Will sexbots end war for good?
Will sexbots end war for good?
>doesn't know about the robot-human wars
No. People want a real human bean to love them and be their companion. Not a simulacrum fuck hole.
speak for yourself user
I'd take a sufficiently advanced robot bf.
Fuck you I love my Marilyn Monroebot
No, women and liberals won't allow it.
Japan will allow it so why don't you move?
I'd rather fight women and liberals instead of fleeing.
Nigger please,
like Bible thumpers won't be screaming about muh degeneracy like they always do, all day, every day
like women won't want their own androids so they don't have to put up with your retarded bullshit
like those androids won't be manufactured in a liberal state by a tech company mostly comprising of liberals.
You're just mad that by the time androids come onto the scene most jobs which currently employ conservatives will be obsolete
/r9k/ and /pol/: the thread
implying the vaginal jew will allow it
Instead of working hard and becoming a better person you, guys, choose to fuck dolls?
Pathetic. No wonder no woman wants you.
>working hard and becoming a better person
Why don't women do this to get men?
Because most of women are good persons from the start and dont need to, unlike us, beasts. Learn your place.
Girls play with dolls. Guys play with dolls. Whats the problem?
we could pull some shit like robot rights and act like degenarate couples i the 60's
wait. Since women wont have a bf to get a robot who will give them money all the time?
>a hurr durr
As if you've ever provided for yourself, let alone someone else.
>wars have anything to do with sex
retard alert.
Just remember that it's OK for women to fuck plastic cocks but it's weird for me to fuck plastic pussies
No but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night
I've seen fleshlights advertised on pornsites. I don't think they're considered more taboo than a dildo. Perhaps just less utilized.
No. People want shelter, food, bit of comfort, and intimacy. Then all wars will end.
if greed wasn't a factor, we'd easily end wars.
No because states will get jealous of other states sexbots, so you'll get a Rape of Robot Sabine women, or something.
Veeky Forums+/pol/+/r9k/ = the ultimate board
there would be male sexbots
>implying sentient robots doesn't mean post-scarcity economy
I'm waiting for anthropomorphic sexbots personally ;^)
depends on which sphere of the normie world you're in.
sometimes it's badly seen for males to masturbate at all because they should be saving all their sex drive towards a perpetual pussy chase.
No, it would allow aliens to come in and destroy everything
t. billy everyteen
that's why we must build our sexbots to be superpowered, heavily armed centinels that will guard us and fight to defend us against any threat
Fuck off Freud
Women will wage war against men to purge sexbots
How does this have anything to do with Freud?
Sentient robots means apartheid, especially if those robots consume their own products
>I've seen fleshlights advertised on pornsites
herp dont you say?, I also see waifu pillows being advertised in every site with weeb content, still doesnt means they are safe from hypocrite normie puritanism
>my wife told me this so it must be true. SAD
Some people are just born ugly and no amount of self improvement will lead then to dicks. I'm an unkept out of shape fuck that gets laid with girls in better leagues than those of my friends. Some things are out of ones control
You think a woman wants her mom to discover where she hides her dildos?
That would be weird, right?
That's why it was weird when your mom found your fleshlight while she was cleaning all of the dirty plates out from your room and doing your laundry.
Plus you can use a dildo on someone else so it actually retains utility in a setting with more than one person, but a fleshlight is solely the province of a man, by himself, having sex with somebody he loves.
Presumably by the time that there are perfectly real sex robots indistinguishable from an actual person we'll all be completely dependent on robots for gibs.
I mean, what are you going to do when there's an A.I program which could do a better job of running a business than a team of senior executives could? When the robots which make new robots that maintain/improve society are many times more capable at their job than you will ever be? When even creative jobs like 2-D illustrator and 3-D animator are preformed more effectively by purpose built robots and A.I.?
We'll all be like the Auroreans from Asimov's Foundation series: telepathic hermaphroditic loners who surround themselves with their own manufactured reality thanks to a fully automated society and who very rarely interact with each other directly.
Oh stop with that defeatist bullshit, attitude is everything.
You want to know someone who was butt ugly and still banged chicks all the time? This guy right here.
That's right, Curly from the Three Stooges: the squeaky voiced potato faced fat fuck whose day job was to go on TV and get bitch-smacked for laughs.
He was a notorious in Hollywood for having insane game, and it wasn't because he was wealthy (the studios shit on the 3 Stooges) it was because he knew how to make women laugh until their cheeks hurt.
Get a load of this meatfucker over here.