ITT: leaders that LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY did nothing wrong.
ITT: leaders that LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY did nothing wrong
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I dare someone to say otherwise
But muh New World Order ...
But muh Liberalism....
But muh Globalism ...
But muh Democracy...
What is Lockerbie?
What is the Toyota War?
>Americans bomb sandhuts in the desert killing hundreds of children
>"waaah why do these terrorists hate us? they hate us for our freedom."
>OP says "ITT: leaders that LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY did nothing wrong"
>is shown he did something wrong
>complains about American deserving it
Are you Russian by any chance? And nothing about the Toyota War? It was a total humiliation.
Didn't Lockerbie turn out to have been caused by Iran as vengeance for Americans shooting down their plane and killing like 250 civilians?
I'm saying Lockerbie was retaliation for what America did do he did nothing wrong
As for the Toyota war, he was fighting French special forces with anti tank missiles, give him a break.
It's one of several "theories" about it, yes. Meanwhile Lybia literally offered billions to the victims' families to shut them up.
>I'm saying Lockerbie was retaliation for what America did do he did nothing wrong
>As for the Toyota war, he was fighting French special forces with anti tank missiles, give him a break.
Top kek. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
How's it edgy? Someone hits someone, they hit you. Was the Doolittle raid also "edgy" cause it was retaliation for pearl harbour?
Lol dumbfuck ameritard
Sometimes I wake up at night, and I imagine Mario Vargas Llosa winning the elections and having to face the Sendero Luminoso.
Can you imagine it? The ultimate globalist neoliberal cuck having to face a murderous Maoist guerrilla that was so brutal and bloodthirsty that even the peasantry they claimed to be fighting for rejected them, but they were still powerful thanks to the fear they inspired and the nihilism and hatred of urban lower middle-classes that just wanted to watch Peru burn.
I imagine him respecting their human rights, I imagine him trying to negotiate with Abimael Guzman, I imagine him making a deal to cede demilitarized zones to the Sendero Luminoso, I imagine him losing the support of the people because his economic reforms would be half-assed by his respect for legality and the rule of law, I imagine him fucking up and losing and the Maoists taking Lima and slaughtering everyone in a bloodbath that would make the Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia look like a picnic.
But that didn't happen, because ALBERTO FUJIMORI won, he didn't gave a fuck, he performed a coup against himself like an ALPHA MALE and, and he alone of all WORLD LEADERS OF HUMAN HISTORY, completely crushed and defeated a Maoist rebellion, and he fucked an urban guerrilla too just for shits and giggles.
Corruption? Who the hell cares about that. He did what was necessary. He did nothing wrong.
>The ultimate globalist neoliberal cuck having to face a murderous Maoist
It always amuses me when Communists try to distance themself from liberals.
>so your not liberal?
>haha of course not that's idpol!
>so you don't support gays
>t-thats different, they're oppressed by bourgeoise capitalism!
>so you don't support minorities?
>t-thats different, they're oppressed by bourgeoise capitalism!
>so you don't support atheism?
>t-thats different, they're oppressed by bourgeoise capitalism!
>so you don't support trannies?
>t-thats different, they're oppressed by bourgeoise capitalism!
>so you don't support muslims
>t-thats different, they're oppressed by bourgeoise capitalism!
I've only recently discovered this, but they get really offended when you point out how, socially, liberalism and socialism are identical. A bunch of crybaby faggots who want people arrested for saying mean words.
t. American
Realizes "liberalism" and socialism is same XDDD
>it aint
Literally where did I say there was any correlation between them economically? I didn't, you have to try to change my argument because you know as well as I do that, socially, they are identical.
liberals support the capitalist mode of production, communists don't.
understandable, it's really hard to fit into the /pol/ conception of the world as "humans vs orcs"
Again, another faggot who changes my argument because he knows I'm correct. This one even goes to the trouble of calling me le pol boogeyman.
Find me a single social difference between Socialists and liberals.
>hating racial minorities is good
Fuck off, you're just a whiny snowflake, I bet you bitch about "white genocide" in South Africa
ask a stalinist
stalin hated jews and reversed the decriminalisation of homosexuality in the soviet union
>Says the cunt who carefully phrases "Communists are liberals" with "It always amuses me when Communists try to distance themself from liberals."
Stalin did much to reverse the ass backwards anyi natalist policies of lenin, including gassing the Jews who founded the state, he turned communism from a virtue signalling degenerate shithole into an industrialised and productive state.
>putting minorities above majorities is good
Tumblr is missing a faggot.
I didn't even say the first quote and the second quote is correct, as evidenced from the 3 communists who immediately took offence to me telling them the facts.
>anti natalism
rofl this gimmick
>muh majorities
who cares, treat people with respect
>rofl this gimmick
Of course it was anti-natalist.
>no fault divorces
>pushing LGBT
>marriage discouraged as an outdated and archaic concept
Stalin fixed it up though, and the birth rate skyrocketed.
>who cares, treat people with respect
See, liberals and communists are socially identical. You both want your little snowflake communities where people get arrested for mean words.
