I have reason to believe i'm related to the ancient Carians. en.wikipedia.org
What can Veeky Forums tell me about them?
I have reason to believe i'm related to the ancient Carians
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take your WE WUZ-ism to /int/ or /pol/
>ancestry is wewuz
I don't Carians
They were mercenaries for the Persians and Egyptians around 700-600 BC and mentioned by the Hittities
Carians haven't existed in 2,500 years, you're a moron and a we wuzer.
Hes right about being Carian you fucking idiot
No he isn't, no-one has been "Carian" in 2,500 years.
Related you fuckwit. Oh wait, amerfats think the world is 400 years old.
Unless you have a written genealogy going back over 2,500 years, no, you're not related to the Carians. You are, however, a fucking simpleton.
>Ancestors coming to Italy from Anatolia 500 years ago with the name "de carian"
>All the carians in the carian region of turky apparently vanished
You're the simpleton who can't comprehend anyone's ancestry didn't begin by hopping the border the Mexican border 10 years ago.
people share 1/16 of genes with people born 150 years ago and you claim beacause one of your ancestors has name de caria that makes you somehow related to Carians
congratz bro yea you might be 1/320000 carian
(not OP here)
you share 1/16 dna with ONE person born 150 years ago. if no one race mixed and the other 15/16 are the same ethnicity you would still be 100% carian.
Chances of all your great-great-grandparents being absolutely 100% from a small ethnicity from 2,500 years ago
literally zero
OP is talking about ancestors who moved to Italy 500 years ago. Safe to say there's not many Carians in Italy to breed with for 500 years, so even if OP isn't retarded (he is), his "Carian" blood is on the order of 1 part in a million.
>Kikes can be related to ancient Israelite
>Somebodies family came from the Carian region in Anatolia, meaning likely long ago they mixed with the native people who were once known as Carians
Math is your strongsuit, eh buddy?
Not to mention the fact that OP is interpreting the surname "de carian" to mean "this person is a carian, an ethnicity no one has heard of for over a thousand years" instead of the much more likely "this person is from the still existent area of Anatolia called Caria, inhabited by numerous peoples and cultures"
this is a full pants-on-head WEWUZ-ism
>Not to mention the fact that OP is interpreting the surname "de carian" to mean "this person is a carian, an ethnicity no one has heard of for over a thousand years" instead of the much more likely "this person is from the still existent area of Anatolia called Caria, inhabited by numerous peoples and cultures"
Unlike the red injuns who were genocided away, the carian region has a history of mixing as opposed to genocide. Meaning some carians probably mixed with Greeks, turks or whoever else. en.wikipedia.org
If you were from a small isolated valley in the Caucus mountains, where your small ethnicity has lived for millennia with little contact from outsiders maybe there'd be a chance.
But no, you're talking about Anatolia a place that has been home to huge invasions and demographic shifts, from from ancient Anitolian peoples, to Hitties, to Persians, to Greeks, to Macedonians, to Gauls, to Romans, to Arabs, to Turks.
It would be hard to come up with a more ethnically diverse place over the course of history than Anatolia. Not to mention your only piece connecting you to the subcontinent is a last name transferred over to Italy (another ethnically diverse area) 500 hundred fucking years ago.
You're criticizing Americans for not having any ancestry but at least most of them transferred over to the New World less than 250 years ago, a large number of the time with charters and records.
They'd be mixed with those populations. Not destroyed.
Also the last name is only from a generation ago.
I'm a 'turk' born in Caria. So I can do the we wuz shit also. Carians were hellenized and later on (at least those who converted to islam) become turkified, so I doubt you can trace a direct carian lineage, I agree with this gentlemen Still, you can still find some traces, In middle anatolia for example certain hittite names still prevail, though they might be just coinsidence, I don't know. Books written by foreign classicist in 40s-50s (before mass migration to urban centers like istanbul) talk about how certain pagan customs and worship lingered on, one dude iirc recalled how ancient glycon survived among the local turks as a 'holy snake'. Then again it might be totally unrelated.
Anatolia is really a mixing pot, you might say that blonde near eskisehir might be celtic galatians, but they might also be slavic migrants placed there by eastern roman empire, or balkan muslims migrated in 19th century, who the fuck knows.
It is nigh impossible to trace descent to antiquity, any trace would be miniscule anyways, still I find it nice to learn about the old cultures and traditions. Some turks for example intentionally give ancient hittite/anatolian names for their kids as a rememberence. I met a 3 year old kid named Karya named after this place. Oh well.
Interesting. Thanks for an actual response. As for living in a small town, my ancestors have lived in a small southern Italian mountain town for hundreds of years but we only know they came from that general Aegean region before that.
again, its hard to pinpoint ancestry, Aegeans also mixed.
You might take one of the dna ancestry tests but I don't know how much they will help. While I believe indo-anatolian folk are pretty interesting I think direct claims of ancestry to antiquity is absurd.
For the record I never claimed to have direct ancestry with the Carians. Triggered autist did. I only claimed "I have reason to believe I'm related to them" which I do.
That relation might be very miniscule thats what I wanted to say, moreover carians also mixed with one another so there's that.