Why do trannies think their degenerate mental illness would have been accommodated by Stalinist and Maoist regimes?
Why do trannies think their degenerate mental illness would have been accommodated by Stalinist and Maoist regimes?
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They don't actually read about those philosophies, they just get the idea of Communism as "wow social AND economic egalitarianism, I'm in!"
This is against the board's rules and has belongs elsewhere.
What's so hilarious about all the shit I see about modern day "Communists"(They aren't actually I assure you, they just like to be edgy) is that if someone like Stalin or even Lenin took a good look at them they'd say they were the most pitiful bunch they had ever seen. It's actually hilarious to think of Stalin or Lenin berating and verbally brutalizing the Tumblr crowd if they ever got to see what Communism has turned into
The answer is edgemasters think it's cool to attack beloved values or to make folks think they're different and unique by being something that has been made into a bogeyman in American culture for centuries and obviously they don't want to be Fascist because the stigma associated with it is so great and horrifying they aren't going to get looks from people thinking "Wow, xzge's so different and dangerous, that makes xzge unique" so they'll settle for Anarchism or Communism instead, where the negative stigma is far more memetic in nature. And after all, Communism and Anarchism is safe for them because it being left wing, the bad part of it is that people think that in order to be a liberal you must be a milquetoast wet noodle pussy, which Stalin and Lenin definitely were not, and this is what these tranny degenerates don't understand.
Their only reasons are superficial as fuck, even if they do fully embrace such ideals it just sort of seems like them taking up the name and affiliation first and reciting the doctrine second, as a sort of "Okay, I called myself a Communist now, I guess it might come in handy to find out what the communists believe, too" and that's exactly what you see in the OP pic, Communist LARPers like this are just there to say "Look at me, I'm an edgster" and nothing else
I'm not a Communist and I fucking hate these Nu-Communists, they're all good for nothing milquetoast wet noodle wastrels, the same goes for Anarchists.
Preach brotha
Because they are mentally ill, duh.
so far out of reality
Absolutely right, though worth noting all the same applies neo-Nazis and other far right-wingers in equal measure.
Honestly, Neo-Nazis are more Nazi than Neo-Commies are Commie.
Most Neo-Nazis are either ex-cons or basement dwelling autists who would never express those views in public. You really think Hitler would be proud of such a group?
NSDAP had its fair share of scumbags and thugs desu
As someone who strongly empathises with Hitler and National Socialist ideals, I detest and abhor "neo-nazis".
They're just an edgy rebellious subculture obsessed with drinking, drugs, tattoos, other things Hitler would have considered degenerate.
National Socialists based their ideals on Prussian military discipline, raising a generation of strong young men and strong family ideals, commitment to your family, to your parents, to your country. It wasn't about being an edgy reject that gets drunk and rides motorcycles.
Hitler was neither right wing nor left wing, he was a centrist, and he opposed reactionaries as well as communists. He would have hated the Republican party and degenerates like Trump as he worked for the working classes.
Neonazis have nothing in common with Hitler's National Socialists, they just appropriate the symbols and think because they hate black people, this makes them "Nazis". (In reality Hitler had nothing against Africans or non-white races, he supported creations of Croatian and Ukrainian states and supported the cause of Arab nationalists. He only opposed the Jews because he saw them as corrupting and trying to destroy ALL world cultures.)
You can't have National Socialism in America because National Socialism draws so much from German culture and ethics.
Ironically, post-war Germany under Konrad Adenauer was far more National Socialist than "neonazi" degenerates in the states, in that he focused on rebuilding Germany's culture, focused on national conservative family values, rebuilt the German industry and steel, and didn't go "uber libertarian free market".
You are rambling and sound like a butthurt old commisack of shit berating the young generation of commishits.
Nazis scooped up the brawlhappy scum for the SA and there is not conflict between this as the national socialist, even if he is a basement dwelling degenerate tard gives himself up willingly for the collective and trusts the state that arises from his actions to whip him or at least his children into shape according to the lofty ideal that has been set for the model citizen.
Look who's rambling, Jew
Calling me a jew doesnt change the fact that you use elitism as a cover for the apparent drawbacks of your ideology and its products.
It sounds like a natsoc version of "it wasnt true communism"
I don’t like the fucking comys but they were better back when
sorry anonymous, & humanities made this board /pol/ with dates.
