What leaders of human history are equilevant of trump and how did they succeed in their goals...

what leaders of human history are equilevant of trump and how did they succeed in their goals, and what heppened to them in the end?

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He practically mirrors Truman.

Literally the American Juan Peron.

Explain how.



>bigmouth and braggart billionaire ridden with sex scandals is surprisingly elected as major parties are demoralized by generalized corruption

Literally Berlusconi.

Translation on the pic?

they don't accomplish shit but everyone has someone to blame afterwards.


Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt are probably the most apt comparisons. Both pretty much succeeded in what they set out to accomplish, although Jackson's crusade against a national banking system ultimately proved pointless because the Fed came in to existence later on.

Teddy is generally looked upon favorably because the world started to view the US as a force to be reckoned with under his presidency.

an amalgam of Kaiser Wilhelm, Hindenburg, Napoleon III, General Boulanger, John Tyler, Joseph Chamberlain and Berlusconi

also some William Jennings Bryan and Andrew Jackson

Cleon of Athens.



I hope we get a Broadway musical about Trump in the future

well if we're going by ancient examples too then Cleon is a good choice. also:

Crassus (got very wealthy by doing shady real estate stuff. way more competent than trump though)
Catiline, Marc Antony, maybe aspects of Sulla and Marius? Dionysius of Syracuse :^)

>Andrew Jackson and Teddy Roosevelt are probably the most apt comparisons.

Those are terrible comparisons, though, so you shpuld probably look beyond American presidents if you want a good one.

Oh, and also Kennedy is probably the closest modern example because he also singled out and publicly threatened big businesses like Trump, although he's not generally thought of as a populist.

The era of Eisenhower-Kennedy-LBJ-Nixon is really weird because the party platforms were kind of mixed up from FDR pulling the country so far left and ruling as an effectual dictator, and they would all be considered populists by today's standards.

They weren't completely inept political retards, so I don't think the comparison can be extended.

Berlusconi has been a major factor behind the corruption and demoralization of major parties ever since. Also he owned the fucking media. Trump had neither, which ironically was the reason he won. So Trump is basically the Anti-Berlusconi while Hillary is a losing version of Berlusconi. Anti-Berlusconi chickened out on his most important promise though: To be the molotov cocktail to the politic standards in washington.

>threatened big business
Trump is big business. Look at his entire cabinet. Open your fucking eyes, asshole.

>Trump openly admits to bribing officials and having judges in his pocket, while selling out his cabinet to billionaires
>Runs televised media and his chief advisor runs internet news media

Yup sure doesn't have either chief.

Holy fuck, this actually fits amazingly well

But you must agree he acts like him

>Trump had neither

lol fuck off

Huh? Trump has a ton of parallels with both of them, particularly Teddy. Jackson was a bit more idealist and paranoid than Trump, but Trump and Teddy were both strongman who sought to wield the country's power to extort businesses and foreign governmens to serve American citizens.

Should've let go of Milan sooner tbqh


Teddy served in the military, was Veeky Forums af, was an inspiring orator, and gave a damn about the environment.
And whereas Trump has been wielding the country's power like a kid with a BB-gun, Teddy used it to back up skillful diplomacy.
If Trump were shot, I doubt he would continue his speech.

Literally the American Berlusconi.


You don't get what I'm saying: up to the point where he got elected he did neither. And as I said: He is NOT living up to the standards he set himself, i.e. ripping a part the system.

>internet news media

Breitbart is a scape goat. I'd argue that more people voted for trump because of Michael Moore than because of steve bannon.

On certain topics, maybe. But I'd argue that Hillary actually has more in common with Mr. Bongobongo than Donny does. Berlusconi was a man that made everyone his friend. Trump is a man that burns everything to the ground that he doesn't like.

Go back to plebbit you retards. Fucking every politician ever has had ties to businesses and media, and Trump is actually unique in the fact that he has less ties to lobbies and the establishment than most presidents.

I mean, what, do you want him to fill his cabinet with a bunch of random homeless Retards?

I didn't even vote for Trump, but these are such childish criticisms.

