Ok, serious question. Putting all the "WEWUZ" memes aside, is there any evidence that supports the claim of ancient egyptians being black?
Ok, serious question. Putting all the "WEWUZ" memes aside...
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They weren't black. They were like brazil in terms of demographics
They were definitely somewhat dark skinned (imagine middle-eastern), but there was a series of Nubian pharaohs that were probably black as in African.
They were East Africans and West Asian/Levantine peoples with some nilo-saharan roots and slight nilotic influence
The DNA studies use Yoruba as their African sample which is frustrating because African genetic diversity does not just reflect West Africans. It creates a very narrow concept the translates to "pulling" away from Africa and into Eurasia.
I also want to add the Egyptians are not and have never been stable, mass waves have in fact come in from the predynastic onwards
The native locals no,but people residing within their kingdom included some people who were black. It was a mixed and multicultural civilization.
The nubians were black, absorbed eqyptian culture, and even conquered Eqypt for a dynasty or two. While they were necessarily as dark as the other sub-saharan africans, they would be considered black by today's standards. The eqyptians on the other hand look like they do now.
So lots of brown and black but whites in charge?
Ramses really was Aryan huh?
>is there any evidence that supports the claim of ancient egyptians being black?
Lmao, what do you think honestly? Any black "civilization" ever was because middle eastern/whites made contact with them. Ebin racism aside, this is a pure fact. Blacks have never made anything by themselves.
Some Egyptians were black, some were not, some were mixed, some were semites, some were pale white fucks.
Christ, the Egyptians themselves made it clear as day for us.
This is kinda true, even Mali and other black states only became so through Arab+Muslim influence.
Semitic isn't a race and the representations are not to be taken literal. It's symbolic with some truths.
Not really. Egypt is in Africa, sure. But North Africa is an entirely different beast from the rest of the continent.
That's not entirely true.
>was because middle eastern/whites made contact with them. Ebin racism aside, this is a pure fact. Blacks have never made anything by themselves.
you could say the exact same thing about europeans making contact with middle easterners.
Yes it is.
The fertile crescent is the cradle of civilization, correct.
Not really, Europeans were up to something prior to contact, can't say the same for blacks.
>Europeans were up to something prior to contact
I know modern Europeans are descended from Pale skinned, brown eyed natives who mated with olive skinned, blue eyed Anatolians. Is it the pale skinned, browned eyed people you're referring to?
They were ruled by a period of Nubian kings
No it's not, the history of North Africa is complex especially with the data we have now. It's gone through many pulses and complex demographic layerings that's obvious to anyone who has done more that first two page Google searched the topic.
>says its complex but gives no proof
What did he mean by this?
Ancient Egyptians weren't black. They looked Arab.
There was a time where black Pharaos ruled. They had black statues and came from Sudan I believe, but were soon overthrown by the actual Egyptian ruling class ne viped from Historie. From then on black people were treated a slaves
> you could say the exact same thing about europeans making contact with middle easterners.
Nope, had civilizations at the same time;
There are also others like these;
Oldest proto writing on the planet, 3000 years before Sumer, in the fucking Balkans;
Pre-Dynastic Upper Egyptians (the foundation of Egyptian culture) were black, so that makes Egypt a black civilization. Unless you believe the Dynastic Race theory (Mesoptamians conquered these people and created Dynastic Egypt)
Lower Egyptians (who are indeed more North African/Semitic) got their culture, language, pretty much everything from the black people, so whatever.
In summation: Racists BTFO
Also some believe that the pharaoes were actually of European decendence (?) so just like in Persia the ruling class were Arian, while the populous was Arab.
Yes, it is complex. And it is complex in such away that it seperates itself from the rest of Africa.
Arab isn't a race and they themselves are part of multilayered migrations and intermixing
How do you not know about the subpluvial periods that have shaped the demographics of the Sahara for all of Homo spp. Throughout time?
Why does that even need to be mentioned unless you're that damn clueless?
By what? Isolation was never a constant of Human existence anywhere in Africa.
minoans learned everything from contact with eqypt and the levant you idiot.
Except Blacks barely travel outside their jungle .
>minoans learned everything from contact with eqypt and the levant you idiot.
Wrong. Some was entirely innovative, like everything else.
>upper eqyptians were black
Equatorial rainforest habitation didn't occur until about about 3kya in Africa
The Minoans already had a functional civilization 1000 years before the Pyramids were build you imbecile.
Their Linear A script is also not based on Middle Eastern or Egyptian writing.
Uneducated cumstain.
The population of Persia was not Arab lol.