No, you didn't say it, but it was what you wanted to say.
who cares, its just treating people with respect and giving them freedom.
dunno why you'd want a high birth rate anyway
Had I wanted to say that, I would simply have done it.
I said communists get offended when you point out how socially they are the same as liberals and what happened? Three kid commies immediately got offended. You're proving my point. I never said they were economically similar, all three of you tried to put those words in my mouth to make me look retarded, because to say that would be retarded, even though I clearly never did.
He was one of the worst losers on stabbed in the butt I've ever seen.
>Had I wanted to say that, I would simply have done it.
You didn't because you're a pussy.
>who cares, its just treating people with respect and giving them freedom.
By attempting to help everyone you help no one. For example, in Europe we see communal healthcare failing due to the ideology of helping everyone rather than the majority. Countries destroying themselves in pursuit of "tolerance", it is near-sighted short term humanism that ultimately causes collapse.
>dunno why you'd want a high birth rate anyway
To continue growth. To develop countries.
>Hey Arabfriends. Muh Arab nationalism, right?
>Fuck off Gaddhafi.
>Um, hey African friends, African power amirite?
>Fuck off Arab.
>Here's money.
Damn, you got me, I was simply too afraid to type what I really thought on an anonymous internet forum.
He lost a conventional war with a formal, mechanized, army with air support versus a bunch of Chads in pickup trucks.
Also in 2011, he smugly thought his people 100% loved him and broke out armories to distribute arms to people for them to defend him, but all that did was arm a lot of rebel groups and he lost half of the country to the rebels at the beginning of the war.
The very face of modern Arab icompetence in war.
>third world lost to france
What's the issue here?
French involvement started with the maintenance of a DMZ between Chad and Libya during the early 80s. However for a lot of reasons domestically, they had to go home, which started the Toyota war off to begin with.
Frenchfaggots did fly air support though, but this was directed on the condition that Libyan planes flew off the ground.
Gaddafi is still an idiot for losing armored companies to toyota hiluxes.
They didn't fly so good?
He made the mistake of thinking a harem of military cosplayers was actually able to function as a royal guard. During the final battle, most of them deserted, leaving him to die at the hands of an angry mob.
>America lost to illiterate peasants in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq
>America had worlds largest army
Fucking kek you American shitskin
>well the US supports me because they need a stable ally against Iran, I could probably get some sweet trade deals out of this and maybe aid even as long as I play nice
>naaaaaaaahhh better destabilize the world economy and invade Kuwait instead of just trying to work out my dispute with them diplomatically
>I bet American won't do shit
>Be Obama
>Bomb peaceful prospering nation into a nightmarish civil war torn shithole
>Nobel peace prize winner, hailed by liberals for bringing peace to the world
He really he is the Democrats version of Reagan.
Are there other Peruvians on this shithole? If so then pic related.
This famalamapai
Debate me faggots,
PRO TIP: You know I'm right
If your going to be a dictator, at least do it right.
I'd like him a lot more if it weren't for how he treated the Kurds.
Yeah in an Asymmetric Warfare situation.
Chad faced Libyans in the open.
Out there.
Wearing uniforms.
In the open desert battlefield.
Operating a pure infantry force reliant on mere automobiles.
And won.
>What is Lockerbie?
He never did Lockerbie and they never said they did it. They just claimed responsibility to remove sanctions, which is different.
In open desert, antitank missiles done properly can decimate an armoured force. See: 1973 Arab Israeli war
Afghanistan and Iraq are still ongoing wars senpai. Also:
>lost Korea
kek, this is just wrong.
Kurds are animals, you can literally give them everything they want and they'll still chimp out and blow shit up. I'm Assyrian our family used to live near Kurds, they'd fuck our shit up even though we did nothing to them. In 1991 they fucking started killing Turkmen in Kirkuk with hatchets. Most Kurds outside of Arbil still practice FGM and honour killings.
Don't believe the (((media))) that portrays them as heroes. Kurds are animals. Why do you think Syria, Iran, turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Armenia, all hate their guts? Anyone who's come in contact with Kurds hates them. Ask any swede, Kurds in Sweden are more nigger than Somalis.
Kurds are fucking subhuman, even they know it.
>getting rid of the free market and freedom of speech and information
>taxing people to the edge of starvation (no edge with Ceausescu) and turning your country into a poor shithole
>keeping most of the taxed money for yourself and for the highest officials
>arresting people arbitrarily and denying them human rights
>killing your political opponents
>spending ridiculous amounts of money on senseless monumental projects
>not allowing citizens to leave the country
>did nothing wrong
>LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY did nothing wrong
I LITERALLY and UNIRONICALLY support this man, because he genuinely did nothing wrong, unlike Drumpf.
t. Eliyahu Shekelgrabberstein
t. Ibn al-Kuwaiti
>implying kuwaitis aren't the Jews of the Arab world
t. Dumbfuck fat burger-eating invasion-monkey
>implying i'm an Amerifat
t. continentalist Eurocuck scum
Tony Blair did nothing wrong
t. Jew
Into the oven with you
>ran out of accusations after two shitposts
t. Kraut.
Sounds like we may have to come over there again and liberate you.
It was syria.