comes to negotiating our way through it. That requires personal courage, autonomy and looking at the facts whilst understanding that we can never be wholly disinterested when we look at them. Most anti-pomo fags are just too fucking lazy to adapt to the way the world is now and hark back to some golden age from which they'd probably be ostracised in 10 minutes because they are more rooted in late modernity than they realise.
You don't even know what that word means.
It's a false religion that replaced the false religion of Marxism, that replaced the false religion of positivism, that replaced the false religion of the enlightenment, that replaced the false religion of humanism.
College campus's are SJW shitholes EXCLUSIVELY because of Marcuse
They would have been assholes because of Rousseau, if he was the only one available. It's in some people's nature to be cunts.
Read more, getting your worldview from YouTube and /pol/ is more cancerous than any of these things that you're describing (which you seem to know next to nothing about.)
>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
LITERALLY not an argument.
thats post pomo and we haven't even begin yet
I very much doubt any of you have read the works of Baudrillard, of Derrida or the novels of John Fowles.
the only cancer here is you
t. an arrogant cunt
t. intellectually stunted
>when the majority of women in India are beaten and often get murdered
It's like anotha shoa. Oy vey!
ITT: People rationalising their asspain about being too stupid to get into college.
>Economically people were better off in the 50's
That is objectively wrong.
>acting as if getting into college is difficult
Maybe the former has some merit but the idea of hyperreality is pure garbage.
Watch Paul Joseph Watson, he's the eminent intellectual on this subject. Basically, cultural marxism and other shit like that is making everything degenerate.
Do you really want the average pink haired xir person to breed anyway?
It's a self correcting problem.
people who dislike post modernism probs doesn't know what it is
half of the more influential rock albums were post modernist like the velvet underground
>Where did the postmodernist cancer killing the west come from?
>postmodernist cancer
just because someone has a lifestyle that you don't agree with doesn't mean they dont have the right to practice it
>Is it simply a secular religion that replaced the fall of orthodox religion in the west?
thats autistic
>Is this crisis of belief in itself in the west a sign of late stage culture and it's collapse like what happened in ancient civilizations?
also autistic
look buddy i know you are probably a fervent trump supporter and probably sympathized with the nazis to some extent like most people on /pol/ but people have a right to live their life and express their rights to expressions.
of course the person in your picture was in the wrong for assaulting lauren southern, but there are people literally EVERYWHERE that do bad things.
It is how the hunter gatherer human reacts to a technologically advanced society
Males and females are both mal-adapted in their own ways
The lazy argument is "cultural marxism" or "the jews"
ITT: homos buttmad that the only ideology that ever validated them is going away.
Postmodernism was the result of a second crisis of values in the XXth century: after the first one post-WWI that shifted the perception of war away from the previous position, gravely wounded the belief of an ever-improving progress and brought about good arguments for shedding Victoria morality remanants regarding women; WW2 brought the second one to light, as now even patriotism and technological optimism die a fiery death, leaving nothing to replace them. People, seeing that the Western World's Reinenessance/Enlightment ideas had failed and lacking the spiritualità to turn to religion EN asse, figured that literally eveything was both wrong and right, depending on how you see it.
>Only ideology that ever validated them.
These things aren't post-modernists, they're pseuds that can't accept any of the conclusions of post-modernism, and instead only accept the practicalities of it.
>human nature
fuck off
Rock music is trash.
I've read most of John Fowles actually. I'm not sure what that has to do anything as he is not a particularly 'intellectual' author. I had a real Fowles kick about 10 years ago (which is why I read almost all his novels). Some of them suck.
That said, the Collector is one of my favourites. The Magus and the French Lieutenant's Woman I still remember well. Worth reading, though I'm not sure I'd put them on a pedestal.
> People wanting equality is some sort of mental illness.
Equality is an illusion, it doesn't actually exist and never can.
I'd really like someone to explain to me what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to western values, postmodernism, or whatever other fucking brutalized buzzword comes crawling out in these fucking threads.
>western values
Debatable, but basically on the virtuous side: liberal democracy, freedom of religion/conscious, rule of law, independent courts, free speech, free media.