There was plenty of European influence in North Africa that didn't manifest itself until much later in history.
minoans were in contact with both Mesopotamia and Egypt for there entire civilized existence. Once you come in contact with another society you are forever changed. And stop moving the goalposts, I never said they didn't innovate. I said they didn't have any "civilization" until contact with the middle east.
Studies show their skull shape clusters with Sudanese people and modern Horn Africans. Their limb proportions were tropically adapted (Meds/Semites are not)
Whiteys eternally BTFO. You will never recover from this. Listen to this wise French man
*manifest itself elsewhere I mean.
> I said they didn't have any "civilization" until contact with the middle east.
Which is false, as they predate most of them.
yes this statement is factual, Egypt is closer to Europe an Asia than west Africa. Also the Sahara desert for thousands of years shielded that region from mass migrations and invasions from that part of Africa
They made large monuments, whopty do.
>Linear A script
you're bragging about fucking pictograms LOL, even africans had that you dumbass.
>The Minoans already had a functional civilization 1000 years before the Pyramids
Minoans did not have a functional civilization prior to 3500 BC you fucking idiot. Unless you're lowering the standards of civilization now.
Yeah, still predate the Pyramids though and Linear A had no connection to the middle east or Egypt.
No. Black Africans are south of there Sudan and are irrelevant to the development of the bi-continental Egyptian civilization.
Pic related. It's a lybian, Nubian, Syrian and Egyptian. The only black one is the Nubian.
The Sahara is only about 3-4kya old and Egypt is closest and is a part of Northeast Africa.
There are also recordings of unchecked migrations in the pharonic period
The degree of European influences? By what gauges? Surely the Greco-roman world influenced Sudan and Garamantia, Southeast Africa has influence as well as the inland Western Africa by way of Romans.
This of course doesn't even talk about the dissemination of camel and the formations of camel carivans disseminating information and innovation from all directions.
It's also extremely short sided to see what? 2kya as the template for all of a regions history. That's telling of ignorance.
Except this is representational and speaks of only one of many populations within the realm of Nubia.
>Knossos predates Sumer
Someone is butthurt that his ancestors werent wewuz and is clinging to straws :0
It shows how they viewed themselves, which is more relevant than anything. They didn't consider themselves Black regardless of the short lived Nubian dynasty.
The first settlement dates to about 7000 BC.
>most of them
>of them
Not all
I'm Beta Israeli and share more roots with Egypt and Nubia than any Arab or European
So your entire race revolves around wewuzing and you want us to take you seriously?
Notions of blackness are ephemeral and actually quite rare. Blackness was a phenotype of individual level, concepts of collective blackness is more often then not put on a group by others.
Even in the Tut relief of him in a chariot half the Nubians are of the same profile and color, nilotic are a subset of many under Nubian control.
>Beta Israeli
> share more roots with Egypt and Nubia than any Arab or European
The Egyptian pharonic and predynastic era is directly related to the Aqualithic eras that have occurred throughout North Africa for tens of thousands of years
The fact you think the Sahara is truly ancient and some insurmountable barrier shows your ignorance
The foundations of Judaism in Ethiopia lies within mixed refugees of the colony of Elephantine on the borders of Egypt and Nubia.
Nice try though.
> Trying this hard and caring this much
The Holy Bible says it was. That's good enough for me. It was the land of Ham (the black man)
ah so Eqypt isn't a civilization until they created the fucking pyramids while a bunch of island dwelling autists formed civilization by just existing.
>Linear A had no connection to the middle east or Egypt.
you're still bragging about pictograms which can't even be deciphered yet. Like I said, even africans had that shit.
Only his son cannan was marked.
>even africans had that shit.
Which Black Africans, at this time, had something as complex as the Linear A tablet?
That is not the argument though, it was about the idiotic notion of Minoans learning stuff from ME and Egypt in the 3000BC period, which is false.
That mark = black has no basis in the Bible. All the sons of Ham were black
No. At most you had a dynasty or two of Nubians. And even then, it wasn't black as in sub Saharan Africa, but closer to Ethiopia and other places in northern Africa.
The people claiming they were like modern blacks or Aryan are hilarious. These fags are trying to wewuz harder than the other and claim the accomplishments of other people because both of them sit in mommy's basement jerking off over how they were kings.
Ramses the Great has been proven to be a fucking ginger lol
I'm sorry you're from a society that received their technologies and innovations that resulted in the deaths of pre-ino European society. But for those of us with roots much deeper I have to say, honestly I don't care if you call me a Kang. I'd rather be with some African American and tell them about their own history that deal with some memer
>Pre-Dynastic Upper Egyptians (the foundation of Egyptian culture) were black, so that makes Egypt a black civilization.
do you actually believe this? is America a Native American civilization?