The key difference is that his picks are almost all directly invested in business, and severely under-qualified for their positions. He picked a bunch of random, landowning retards.

>I don't think the comparison can be extended.
That's why I say he's an amalgamation of different historical characters. In some respects Trump doesn't match up to any of these historical figures. But Jackson and Trump are clearly similar with respect to their courting male white supremacy (I don't mean this derogatorily, it's just a fact), their bellicose temperaments and disrespect for the rule of law (see: Jackson's military government in New Orleans, his deposition of a judge in mississippi who charged him for misrule (iirc), his invasion of florida on very dubious grounds without proper authority to do so, his unlawful execution of British nationals and indians during said invasion and his encouraging his soldiers to massacre seminole and free black communities and enslave any survivors). Jackson was not really a career politician either and very much saw himself as an outsider to the establishment. He also had an obsession for personal as well as party loyalty to his person. Also upended the primary iirc by defeating the favorite Calhoun
William Jennings Brian was a populist and presidential campaign style has some uncanny similarities to Trump's, though he failed in his bid.

but Jackson was the real deal, Trump just accidentally ended up stumbling into the white house

>I'd argue that more people voted for trump because of Michael Moore
I'm still laughing when I think about it. He's as anti-Trump as it gets, yet he created perfect commercial for Trump.

>Trump isn't an inspiring orator

He literally propelled himself in to office almost entirely on charisma. It certainly wasn't his policy ideas that got him there.

charisma isnt the same thing as oratory. the latter is either formal or eloquent

>It certainly wasn't his policy ideas
bruh, Rust Belt gave him the White House.

Nice meme you have there. Do you also post on plebbit calling Trump Cheeto McTinyhands?

The media constantly focused on the stupid shit he said to the extent that he got the most media exposure of any republican candidate. Hillary's campaign collapsed following several scandals that all came out two weeks before the election. His "charisma" didn't propel him anywhere.


Marcus Crassus was the richest man in the Republic having gained his fortune from - curiously enough - real estate investing
He also enjoyed golden showers so there you have it

The CEO of ExxonMobil is severely under-qualified to be a secretary of State? You think heading one of the largest multinational corporations in the world doesn't require an incredible amount of diplomatic skill and world vision?

It was a very honest thing to say though and one can only hope that democrats and anti-trump folks learn from him. Everything in that 2 minute commercial was actually true.

>and they said Veeky Forums wouldn't become /pol/ with dates


Why does nobody here have anything other than a cursory knowledge of American political history?

He's Huey Long in a red tie.

Are you saying that he hasn't completly dominated the media?
Are you saying he isn't corrupt?
Explain yourself

Considering he was already very well known and famous for hosting the apprentice and making cameos in all sorts of entertainment media, I'd say yeah, he was carismatic.

Veeky Forums was made for the purpose of partitioning /pol/ in various small pc boards
We're just taking back what is our rightful clay

I know. Unlike other libs Moore actually talked to Trump voters instead of screaming MUH RAYSIM and because of it he came to conclusion that Trump will win. And he did. I still spit on my boots for chickenshitting in last week before election and not betting 500 on Trump.
>muh pol

I could totally see Crassus as a comparison in some ways.
Maybe Crassus with Mark Antony's tolerance for ridicule.

Except Crassus was a competent politician and unlike Trump, was actually a canny at speculation. Crassus was also pretty cool-headed and was the lynchpin that kept the first triumvirate from collapsing. Not to mention he got cucked by Caesar and wasn't effective at promoting his importance in winning the servile wars.


Then you're just stupid. I think it's far harder to effectively manage the 2nd largest corporation in the entire world than acquire any position in US government short of POTUS.

I guess at least Le Electric Car Merchant likes him.

Yup totally random. Oh but wait I thought they were all in bed with him too?