>implying a majority of the bottom level communists of any period weren't just anti establishment edgelords with all the same "I deserve more!" mentality
Himmler was a literal autist who settled for a woman 5 years his senior because no one else was going to settle for him. Bear in mind, this was in the 1930's, before women had unrealistically high standards which means Heinrich must've been a turbo-autist to have gotten a deal like that.
While Hitler was no autist but he was very "meek" and a shut-in in private. His relationship with Eva Braun wasn't very sexual either. Not saying he was a beta, just that he didn't really seem to care about sticking his dick into things and was more of focused first on his art career attempt and then in making Germany great again.
You do realize that Lenin decriminalized homosexuality, right?
>Hitler had nothing against Africans or non-white races
You're a special kind of idiot, aren't you?
inb4 there were non whites in the nazi army
Maoist China (and, well, all of fucking Chinese history up to this point) really has no problem towards Homofaggotry. Largely because they weren't seeing it the way the West did.
Since Chinkdom have always seen it as
1) A sexual fetish and
2) Something really touchy close friends do.
Never a gender identity. Even men who do it still married women, and fathered children at the end of the day...and then go back to fucking each other at night.
If you were ever found out, you were just considered a really kinky fucking guy or (if married) a unfilial degenerate who cheats on his spouse, as per Confucian mores.
China just comes off as homophobic due to two things.
1) The banning of homosexual depictions. In the sense that it is a sexual thing and pornographic. Porn production is banned in China to begin with and homosexuality is considered too lewd for public. China may be communist in profession but an undercurrent of Confucianism never really died out.
2) Because of Western Homosexuality's understanding of Chinky concept of homofaggotry. Many absolutely do not see it as a gender, despite what younger, gay, Chinese say. The Chinese won't -refuse to- enact shit like Gay Marriage Laws because *it doesn't make sense to the Chinese mores.* "Why would I make a law for you to get your kink on? I mean, go ahead, but why do you wanna marry your kinkmate?"
People (I'm looking at you /pol/) associate Marxism and the chimera of "cultural marxism" as being limp wristed, permissive, maybe subversive and liberal.
Marxism as it existed in the USSR and Soviet sphere was white dominated, patriarchal, militaristic and authoritarian. It involved Stasi officers in some cases quite literally cracking the whip over their non-white charges in South Yemen, Mozambique etc.
That a few lazy college professors in the US source some passages from Das Kapital is irrelevant. Right up into the 90s the elite of the Eastern Bloc and USSR saw US liberals as libertine, decadent and mentally ill. In fact the Russian communist party joined Putin in the total outlaw of homosexuality in Russia. By conventional social standards the *actual* Russian communist party is more "right wing" socially than any ruling "conservative" party or even "far right" parties like Front Nationale.
In the DDR they rehabilitated the Prussian military heritage. Meanwhile in the 60s West Germany actively repressed anything prior to 1945. I am not a communist or left wing in a meaningful sense but these are facts
>idolized arabs
>was a quarter-jew himself
>wanted to make alliance with a non-white island empire
>made an alliance with another non-white island empire
>allied in europe with mediterraneans and mongols
If Hitler hated non-whites then sure as hell he sucked at showing it.
>they'd say they were the most pitiful bunch they had ever seen
same with neo-nazis.
>Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.
>expecting anything short of full blown retardation
If they weren't dumbasses, they wouldn't be communists to begin with.
There is nothing /pol/-y about finding trannies degenerate, that is the normie position as well, literally only SJWs think trannies are normal and normal people are in the wrong
Very true statement. Trans people are a very small minority. Too the point nobody should give a fuck. It's either a learned behavior (yes people are that fucked up to their children) or evolution/gods joke on the human genome.
It's funny they cut off their reproductive organs, cause their just fixing the problem themselves. Unless scientists keep impregnating these outliers!
>National Socialists based their ideals on Prussian military discipline,
Are you really that dense? Then again, when /pol/tards are involved, that really isn't a novelty.
well said user
Nah, they are communists alright. It is just that they are the kind of communists that get shot by the hardliners in show trials when the revolution succeeds.
Are we being invaded?
As a Russian, I get so fucking mad when I see shit like this. Those "people" would've been seen as the most disgusting and perverted human beings on earth in the USSR and yet they praise the Union and want to live in a similar country.
I believe that transgenders exist, and I'm not a SJW.
>trying to cover up that hitler was a nigger&arab loving quater-kike
>somebody doesn't like Faggots
More like most of the world.
how's mama putin treating you?
>i'm not a racist but i believe that niggers and spics should hung from trees