In which way a person be classified as "race traitor"?
In which way a person be classified as "race traitor"?
Other urls found in this thread:
Men who marry outside their race
When they betray their race.
There literally is no such thing.
Being a cuck, Supporting open borders and alien immigration into your nation, Israel firsters (for Americans) supporting a historical narrative against your people and believing/perpetuating "White guilt" "White privilege" or similar self destructive habits.
A term invented by inferior members of a "race" who want the superior members to grant them special privileges based on an imaginary bond.
When they fought for wrong reasons.
Islam is not a race, but whatever. For everyone:
There is no reason to kill someone who doesn't deserve to be killed.
Certainly if the apostate is hostile toward the Muslims and joins the enemy in a war against them, or tries to corrupt the Muslims in the Muslim lands by trying to convert them to his/her new deviant religion, then the matter becomes different.
But if a Westerner today for instance embraces Islam for a while and then changes his position due to the overwhelming false anti-Islamic media, then certainly killing that person would be a grave sin and a big mistake.
For more reading, here:
Prepping an outgroup's bull.
>shared genetics, history, culture, values
>"""imagnary bond"""
I love how you autistic anatomized amerifats (or westerners, American plague has spread so far its hard to tell) think just because you're a loner with no ability to find emotional bonds with members of your ingroup means nobody can.
I don't really share any of those things with you, though (certainly not values!), and even if I did I still wouldn't owe you shit. I would rather associate with winners and people I actually like.
>There is no reason to kill someone who doesn't deserve to be killed.
>there is no reason to kill someone for no reason
groundbreaking stuff
IMHO you have to first claim to be loyal to your race in order to betray it. That's why I don't think it makes sense when white nationalists and such call liberals who never even claimed to be racially loyal "race traitors".
Nonsense, you can betray your country without ever being loyal to it, same with your race.
Quite simply, by acting against teh best interests of your race, you are a race traitor.
B& plz
It's really not a bond. I don't know any of these spergs going on about "muh heritage" and they include me in there group.
It's fucking sad. It's obvious your average racist nowadays hates themselves but is too scared to turn their insecurities inwards so they look towards group idenity to validate their existence, because they certainly haven't done anything themselves.
I really do think that these racists are all insecure betas, subtle narcissists with atrophied muscles
as opposed to spergs in thick rimmed glasses with some gay hair color who screams white supremacy at every turn and muh diversity
you treat whites as a group they respond as a group
I don't treat white as a group.
Whites aren't a group on any existential level, groups don't even exist. Nodes exist in multiplexical networks with various degrees of connectance. It's all the same shit. I don't even view humans as separate from trees, fuck off with your reactionary autism.
>Whites aren't a group on any existential level, groups don't even exist.
your average nigger who hates whites doesn't think that way, or any other ethnocentric group
>fuck off with your reactionary autism.
you first
>hurrrr the other guys
Fucking naive reductionist get off of us(kys)
Explain how I am in anyway reactionary
idk what does this term even mean, I've liberal dykes use that term
Then again you're black
>It's really not a bond.
If you ever experienced it you'd know it is a bond. Just like people being a part of your hometown, family, or political party. Collectives are real.
Why do you think Blacks call each other "brother" or Italians call each other "paesano?"
Oh for fuck's sake, you invited all the /pol/yps in.