I'll start: Bart. Ehrman.
ITT we trigger christfags
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he got absolutely blown the fuck out by Michael Bird
Listen to how panicky he sounds at the end
Yeah who cares that everything he says is correct, he's not as good at speaking so he's wrong
>expecting me to watch Americans talk about the Bible for two hours
Also the worth of one's argument depends on what they say, not "how panicky" they're saying it.
The point is he realizes he is wrong and starts to lose his composure.
Panicking isn't proof that someone's wrong, although it can often be a sign that comes with it.
Also Ehrman's inability to speak publicly without reaching George W Bush levels of goofiness and incomprehensiblity doesn't subtract from his scholarly excellence. His insistence that the subordinationsts, Marcionites, and gnostics were just as prevalent and valid as the "proto-orthodox Christians" were is what does that.
This. Ehrman is just a bad public speaker. His normal voice is whiny and strained, and his speech patterns (probably developed to make up for that, since it's obvious he's trying to sound more confident) just make him sound weird. He's also admitted in interviews to getting really frustrated during those debates, because having to make the same points over and over again is annoying. IIRC, he's even said he doesn't even like doing them, and that the only reason he does is because he sees himself as an educator and he knows that those debates are the only way some people are going to hear scholarly opinion. That's why you see him getting really short around the halfway point during all of them. He's not panicking (if anything, I think he sounds frustrated and cocky), he's just a shitty public speaker that doesn't really want to be there anymore and is getting tired of repeating himself.
Remember that this is a person who is considered within his own field to be one of the top scholars. It's pretty much impossible to take a class in New Testament or Early Christian history at any respectable institution without having to use at least one of his textbooks. He knows what his academic status is, and a debate like that, or any of the ones he does with apologists, aren't going to phase him or make him panic.
Just quote all the nationalistic, borderline racist things Jesus said in the Bible. They go into full apologetics mode, and try to turn the question around; accusing you of "not getting it", before they start pulling quotes from Isaiah.
I'll start:
>I was sent only for the list sheep of the tribe of Israel. Do not take the food meant for the children and toss it to the dogs.
>If your brother doesn't acknowledge his error in front of the entire church, let him be as a gentile or Samaritan to you
Come at me, bros
Hyam Maccoby.
He was just testing her faith
What's so hard about that to understand?
>people 30AD were racist
But Jesus isn't intended to be just any human, he is simultaneously the eternal omniscient God. Is God racist?
Im not even a christian but you are getting it wrong, Jesus suppsedly was an avatar meant to be a simulacrum of a full human, a vinculum, a way for a higher being to better understand its creation, this is why he also needed to be born from a womb, if he didnt have human flaws then the avatar would be effectively purposeless
A+ heresy there, broseph
Eh, I think it was fairly well matched and I still think that ehrman won.
A better opponent then when he debated WLC though, that was just sad.
What is the evidence they were not?
God isn't supposed to be racist
>insults her and all her people
>see responds by humiliating herself and her people even further
>Jesus finally cures her daughter once she affirms the inferiority of her people compared to the Jews
>I-It w-was just a test, bro!
>borderline racist
Spotted the liberal arts major
Craig is a fucking hack and I wish he'd just go away.
It's kinda funny because heretics are the only ones that make your religion make sense. Gnostics and Nestorians make loads more sense than your bullshit.
How good can your ideas be if you can't win a debate with them
Do you know how debates work?
>Bart (((Ehrman)))
I wonder whats the beef he has with christianity
You have to go back.