>Not considering the Napoleonic era as the most honourable wartime period
Veeky Forums's opinion on this?
>Not considering the Napoleonic era as the most honourable wartime period
Veeky Forums's opinion on this?
>Not considering the WW1 era as the most honourable wartime period
>still considering war as honorable
>murdering people for your government
Pick one
WW1 air battles were by far the most honorable wartime thing
>standing perfectly still in battle in bright red uniforms directly in front of your enemy, taking turns to shoot like an autistic turn based strategy game
>because muh honor
truly a noble age
>napoleonic war
>return of total war and destruction of civilians
wtf i hate honor now
>most honorable watime period
>posts a pic of the brittish army, which fought in the most dishonorable way possible
Lol all the cucks in the thread not understanding wars place in history.
What about when the French went into Spain?
very honorable
But that's wrong you meme spouting retard. They had to use those techniques to both maximise their firepower and defend from Calvary charges.
sure is reddit in here
Napoleonic war conventions existed out of necessity, not out of some kind of reverence for honour.
Honour, what do you know of honour, you who has not walked the thin red path
also maybe the most aestethic wartime period
No Boers are most dishonourable
I never understood this. If you have a reason good enough to try and slaughter a foreign people and gain physical control of their nation, you better show no mercy and spare no successful tactic.
I refuse to believe that those tactics were the only viable option with the technology available.
Why don't our soldiers still dress like that. We were supposed to go forward not back.
What is camouflage
this really got me
Camouflage is a meme designed to excuse the lack of effort put into our uniforms
>Camouflage is a meme
Ok, wear a bright red Uniform like OPs pic and walk into a modern combat field. You'll be dead before you even get in the same city.
Fuck dude did you ever try hunting or hell even just playing airsoft/paintball with your friends in the woods?
Are you implying War is supposed to be entertaining? Must be fun being 15
I don't think that is what that user was implying at all. I do think you're an idiot.
user did not appear to be implying much of anything
I wish I could assume this is trolling but people as dumb as you do exist.
I was talking about the practicality of camouflage, and tried to use a real world example that you would have experienced to illustrate the point for you.
Unfortunately you are fucking braindead.
>We should go back to heavy-cotton pastel jackets for no reason other than vanity
Show me where I said that, you drooling moron.
You aren't for Camouflage so you are obviously in favor of restoring the old way, desu
Are you even responding to the right person? These are my comments.
Yeah the peninsular war sure was honourable...
I'm the original guy who said we should go back. You guys started arguing amongst yourselves.
Then you're wrong. Camouflage has a practical purpose to make yourself harder to see and harder to determine the outline of. It is significantly harder to find and shoot you when blending in than when you're wearing bright colors you dunce.
If you want those colors, look at the ceremonial uniforms.
>drowning in a pool of blood,toxic water and mud
truly a way to go.
>jousting in the air
Theres no honor in war
Stop romanticizing shit
I was clearly memeing mate, I like the aesthetics of the uniform but in this age of urban warfare and no more great organised battles between two parties they have lost their use.
>There ir no honor in try to kill each other
You illiterate peasant
How is safely bombarding using artillery more honorable than melee combat like the Romans did.
>he really believes this
>Napoleon's failed Egyptian campaign and his abandondment of his army in the Levant
>Russian and Spanish Campaigns
>walk on an isolated road
>get robbed, beaten and killed by highwaymen
Nice honor you have there
>seeing an unstoppable wave of bayonets walking towards you even after many volley shots
You dont think this shit would terrify the enemy?
Besides they needed some god tier discipline to stand there taking shots