The "swamp" and establishment are all the idiot career politicians that have """experience""" in Washington DC and Washington DC only. NOT rich people in general. You don't understand a goddamn thing about Trump or what he tapped into. If you genuinely believe hiring people with experience outside of Washington is a bad thing God help this country.

didn't huey long have socialistic tendencies though? he was demagogic but as governor of louisiana he did public works, let blacks into his administration and had no problem taking federal money. trump is not like that at all

Wtf are you smoking?
>Teddy regulated the American industry and actively opposed industrialists
>Trump is all about deregulation, has an administration full of industrialists, and a cabinet full of corporate shills.

>Teddy was a naturalist and a conservationist
>trump is a real-estate devolper who I can only imagine based on his actions, literally hates nature.

>Teddy was an actual strong man who's most famous quote is "speak softly and carry a big stick".
>Trump is a draft dodging keyboard warrior who tweets in all caps about how awesome he is.

How delusional do you have to be to even make that comparison, holy shit.

If you genuinely believe Trump will do good job as president, even now, then you are the cancer that is killing our nation and you must kill yourself or be forcibly purged.

Not sure why I greentexted all that.
I'm not a noofag I promise:D

He kind of strikes me as a more caustic Pappy O'Daniel figure desu


I'm not seeing how he got cucked by Caesar seeing he was more deserving of his will than his own sons
Hes greediness was unlimited and payed it with his life against the parthians in the end

>wasnt effective at promoting
Pompey had just put down a rebellion in Hispania by Sertorius, which was arguably more important to the senate than a slave revolt

He's been in office for less than a fucking month. I'll reserve judgement until he actually starts dealing with real shit instead of reading a tabloid Vox/Salon/TP article that says anonymous aides close to his him overheard him praising Hitler and fingering every woman in the white house.

give him a year
i give him 35% chance for being good 15% for doing nothing and 50% for being shit

Caesar literally slept with his wife... though I may be confusing him with Pompeii. Either way I'm pretty sure he got cucked.

>Hes greediness was unlimited and payed it with his life against the parthians in the end
I think that is overplayed desu. He was ambitious, but he was also a secretive man who preferred to pull strings behind the scenes through proxies and skillful bribery. And if he was a greedy, it didn't stop him from pouring a shit ton of money into stopping the servile war, despite not getting the credit he deserved (of course, he would have wanted the recognition to boost his own status, but he didn't really try all that hard to correct the record). To go all the way East to fight the Parthians was a big gamble to restore recognition, but at least he was willing to equip and travel a very long distance to achieve his aim when he could have just stayed in Rome. He died alongside his son against the Parthians too, which is sort of sad.
Also, if Crassus were so greedy we'd seem him act a lot more impetuously. But on the contrary he played a very long game.

Meanwhile these people gave Obongo zero flack during eight years because muh black god
They shouldnt be taken seriously

Obama was hounded from minute one. You're delusional, underage, or both.

Not by libturds thats for sure

>the liberal candidate wasn't criticized by liberals
Big surprise. Must have taken you a while to come up with that one.

Yeah I should have used the word ambition instead of greediness it would be mife accurate

Sertorious, iirc, had been causing problems in Spain for a fucking long time. He wasn't going anywhere. On the other hand, the Third Servile prosebuted by Spartacus put up extremely effective resistance against the Romans and threatened to deny them of the manpower that powered the economy of the whole peninsula. Further defeats may have led to the sacking of Rome. On top of that, Pompeii DID join the Servile war at the last minute and flanked the Servile army, only for Crassus to take the brunt of a last desperate assault by the rebels. And yet, Pompey got all the glory, which in Roman culture was exponentially more humiliating than it would be today.

Not just liberal, also black
No other democrat president had this level of unaccountability
Either way youre not in a posituon to criticize the current administration

>Rust Belt gave him the White House

Not because of any policy ideas, though.

t. teenager

Bush was crucified to high hell compared to Obama. He literally had sitcoms and animated shows that parodied him that, we're they done to Obama, been considered insanely racist as shit.

That's just politics dude.

>The CEO of ExxonMobil is severely under-qualified to be a secretary of State?
Absolutely. Running a business is nothing at all like managing a government

Step into the real world for a second, you inbred fuck. Obama was not "unaccountable" because he was black; he received plenty of criticism from both the right and left in his two terms, and for his second term he was constantly opposed by a republican Congress. Unaccountable my ass.

