Is the supposed historical persecution of homosexuals over-hyped?
An act being illegal need not imply heavy-handed enforcement.
Is the supposed historical persecution of homosexuals over-hyped?
An act being illegal need not imply heavy-handed enforcement.
There's literally nothing gay about fucking a guy in the ass just for fun, it's only gay if you really have romantic feelings for him
You appear to have forgotten to mention what culture and era you're asking about. (As surely you wouldn't be retarded enough to ask about all "history.")
It depends on where you look. The germanic tribes punished homosexuality by drowning you in a swamp. Romans and Greeks did really punish it so much as create a social stigma around being the catcher. But if you look in Asia, the Thai and Indians were open about lady boys and the Japs respected boy love.
In Africa you have some people's that believe in men who are both sexes spiritually and you have others than burn gays alive.
>ywn be a part of homoerotic ancient greece
why live?
nah, it's not gay if you have romantic feelings for fucking a guy in the ass. It's only gay if you get fucked. If a girl fucks you with a strap-on, you're gay. Just don't submit, then you're a straight dude.
The receiver in OPs image looks like a woman though... I'm pretty sure those are tits...
>You appear to have forgotten to mention what culture and era you're asking about. (As surely you wouldn't be retarded enough to ask about all "history.")
"History" = since Mehmed II set foot in Hagia Sophia
This is astoundingly obvious
Fags in denial detected.
Modern faggotry has barely anything to do with ancient greek faggotry
The active fag was usually older and member of aristocracy while oassive was usually a young adolescent from lower class
Being passive fag usually carried shameful connotations
The concept of homosexuality as a contrast to heterosexuality is remarkably modern idea.
In the classical world, there was no such thing as sexual orientation. People fucked, and sometimes they fucked someone of the same sex. But the idea of a man fucking only men and making this a core component of his personal identity just wasn't a thing.
Is this what common core history looks like?
just because the term didn't exist doesn't mean people didn't have certain preferences
Nice high level of discourse, fag
>never once been inclined to anything homosexual
Am I in the minority on this or what?
Pedophilia was institutionalised in many ways in Ancient Athens. So I doubt it carried any long temr stigma.
Even if you read Plato's symposium, were Alcibiades tries to woo Socrates sexualy, it would seem it was considered normal enough for it to be a common occurrence even with adults. Even though Plato ultimately prefers non-sexual relationships, or friendship, to carnal lust.
Overall there has been to much speculation on this topic.
For example Aristotle considered homosexuality "unnatural". Yet talk of lovers and "erastes" is all over ancient Greek history.
These threads are made by bots they always have the same replies
I already pointed this out here, Plato's opinion on sexual relationships are well known. where do you think "platonic relationships" came from?
i guess you just cant understand deep masculine bonding user
It also varied a lot depending on city state
Spartans did have institutionalized agoges where young males were prepped for adult military life unlike popular belief
Why do people even care about ppl being gay or straight.
I don't give a damn as long as they ain't no pedophiles, rapists, sadist or any other kind of perversion.
In Japan they Never really cared about gayness or steightness.
In Psychologie it's called a Defense mechanism to hate something in other people that you actual have yourself.
Just let them be as long as they don't ass rape you or something.
Because they tend to throw their shit in your face, including swinging dick parades
They also are forcing themselves in education to influence the youth about their degenerate lifestyles
Russians were right to create a fag propaganda law, now they dont even hide that theyre after the kids
According to what I've read and heard from people alive before the gay rights movement took off, it was sort of an open secret that nobody really talked about. Even when it was illegal in all 50 states there were gay couples.
>Plato invented the friendzone
gg m8
The only thing you're 'bonding' with, is AIDS.
SO white gays are the real problem at the end of the day...
I unironically agree with this. I'm all for some ass fuckin' but kissing and cuddling a dude is just too much
gay spotted
What's not to get? I'd fuck a dude but not date and kiss him.