On the snarky side: aggressive capitalism and neo-imperialism, globalization (for better or worse), neo-liberalism/neo-conservatism, global-scale pollution and climate change, special snowflake syndrome, etc. (I'm not including things that exist in other parts of the world like sexual violence, misogyny, racism, jingoism, etc)
This should really be seen only as an indicator of a certain time/era, NOT as any particular set of values. So first you have to understand modernism. Modernism is basically that post-WW1, the values and norms of the day were seen as limp and hollow, as they did not spare societies all the horrors of WW1. A new set of values (competing with the old) then arose. Post-modernism is simply the next era, when THOSE prior values (plus the original 19th century values) were themselves cast into doubt, thanks to WW2 and the threat of nuclear war. That's it really. Anyone saying it's a specific set of values is just ascribing certain norms of the day to the concept. In a single concept, you might simply say it's a big fat shrug about what 'rightly' matters anymore.
French communists didn't want to admit they were wrong in supporting the Soviet Union, instead, they tried their hardest to destroy any objective measurement of truth and good in human affairs, so they could stop feeling so guilty.
thanks for contributing to the discussion
A lot of it has to do with the problems of past generations coming home to roost as well as said generations pushing off all responsibility from themselves and onto others, not wanting to fix what they've broken. A lot of people in the current generation tend to do this too,compounding the problem. The problems get so bad no one wants to deal with them and the people that actually do want to fix things are too few and far between. People responsible don't want to fix things or deal, the older generation doesn't want to help, parents push problems onto their children and leave them to figure things out themselves. All of this keeps on going constantly and nothings ever fixed and things that are, are done far slower than they should be. If alot of people just thought and took some responsibility we woudn't have alot of this like we do now
so is postmodern the new buzzword people are using in the same way people were using cultural marxism?
i would recommend people read lyotard's 'postmodernism' if people haven't, instead of relying on infographics from /pol/ or 10 minute youtube videos, it's not a particularly long book
The problem is that they've gone beyond asking for equal rights and have started demanding extra rights. They want to define words and hurt feelings as forms of violence so that they can be policed. I'm not being hyperbolic when I say this either. I've actually talked to these people in a desperate bid to understand them and in between their avalanche of buzzwords their philosophy seems to be that all people deserve to be happy all the time, and the only way to accomplish that is to police words and thoughts along with actions. After all if I can think bad things about someone then that might make them feel bad, and since making them feel bad is a form of violence they can justify policing my thoughts to prevent me from being "violent".
The first casualty in kulturkampf is the dictionary.
>"The Einsteinian constant is not a constant, is not a center. It is the very concept of variability. In other words, it is not the concept of something -- of a center starting from which an observer could master the field -- but the very concept of the game."
>someone asks you about a constant that doesn't exist
>bullshit about it for 10 minutes
That's pretty much what postmodernism is about.
Women's and nigger's rights is a symptom of this degeneration.
>just because someone has a lifestyle that you don't agree with doesn't mean they dont have the right to practice it
Yes it does. If somebody is doing something retarded then I want them punished.
I've posted about this
>nigger's rights
The American civil rights movement and ending segregation and Jim Crow were noble causes to strive for. Would you rather we still have legitimate racism, an American version of apartheid. and still be able do some of the worst things humanly possible to innocent people who just happen to look different than you, including lynching them and beating them to death
>mfw postmoderns argue their ideology by appropriating liberal language.
We both know that you don't believe in the argument your making.
t. Liberal arts students sweating profusely
>Liberal art student.
I am , and I do not even like Post-modernism neither as an art movement nor as a philosophy, was I supposed to write my answer as if I was a middle schooler talking about boy bandas?
By the way, studied for a Law degree
Actually Ive read a Marcuse book I think he actually makes a very fine analysis and critique of capitalism, mass society and consumerism
Dialectics and deconstructivism are bullshit though
>liberal arts
Everyone knows STEM subjects are objectively superior.
Postmodernism brought about interesting and good ideas. One step closer to humanities enlightened potential. Some people just don't understand it and live and the past which is a shame.
global rule 3
Genealogy > marxist indoctrination
You bet your ass.
Any darky that doesn't like it can ship off back to darky land.
Then you're part of the problem. And that kind of thinking is also behind the very things I posted about in my first post
>Then you're part of the problem.
and damn proud of it!
now that's edgy.
I am the jagged pebble in the shoe of human "progress".
this is Veeky Forums
Liberal arts is multidisciplinary you idiot.