That comes from Lime. My grandmother did that until she turned 50.
>using biblical genology to interprete ethnogenesis
I'm Catholic and even I don't do that. Ham, Shem and Japheth are meaningless terms when deciding race,
> But for those of us with roots much deeper
> I'd rather be with some African American and tell them about their own history
Its not their fucking history even if they were black.
They are from the western coast of Africa, as much to do with Egypt as Armenians with the Irish.
No, they proved it with hair analysis, it was not just paint, he was naturally ginger.
I'm not that user but there are bits and pieces of worthwhile stuff that can be utilized if contextualized with the archeological record.
I am not user,
Minoans didn't have shit in the 3000BC period. And they already had contact with Levant when they eventually did. Just like Eqypt learned most their shit from Mesopotamia, so did the Minoans.
No, it showed that it was not henna. It did not show he was "naturally" anything, Lime strips melanin from hair creating shocking reds and blonds. Unless a DNA test is done confirming he has the genes for red hair I'm going to contextualize the results for known beautification methods founded within the region.
They do have older roots that align with and share basis with the rest of Africa. They are a people of Central Northern Africa, id rather speak with them than someone who doesn't seem to know much about Africa and it's people in general
Lol eat a egg
"Microscopic inspection of the roots of Ramesses II's hair proved that the king's hair was originally red, which suggests that he came from a family of redheads." - Bob Brier, Egyptian Mummies: Unravelling the Secrets of an Ancient Art, New York: William Morrow & Co. Inc, 1994, p. 153.
Disagree, here's an example.
The Torah in the book of Bəmiḏbar mentions Keturah/tzipporah as Kushim. That is as an ethio-somali, whose father was a midianite priest.
When you contextualize the time period, the migration of Semitic Speakers from the Levant into Arabia Felix and the archeological record of pre-semitic and early semitic Arabian society you'll see the union of Moses and Tzipporah goes along the adoption of Yahweh into Shasu/Hebrew pantheon as well as the formation of Semitic-cushitic nations in the land supposedly explored by Moses.
No, it shows that their was a stripping of melanin using Lime paste. It's not a dye, it's a chemical process that a microscope would not differentiate with naturally red hair.
"in ancient Egypt people with red hair were associated with the god Seth" - Brier, Egyptian Mummies (1994), pp. 200-201.
Worshiping fucking gingers.
BTFO'd from the start.
Nah, it is all just fairy tales and bullshit written down after centuries of editing and hearsay.
Lime paste preparation can and was until the mid twentieth century align with beautification that would have also been a part of funerary professes.
Having seen my own grandmother having it down it looks exactly like a "natural" redhead.
Only silly celtists and nordicists without any claim to Northeast Africa and no real knowledge pushes this.
>butthurt nigger and stormcuck both trying to claim Egyptian civilization
This is great. What a time to be alive.
*Tips Fedora*
I never get this sort of imagery. It seems to insinuate that most Americans percieved on the most dedicated racist whites to be on par with black american people.
What part of the analysis not even having anything to do with hair do you not understand lol?
What part of the study stating that his red hair was genetic do you not understand?
Like what? Starting rocks in England?
>same letters
It all makes sense. He was both. Now can you two stop jerking off over Ramses? He wasn't black and he wasn't white. So stop having your gay slapfight over a civilization neither of you two clowns have any connection to and had no part in building. Jesus fucking Christ.
You got that from Wikipedia from a 1994 unknown study utilizing dubious methods.
The use of lime and henna are standard in mummification practices, I suggest you use a source you've actually read rather than one given to you that you've never read yourself and go from there
> ou got that from Wikipedia from a 1994 unknown study utilizing dubious methods.
Debunk it then afrocentrist.
> The use of lime and henna
What are you, a fucking parrot?
We already went over this a couple times, it was not the hairs that were analyzed.
More than you can say for the negro.
Weren't they farming and smelting iron before contact?
Gyptoids confirmed Negroids
Egyptians identified themselves by language and culture not race. With that being said they were probably were neither white nor black.
Dude, by that time, even Papua New Guinea had farming.
...and iron wasn't smelted by anyone at the time you imbecile.
I smelted your mom's iron in 400 B.C.
>Iron smelting facilities in Niger and Nigeria have been radiocarbon dated to 500 to 1000 BC.[23]
>By 400 BCE, contact had been made with the Mediterranean civilisations, including that of Carthage, and a regular trade in gold being conducted with the Sahara Berbers, as noted by Herodotus.
> 1300 BC in the Middle East
> 1300 BC in India
> 1100 BC in Europe
Only the Asians were left with 600 BC.