Dont really think Spartacus or the other rebels had any intention of sacking Rome or liberate every slave around, he mainly plundered the countryside, dont fall for tv memes
Crixus had already been btfo by Arrius when he attempted to attack Rome proper
The senate never gave the Spartacus war much thought, it was a nuisance at most, and wouldnt even have amounted to that if Glaber hadnt been an incompetent cuck in the first place

For a Republican Trump has surprisingly liberal stances on certain issues. Plus a tendency towards authoritarian governance, a relatively isolationist fp, and the ability to rally religious conservatives despite leading hedonistic lifestyles (Father Charles Coughlin in Huey's Case)

I agree. It's much much harder to run a successful business than be a politician.

If you fuck up as a CEO, you actually have intelligent shareholders who pay close attention to your performance because their money is at stake, and will not for a second hesitate to push you out or sell their stocks if you fuck up.

Politicians just need to convince the average dumbass voter that they're doing a good job to stay in power.

trump and hitler are similar in that they came to power as a reaction to extreme liberalism

>criticism from the left
Of course he faced massive opposition against a republican majority congress, but they wouldnt have won it in the first place if Obamas policies had been successful
He was a meh tier president at best, irrelevant if not for liberals sucking his black dick
At worst he was one of the worst presidents along with Bush

>Trump has surprisingly liberal stances on certain issues.
All his actions indicate the opposite. He's only liberal as far as social issues go.

If it was just a nuisance the Romans would not have gone through the trouble of crucifying every single prisoner and putting them side by side all along the Appian way from Rome to Capua. Again, slavery being the basis of the Roman economy a huge slave revolt would be a nightmare.

Obama was a president who was probably an idealist coming in to office, but a pragmaticist when he left.

The ACA was a fucking mistake, and quickly became convinced that national healthcare wouldnt work in the US, so he AND the Republican Congress colluded with each other to put on a show of gridlock because both agreed the country shouldn't move any further left. They couldn't cut taxes, spending, or remove the ACA for fear of causing a populist socialist movement from leftist voters so a Republican could come in the next election and deregulate the economy because the US needs that right now.

Wealthy retirees and business owners are quickly denouncing citizenship from the US to avoid taxes, and unless some spending and tax cuts are made, wealth will continue to flood out of the country and we'll lose our advantages as a world power.

that's a terrible reason to deregulate and cut taxes. If Trump were so tough on borders he'd strong arm the wealthy into returning their money to America.

>so a Republican could come in the next election and deregulate the economy
Then why was he so strongly supporting Hillary?

I was speaking of the senate not commoners
Crucifications were normal punishment back in the day for treason or rebellion (Jesus rings a bell)
Crassus didnt do it out of spite or rage

>he AND the Republican Congress colluded with each other to put on a show of gridlock because both agreed the country shouldn't move any further left
any sauce on that one?

Because that worked so great for literally every socialist/communist regime, Right? Intelligent hard working people with ambitions will find a way to flee authoritarian leftist regimes even if you threaten them with the gulag.

My grandparents fled from Latvia right before the USSR occupied them, and had children that acquired upper middle class status in the US with not a fucking penny to their names coming to the country.

You have to toe a fine line with the government/corporation balance. You don't have to let corporations extort you as the strongest power in the world, but you can't try and completely dick them and expect them to stay in the country.

He is already shit from his apointments
Cannot have a president actively impeding our chances for survival by handing over the environment we live in to corporate control. Nothing he will ever do will come close to reverse the damage of his energy/ environmental policy.
And that's science


>need to pay taxes to live in the US
>living in the US is nice
>need to pay taxes to do business in the US
>doing business in the US is profitable

This isn't rocket surgery.

Obama could have easily just used public pressure and executive orders to push things through and gotten away with it given his popularity. He chose to stay in gridlock because it meant he could still be seen favorably as a president.

>muh environment
If emerging economies dont play fair why should we
Lots if interests behind the green lobby too btw dont be naive

>China ignores environment
>China becomes shithole
>US ignores environment

Enjoy your cancer.