Reddit incarnate.
Does anyone else miss the Romantic era? I don't have any hate in me for modernism, post-modernism or brutalism, but I think if we returned to a society based on the Romantic ideal everyone would be happier.
I'd rather not have black people here at all.
>he can't define 'good'
Fucking STEMsperg.
I took civilised black man over a whigger
Its not the skin colour, its the attitude
This would arguably be better for America, but whites/jews/other blacks already brought them there. You can't just enslave them for that long, give them rights then ship them back.
What you are saying does not apply to the real world user (neither agreeing nor disagreeing with your point)
>lets romantically die of natural causes in our 20s because a fucking flu is as deadly as AIDS without modern medicine
>Economically people were better off in the 50's
Just because you needed less people to support a family doesn't mean they were better off. There were simply less luxuries than what we have today, such as computers and medicine which can prevent you from dying of polio.
Besides, the only place where this was true was the United States and Canada because of the post-WWII economic boom. The growth they had at the time was not sustainable by any means.
You know exactly what he means.
There wouldn't be any whiggers if there were no niggers though....
There would still be the irish.
There are plenty of evil/violent people in this country who would not hesitate to take advantage of you, me or anyone else whether you be the same color as them or not. The whole "America would be better if x race were not here" is a retarded argument, and there's no garauntee that you or America would would be better off or safer
People wanted equality, and formed social movements to fight for it, long before postmodernism. On the contrary, the lasting legacy of postmodernism seems to be the abandonment of social equality and rationalism as principles in favor of ethnic nationalism and mysticism.
Not an argument.
I think people just want to remove the influences and effects that Christianity had on the western world, then replace it with something else. Problem is that Postmodernists don't know what. Progressive causes like fighting racism, sexism, and homophobia aren't enough to unify people from different walks of life because there's no figure to rally behind the idea, or stable organization. Seriously, who's the face of this Postmodernist Movement in the 21st Century that has enough clout to change the status quo? Fighting Islamophobia is also detrimental because once Muslims gain enough power, they will ditch the Postmodernists the second it's convenient for them to do so.
Morals aren't profitable.
Selling identities is profitable.
Capitalist innovation :-)
Multiculturalism. People just stop giving a fuck and accept anything: mix that in with socialism and liberalism and you get one of the deadliest social poisons ever created.
It's also the reason why the Roman Empire (and most of the greatest empires in history) fell.
It came from the Frankfurt School.
>Rome fell because of liberalism
Yeah, those Romans sure were liberal back then. 0/10. Rome fell for many reasons, decadence, outside invasions, cultural upheaval, etc. But liberalism? You're fucking retarded.
>Problem is that Postmodernists don't know what.
Egalitarianism is the religion that replaced it.
I have two liberal arts degrees, I have Derrida, Hume, Baudrillard, Adorno on my shelf from back then
Postmodernism is absolute cancer
Marcuse wasn't a postmodernist, not even close
>shits on liberal arts students
>posts a video of a lecture by a liberal arts professor
By "It" I was obviously referring to multiculturalism alone (even though there were some socialist aspects in the Roman Empire like welfare for Roman citizens).
Nice try
I really don't.
As far as I can see the West is getting better all the time. Living standards are rising, crime is falling. The US is still an unstoppable military hegemon. Western culture dominates across the world.
Do people really believe there was some golden age of peace and prosperity from which we have declined? The golden age is now
Please note that I said "a society based on the Romantic ideal", which implies the push for enlightenment while avoiding the cynicism of the modern world.
You are still incorrect. Multiculturalism did not lead to the collapse of the Roman Empire. The romanization and adoption of local customs was one of the factors thast lead to the success of Rome, the closest factor could be uncontrolled migration and a lack of integration, which is not the same as multiculturalism. The Romans weren't exactly stood at the walls of Milan saying "Goths welcome", the Goths just broke in, and behind them came ceaseless others.
No it's not.
Just because technology has improved doesn't mean we are economically better off now than before.
For example the Weimar Republic was economically worse off than Prussia, despite a century of technological advancement for difference.
We are working more hours and we are able to get less for it. Our lives are objectively less worth, economically speaking, than they were in the 50s.
>He hasn't heard about the Libertines
>He thinks that modern day """"""degeneracy""""" is an exception rather than the norm.