Why do altrightarded faggots circlejerk about this tinpot dictator so much? What did he do that's even noteworthy aside from getting arrested? There's so many other world leaders who achieved more spectacular "economic miracles".
Why do altrightarded faggots circlejerk about this tinpot dictator so much...
he trow commie ppl fro m helicpopter veruy funny xD
For one Chile is not a fourth world country like Venezuela thanks to him.
And yes, helicopter rides.
You have to go back
Successfully preventing a country in the socialist infested continent of South America from stupidly attempting Communism is a grand achievement by itself.
Sure, he did some unethical things, and perhaps it was unnecessary, who knows really, but far more people would have certainly suffered and died under a communist regime than how many people died or were tortured because of him.
The reality of his existence ultimately made Chile a more prosperous today than it otherwise would have been without him.
/leftypol/ leave
PINOCHET was warrior of light and sword of justice. Also he did nothing wrong.
It's literally "gommie heligobders XDDD"
These are the same kids who think they voted for Pepe the Frog.
Communists don't count as people.
Every body loves to meme about the helicopters but when you read up on what they actually entailed that shit is 3brutal5me.
>muh ebin helicopsters n shiet imma finna to throw gommunisds out of helocobter xDDD am i fitting in yet guise :^)
I mean yeah it is pretty funny at first, but the retards on here take it so far it's now devoid of any humor.
Wow, you guys are really latching on hard to that "alt-right" buzzword
Anyway people make Pinochet memes and stuff just because it triggers commies hard, not because they actually worship him, it mainly comes from libertarians/ancaps and they hate dictatorship
Uncle Pinochet Helicopter Rides
>What did he do that's even noteworthy aside from getting arrested?
He was a champion of classical economic liberalism and globalism, which is why Chile did so well compared to the shitty protectionist populism in Venezuela and Argentina. But alt-rightarded faggots are functionally illiterate so for some reason they don't see the irony of stumping for a guy that Pinochet would have thrown out of a helicopter.
>expecting alt righters to think
wew m8
Why are you leftypol faggots so upset that people don't worship your deranged anti white ideology?
>le Allende was really going to be the real tyrant meme
*tips revisionism*
He had extremely liberal economic policies, but socially not even a single nigger got inside chile while he ruled.
Nowadays chile has more than 200k niggers from Haiti and Colombia thanks to the immigration policies of the globalist socialist government, and the economy has increasingly become more regulated scaring investors off
he threw communist scum out of helicopters and reformed Chiles economy
>Why do altrightarded faggots circlejerk about this tinpot dictator so much? What did he do that's even noteworthy aside from getting arrested? There's so many other world leaders who achieved more spectacular "economic miracles".
t. /r/anarchism mod
>le Allende was a dictator meme
>, it mainly comes from libertarians/ancaps and they hate dictatorship
Yes, they worship him """""" ironically""''''
>good economics
He created two massive fucking recessions and mass unemployment.
saved Chile from filthy communist and socialist one helicopter ride at a time
I think the fact leftists talked so much about Pinochet, when there were even worse right-wing dictators in Latin America (Jorge Rafael Videla in Argentina and Efrian Rios Montt in Guatemala, for example), has contributed to Pinochet becoming a meme.
It was just ridiculous to focus so much on a guy that wasn't even that bad for the standards of that time, so they appropriated him.
>He created two massive fucking recessions and mass unemployment.
Which was still a far better economic state than its socialist neighbors
Venezuela literally had the 4th highest GDP per capita in the world in 1950, and socialism turned that country to a starving shithole.
>concerns himself with ethics
>wishes genocide on different groups people
edgy racism /b/ro
Did the actual native - born Chileans finally give up? I'm not surprised. You Pinichet retards are more persistent than Jesus deniers.
>leftist autism
ah yes
Tell me about Pinochet! Why did he give free helicopter rides?
No really, why? That's got to be the most pointlessly expensive way to execute dissidents. Why not just shoot them and bury them in mass graves like a normal despot?
Venezuela got shitty first in the 80s and 90s because of neoliberal economics. Chavez improved some things for a few years, but since the last years of his reign things went to shit.
to terrorize people into submission basically
in the 19th century there would have been public executions but this was the 1970s
Yep, Chile is so much better now with him dead, amirite comrade?
No body, and the military that's carrying out the killing is already flying helicopters routinely.
It's a plausibly deniable way for a military to kill somebody.
it is a much better country now than it ever was, to be honest
>What did he do that's even noteworthy
What made him so noteworthy was that he was a moral gray area, and he continues to be that today in Chile.
Sure, there's the obvious bad - the free helicopter rides, general oppression, and a bunch of corruption and social stratification that resulted from his policies. But in the eyes of many Chileans, he did save Chile from Allende.
Allende had Chile on a path to being what Venezuela's becoming today, and people decrying Pinochet tend to forget that he came to power not as some power-hungry strongman but by decree of the Chilean Congress and Supreme Court. Only after the other branches of the Chilean government called for the military to depose Allende did he step in.
So the general feel among Chileans (at least in my experience) is that he was a necessary evil - sure, he was hardly good from a human rights perspective, but the alternative was a budding dictator just as bad (Allende) coupled with looming economic ruin.
itt commie college students
Is the TRS Task Force attacking Veeky Forums?
If this shitty fucking argument of "ends justify the means" holds weight with you retards, then you have absolutely no position to criticize the Soviets or Chinese for what they did because in the end they both achieved nearly unprecedented heights of power.
That is pretty funny though you have to admit.
Because Pinochet's fix to Chile's problems was beautiful in it's simplicity; just kill the Marxists. The whole helicopter meme is what it is because it's hilarious and depressing that so much of the west's socio-economic problems can be fixed with such ease, if only we had a someone with the audacity to see it through.
His reign and others like Franco is a testament to the toxicity of leftist ideology and the utter impotence of pluralism and non-violence.
I've never seen such a more laughably pseudo-intellectual post on this board. Take your buzzwords and leave before you embarrass yourself even more.
Pinochet killed Marxists and scared liberals which are things I'm 100% ok with. What he really was in reality was a western puppet who turned Chile into a laboratory for the economics that would later define Thatcher and New Labour. He was basically killing for capitalism and murdering people for disagreements over income tax. Which is why niggers think whitey is insane. Chile is in fairly decent shape today but core industries were privatised and are now increasingly being offshored. So you know he's basically like Clinton, Bush and Obama in respect to sending jobs overseas. Funnily enough America brought in Trump to reverse this process. The infantile TRS ex-libertarian faction of the altright compares Trump to Pinochet, not knowing that in a sense they're opposed in respect to their economic approaches. But hey what do I know something something le helicopter ride
learn to debate and respond properly when you engage in a intellectual conversation low-iq moron
The majority of that income landed in the hands of oligarchs. Most people didn't benefit from the oil.
It is not just the alt-right. If you are South American and not communist filth (so basically a normal person), your position on the man is at the VERY LEAST "yeah he did some bad things but he stopped communism which would have been worse."
Not just him, all military governments during this period of South America were basically that. There were plenty of Cuban-backed guerrillas in operation in the continent, the democratic governments were either too weak to deal with them or actively aligned with them, so you basically needed a strong rule to squash these shits, which is why the military took over in most countries.
If they are to be criticized for one thing, it is that they weren't thorough enough.
Prevented Chile from degenerating into a Venezeula tier shithole by throwing the M*rxist scum out of rotary aerial vehicles.
>it's okay if you're in a recession if the other guy is even worse
whataboutism at its finest
If the alternative is that and the other guy who is in an even worse situation, then yes, it is okay. Stop using buzzwords you don't even understand.
sorry, but false dichotomy
He killed communists without being a commie-lite himself like Hitler was.
Venezuela never actually adopted neoliberal economics, that's actually the whole reason of the crisis that paralyzed the state in the 90s and led to the rise of Hugo Chávez.
Venezuela first implemented hardcore statist measures during the 1970s, in the first presidency of Carlos Andrés Perez. He created the PDVSA, a Venezuelan welfare state, a huge bureaucracy, oil prices polices that led to the lowest gas prices in the world etc, but in the 1980s oil prices collapsed so there was no way the country could pay for it, so in his second presidency, starting in 1989, he tried to implement neoliberal reforms, but there was a massive revolt and he couldn't do it. Without these reforms, the country was affected by hyperinflation through the whole 90s, unlike other Latin American countries that escaped inflation in the late 80s and early 90s thanks to neoliberal reforms.
Childhood is when you think Pinochet made Chile what it is today, a relatively stable and prosperous country in the middle of the socialist cesspool that is South America. Adulthood is when you realise that Diego Portales is the real deal.
Altrightist talk about Pinochet so much beause it makes leftists so butthurt. Leftists have been going on and on about Pinochet since the 70s because he stop le Allende who was just 'bout to make socialism great again, which totally would hav worked THIS time if it weren't for that fucking Pinochet. If there is someone who is obsessed with Pinochet it is leftists. Naomi Klein for example wrote a 700 page book about her Pinochet-asshurt. Pinochet did really improve Chile, which makes them even more angry.